camp THE STARS WELCOME HIM WITH OPEN ARMS (o, returning to camp, intro thread)


Apr 27, 2024
Fox trotted along behind Tigersplash and Foxtail, bouncing along sticking each leg out straight in front of him as he walked to help keep his balance. He knew he shouldn't talk to strangers, or follow them around, but these cats had a point. Mama had been gone a real long time and he was super hungry. He'd planned to eat that grasshopper if he'd caught it, but it had hippity-hopped away without him despite his best efforts. Plus, being under a bush for a long time was really boring. He still wasn't sure what a tiger was, so maybe he would ask again later.

He hoped Mama wouldn't be too mad at him for leaving his spot. He looked around wide-eyed as he walked. Mama had never let him come this close to the river before, and for a frightening moment he wondered if she would even think to look for him here, somewhere she had expressly told him to avoid. He liked water, he'd even tried to catch a fish once, but after he'd fallen in and Mama had had to fish him out, she'd never let him spend time too close without hovering over him.

As they padded into the camp, Fox turned to look back the way they had come, slowing to a halt with a stumble, standing his forepaws splayed apart. "Are you sure my Mama will be able to find me here?" he squeaked. "She doesn't let me come too close to the river. She might not know where I went."

// @FOXTAIL @Tigersplash tagging cats from his first thread but feel free to post before!

The stars had been much kinder to this kit then her, and for that, Claythorn was grateful. She had just returned to camp with a hunting patrol, a catch clasped in her jaws. Depositing her dry-land catch on the pile, ears twitched at the sound of a tiny voice sounded. Golden eyes gently blinked, and she looked towards the figures that had returned with the small kit. She inhaled deeply.

The warrior didn't have much to add, her ears twitching gently as the sight of the kit- instead, searching eyes lifted towards the older pair of warriors. A deliberate pause, then- "I'll get.. Lichentail." Her voice had hesitated, because she thought she might say Smokestar for a moment, but she held her tongue. Claythorn turned, heading to find the deputy- leader?- deputy.

  • "speech" // looking for @lichentail
  • fYfRn8Y.png
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The sound of a small voice is enough for Beepaw to glance over in the direction of Foxtail and Tigersplash, the sides of her mouth being pulled down by a frown. It seems that both warriors had stumbled upon a kitten and it makes her mind wander to the last time that they had kits brought to camp. It had been her kin, she remembers Kindling and the way that she tried to get shelter for herself than her own kits... How those very same kittens were now loved dearly and being raised by Lichentail and Hazecloud. The thought of them being a whole family with both parents makes her mouth grow dry and everything tastes bitter. She's happy for them really she is... Beepaw pushes the thoughts away as she sits up and decides to approach both the warriors that stood near the kitten.

"Hello there." She greets in a rather monotone voice only to briefly look over the kitten for injuries but couldn't see any as far as she knows, Bee straightens her posture soon turning her gaze to both Foxtail and Tigersplash "Where did you find him?" She asks mostly due to curiosity and possibly gaining information of where Fox had come from, she thinks about the rogues that had attacked them and wonders if this kit was from any of their broods.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
What was going on? There seemed to be have been a gamble of cats over by the entrance as they seemed to whisper hushes to one another. It was Tigersplash and Claythorn, along with Foxtail and Beepaw too, and they gave a curious look. What was going on? Even if their curiousness was strong, they didnt move from where they had been sat.

As they watched cats move and disburse from the area they spotted this small kit between them all. A kit? A new addition to the clan? They wondered briefly if this would go over well for the kitten? Surely Lichentail would let them stay right? They couldnt imagine them sayin no.

Still, they sat by and watched quietly for a moment and just observed how things would play out. The kit didnt look like it was starving- maybe they were just lost? Their parents had to be around somewhere right? Magpiepaw gave a small frown to themselves and looked down to the ground. No the warriors can handle this just fine. ​


Of A Monster

She was on her way out having been fetched by Pebblepaw to come see the kit that had been left in the territory when they walked into camp with said kit in tow. Claythorn mentions she's getting Lichentail and silently the medicine cat nods as she watches the older feline walk away before orange eyes flick over to the kit that followed behind the two warriors before drawing near and offering a smile. "If we see her we can always let her know where you are." She'd offer the younger feline in response before she'd crouch down to the kit's level.

