With caution Figfeather places her head into the shadows of the leader’s den. It was seldom the two spoke one on one, a warrior like Figfeather had little place making regular visits to the large Tom-cats den and most of her reports went to Orangeblossom. Still, when it came to her apprentice after recent events she feels it may be appropriate to give him an update.

”Blazestar?” She meows, eyes washing over the den to see if Bobbie lingered in their shared nest. ”I just wanted to talk to you real quick. Dawnglare I’m sure keeps you updated but I’m off light duty now, I’m back on hunting and border patrols. Managed to steer clear of rogues so far.” Its difficult not to grimace at the thought of running into them again, she imagines the ferocious black Tom-cat who had pinned her head down. His paws felt as if they were boulders on her skull, and she’d never forget the look of horror spread across Wolfpaw’s face, the way blood trickled across her face.

”Dawnglare tells me Wolfpaw is on the right path to recovery… but- I hear that her eye has been affected.” Her lip quivers slightly, the damage that occured that day would never be done. Not for any of those apprentices. Leaning against the wall of the den she sighs, ”I’m just glad it won’t happen to any cat again. They were too young, I should’ve kept Wolfpaw at my side.” Did Blazestar think the same? Had the warriors of the patrol brought shame to the clan?
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The sight of Figfeather’s sunburst pelt still fills Blazestar with shame. He’s satisfied to see her wounds healing, to see her steady on her three good limbs, but there’s a shadow over her expression that mimics the one over Blazestar’s heart. “I’m glad to hear it, Figfeather,” he murmurs. “Please be careful on patrol, and don’t go out by yourself. They’ll remember you and make you a target.

He shifts in his nest, the blue in his eyes darkening with bleakness as Figfeather tells him about Wolfpaw. Her eye, yes. “She should never have been on that patrol,” he mutters, his ears flattening against his skull. “None of them should have. And it was not you who sent them there, Figfeather. You, Howlfire, and Bobbie did everything you could to protect them…” He sighs. “But you should never have been put in that position. If I could take it back, I would.” His jaw trembles, but he catches it, resolute.

You are and will be a fine mentor to Wolfpaw. This is not your failure, I promise.” He tries for a smile, and though it reads as sad and thin, it is genuine. “Once Wolfpaw is all better, you can focus on training her to be the best warrior she can be. This won’t keep her down… after all, it didn’t keep you down.” Despite her anxieties, he sees so much of Daisyflight in her—or is it because of them, because she stands before him, brave even as insecurity threatens to choke her?

, ”

Figfeather nods, "Of course, Blazestar." She would not needlessly endanger herself, SkyClan needed all the healthy warriors they could get to push these rogues out once and for all. Figfeather didn't have the most battle experience but this time she would finally be there and taste victory with her clan knowing she's played a role in it.

Figfeather's heartstrings are tugged at when Blazestar's voice reveals his guilt over what occurred on the patrol. A frown pulls at her lips and she shakes his head, "No one could've known... Not Orangeblossom, not even you." As much as Blazestar seemed holy and all-knowing Figfeather knows in reality he is as much of a cat as anyone else in the clan. Though wise, he cannot predict everything, he cannot protect everyone. "Whats done is done. We will be wiser and stronger from it." It's all they could hope for now, not even StarClan could rewind time.

His praise lifts a weight off her shoulders she hadn't known she was carrying. The weight of her useless hindquarter didn't seem so heavy anymore, in this moment she feels as good of a SkyClan cat as any. She smiles, her ears perk up and a notable shimmer twinkles in her eyes. Blazestar's praise means a great deal to her, he dips her head to display her gratitude. "Thank you Blazestar. You're right. Wolfpaw is SkyClan, she is strong. Whatever obstacles she has to face once she's back on her paws we'll face them together." She wouldn't leave Wolfpaw's side, she'd be patient and understanding, just as a strong and noble mentor had been to her.

The world has felt dreary to Figfeather for moons, death and destruction lurked in every shadow of the forest. For the first time in moons Figfeather feels a surge of hope ripple beneath her pelt. Behind a leader like Blazestar, Figfeather thinks she could conqure anything. That SkyClan could.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Reactions: BLAZESTAR
“No one could have known… not Orangeblossom, not even you.” Perhaps Figfeather is right, but it does not shift the burden from Blazestar’s heart. The Ragdoll regards the young warrior solemnly, but she seems to brighten before his eyes. She tells him what’s done is done—and that they will all be wiser and stronger from it. He nods after a few heartbeats. “You’re right.” He closes his eyes for a moment. “No kit younger than six moons in this forest will face those dangers now. The entire forest will be stronger for it.

“Wolfpaw is SkyClan; she’s strong. Whatever obstacles she has to face once she’s back on her paws, we’ll face them together.” When he opens his eyes, his blue gaze settles on Figfeather’s bright figure with gratitude. “You’re wise beyond your moons. You are a credit to your Clan, Figfeather.” He settles back into his nest, thankful, now, that the young generation of warriors who will lead his Clan in the future are full of such determination. You would be so proud, Daisyflight.

, ”
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