Beepaw asked where they found the child, and though Moonbeam herself was curious as well she didn't look to the warriors to hear the answer. She knew they weren't the type to steal the kit from his mother's side so it was likely that he'd somehow been found within the territory. Where she didn't know and right now it didn't really matter, not for the medicine cat anyway. "My name's Moonbeam, what's your name?" A simple question to get to know the kit as they wait for Lichentail to show up. Though Moonbeam was sure that the kit would be allowed to stay - he was a kit after all, not a harm to the clan - she wasn't going to promise things that she wasn't completely sure of yet.

  • --
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    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
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    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

riverclan, albeit unknown to shellpaw herself still, was rare to take in a lost kit. she didn't see it often -- perhaps due to the surrounding waters, making it increasingly difficult to abandon a child in their wetland meadows. what little refuge a mother must seek for her children was not to be found on their foam - seeded rapids. which makes it strange, ever stranger, for the girl to spot him. a small, scruff - furred kit, mottled and bright - eyed despite the reek of oddness that clings to him like wintergreen. claythorn turns, says she's fetching lichentail and the lilac girl makes thought to follow her, but thinks better of it. claythorn had never been the type to humor the young, and lichentail would be along to find them either way to gather a patrol, look for the child's mother.. or perhaps they would have a new kit to pad their newleaf nursery.

her heart bleeds for him, a dove - hum simper coming to grace her maws, brows drawing to a concerned furrow above an ever - sniffling nose. she knows how it feels, though far younger than fox had been upon her first introduction to riverclan. beepaw greets him with a monotonous hello, moonbeam with a voice like swan feathers and the same easy tone as she'd taken with her only recently, sprawled across her sick nest. his concaved sides give her enough forethought to grab a small vole from the freshkill pile as she passes -- she does not need to duck far to greet the tom kit when she nears, still hardly more than a kit herself in stature, ” hii, little baby. “ she purrs soft around the catch, sad - eyed as she oft found to be. a plump brown body finds the ground soundlessly, ruddy eyes an imploring saccharine as lilac - tipped paws nudge it his way, ” you look.. so hungry. eat. “ short, though ripple soft, sitting back on velveteen haunches as not to overwhelm him.. but holding her bloodlet stare unwavering.

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

There were suddenly lots of cats, all looking at him, and Fox suddenly felt a bit self conscious. They were all looking at him, still in his awkward, feet apart stance, and it suddenly dawned on him how many cats there were here--more than he had ever seen in all his life. He looked down at his feet. He had hoped that maybe somewhere out there were more cats like him, cats wobbly on their paws. Would these cats scold him for not keeping up too? He did his best to straighten his stance to mimic theirs--an attempt that immediately caused him to stumble and resume his strange looking stance.

Fox's brow furrowed as one of the bigger cats mentioned someone called Lichentail, a name that caused a very literal, strange looking image to sprout in Fox's mind. These cats had funny names, and he wondered how in the world this unseen stranger had gotten theirs.

It was one of the unfamiliar cats who finally answered his question, assuring him that they would let her know where he was when she came back. Fox nodded in understanding, then tipped his head back to look up at the she-cat as she gave her name. Moonbeam. Yes. A name that made sense. She was white, like the moon. "I'm Fox!" he chirped enthusiastically.

Another cat, younger than Moonbeam, padded up to him. She greeted him and encouraged him to eat in a soft voice, dropping a small brown creature in front of him. It wasn't a mouse, but it looked similar enough, and the smell made his mouth water. He sat down, leaning down to take an enthusiastic bite of the not-mouse. "Thank you!" he said. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten.


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • It wasn't any particular surprise to see Claythorn... If only because the two had come to a quiet compromise to work through her struggles with traversing the RiverClan rapids. It makes her a consistent figure of potential... and companionship, even if Lichentail would not go so far as to call the younger girl a friend... or a daughter... these felt like an overstep of her position where it concerned bracken-flame fur. The sudden summoning however, was not to ask for a spare moment for this task...

    Padding towards a small crowd that had gathered in the middle of camp, the blue lynx point drags sharp cerulean eyes over a tiny invader. He can't possibly be that old... certainly not old enough to fend for himself if left to the cruelty of nature's wrath. The introduction he gives is chipper, bright-spirited, like one who has no idea of the danger their situation has put them in. Trusting to such a degree of perfect strangers...

    Her daughter croons at this kit with an offer of food and it is taken with such urgent relief, it's a wonder how long he's been left abandoned. Glancing towards Foxtail, they cannot help but give him a half-amused glance.... He'd managed to drag back a kitten with his same moniker... fate had a sense of humor. "How long... has your mother been... away?"

    Subconsciously, her heart seizes at the idea of another group of tiny kits left to rot by a neglectful shade that dared to call itself a parent. Shellpaw... the ever-constant rattle of her chest would always be a scar of that lack of love.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
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One of the first cats who had seen him soon reappeared, with the cat Fox could only assume was Lichentail--who did not, in fact have a tail covered with the leaflike, mossy substance he had expected to see. So enraptured by this fact was the kitten, that he at first did not answer her question. In fact, he barely even heard it. Moving slowly, he padded awkwardly around the older femme, stretching his neck out slightly to get a better look at her tail.

"How come they call you Lichentail?" he asked bluntly. "You don't have any lichen growing on your tail." Or did she? Somewhere beneath her pelt where he couldn't see it. "Some of you guys have real funny names." He didn't say it to be rude. To him it was simply an observation spoken aloud, the same way he might speak of the color of the sky or grass. The possibility of rudeness had not struck him, his curiosity and wonder having swallowed the whole of his mind.

Realizing then that she had asked him a question, Fox had to pause for a moment. "Oh! Um...two sunrises, I think. She said she was going to get food and she'd come right back. She said to stay under the bush because it'd be faster if I stayed." He looked down at his feet. "I fall down a lot."

Tigersplash walks slower then he normally does a big paw always besides the kit if he ever needed support, his head always tilting looking down at the trotting legs of little-Fox while he followed the tracks of big-Fox(tail) into camp. He's really wanted to carry the little scrap back but he had energy that was for sure, a dang good drive to continue on he's sure he'd be a fine Riverclanner in time. He'd already overcome this adversity being abandoned and all and while he wobbled on land she ought to think he wouldn't have to worry about balance at all in water. He just hopes to Starclan he wasn't cursed with dry paws, they'd see in time and he was already getting ahead of himself thinking of the young kittens future in the clan. "She'll know" he promises easily to his worries, she wouldn't be coming back but he doesn't have the heart to even imply such a thing even if he hopes that a foxheart who'd abandon her own flesh and blood never would.

When they step in camp it doesn't take long for the attention of his clanmates to be drawn in, wasn't everyday Tigersplash came home with a kit instead of a tasty fish in his mouth; what can she say she was a cat full of surprises. He moves slightly to the side as Moonbeam approaches to inspect Fox, he hoped everything was okay with him he was a strong little guppy but his balance was off and he didn't know when the last time he'd eaten was. He turns while Fox's attention was on the medicine cat towards Magpiepaw and Beepaw "He was left hiding in a bush all alone, we couldn't just leave him there" he'd say and it's not a good description but he didn't want him overhearing any talk of abandonment. He catches Shellpaw heading closer a vole hanging from his jaws, he'd promised fish but vole might be easier going down. He flashes a look of gratitude, nodding his head approvingly her way.

Fox begins to eat and a sigh of relief leaves him, he needed it dearly. Finally Lichentail approaches, she isn't their leader not yet not formally and she hopes she wouldn't be not so soon but as the days pass it became more likely that her trip to moonstone would have to be soon. Fox tells her his tale and his heart aches for him, frog-guts! He was so innocent how could a mother be so cruel! If they hadn't found him something else would've and he'd not even be a memory. He was safe now but it's still wrong he even had to be saved. Tigersplash pads closer to Lichentail his voice low "Her scent was stale, she's not coming back" a large paw covers his muzzle as if the muffle his voice from Fox's inquisitive ears.

He turns back to fox his grim expression fading into a grin "They may be weird but they give us strength and they're unique to us. It's an honor to have a warriors name" he explains a hint of pride in his tone. It'd take time to explain everything to him.

Foxtail's heart aches as he enters camp with his littermate, apprentice, and kitten in tow. This poor kit clearly has so much love for his mother.... his mother that definitely abandoned him days ago. Fox is young, it is understandable that he doesn't seem to understand that his mother isn't coming back. ....He trusts his mother— parents are supposed to take care of their young, and love them unconditionally. This young kit fully believes his situation is merely temporary, and StarClan he wishes it was for his sake. No mother, or father, should ever abandon their young. He can't even begin to imagine how heartless someone must be to abandon their kit, and for a moment he fumes in silent anger for Fox.

His littermate murmurs something quietly to Lichentail, and he already knows what Tigersplash muttered to their deputy. Just like Tigersplash, Foxtail can't bare to tell Lichentail that Fox's mother won't be coming back— not in front of Fox's hearing ears. It's too soon for Fox to understand, if he heard his mother abandoned him, it would shatter him. He gently brushes his tail against Fox's back, looking over at the wobbly kitten. "Our n-names are what makes us clan c-cats. Each cat's name defines who they are" He softly explains, "I'm named after my c-cinnamon tail. It l-looks like a fox's tail, doesn't it?" He looks over to his littermate, but quickly pulls his gaze back to Fox. "T-Tigersplash, my littermate, is named after her connection to the river."

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons



✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • They watch... carefully, as the scrappy kitten wanders around her side to get a better look at her- a broken tail squishes in a passive display of practiced patience and... amusingly enough, seems to the focus of his attention. She hadn't really thought about how bizarre it might seem... but then again, they'd changed their name so many times in their life at this point, the novelty had worn off. In part, her name was her own fault... one she'd more or less chosen in the transition from Colony to Clan. She thought it suited her but... clearly was a source of confusion now.

    Tigersplash's report hums in soft, disappointed note in her ear and Lichentail has to do her best not to portray the dismay this news brings on the planes of her face. She flicks her ear, a silent acknowledgement that she'd heard and understood the severity of the situation. He was not going to be sought for...

    "I had... the luxury.. of choosing mine," she answers coolly, the corners of her eyes squinting in a forced smile, "My youngers... not so much... theirs were chosen... for them." Her eyes travel towards Foxtail, whose own suffix mimics her own and for similar reason, doubtlessly. "Lichen is... a bluish... greenish moss.. kind of... So I thought it matched... my color nicely. The tail part... well.. I'm quite fast.. when I want to be... Though... you could... argue it's because.. it's broken too." Not that she ever thought about it that way...

    Feigning a difficult decision, the deputy heeds the tiny cat's story before announcing her choice, "We'll keep... an eye out for her... for now, we'll make sure you... stay fed... and safe... Sound good?"
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
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He listened to Tigersplash's explanation of their funny names, and then Foxtail's. "My tail is like yours!" Fox pointed out excitedly, swishing his dark red tabby tail. "I guess my mama named me after my tail too." He could be named Foxtail too, and the idea made him laugh a little. Nobody would ever know who anyone was talking about! He nodded in understanding at Tigersplash's name. He still wasn't sure what exactly a tiger was--after all, he had never seen one--but he supposed being named for a connection to the water made sense too. He decided not to ask what a tiger was again. He could find out later.

At Lichentail's explanation, he tipped his head to one side, tufted ears twitching as he listened. Glancing up at her tail he supposed that, yes, her tail was indeed similar to the color of the moss "I s'pose that makes sense," he said finally. "Plus your tail bein' broken makes it look like a tree branch! It's a pretty name even if your tail doesn't really have any moss growin' on it...but it'd be cool if it did!" He gave a small hop of excitement as he finished speaking, stumbling slightly as he landed before regaining his balance.

Lichentail said they'd keep an eye out for his mother, and he gave a small nod of understanding. She'd come back, but these cats would look after her until she did. "Okay," he said.