sensitive topics THE STARS WILL BE YOUR EYES [🗡️] battle


The fumes from the thunderpath burn her nose as she pads alongside the ditch. Tall and uncared for grass engulfing her and the patrol until they veer off in the direction of SkyClan’s border. As she passes through the scent line she lowers herself into a crouching position, her tail gently flicking to signal her patrol to follow her lead.

Something is off.

The forest is too silent, SkyClan’s scent is too thick. The fur along her spine bristles as realization slowly trickles in.

Sootstar jumps to her paws, her eyes blazing in disbelief, ”Get up…” she whispers to her patrol, her voice edged in panic. ”Get UP!

But it was too late.

// @SCORCHSTREAK @Bluepool @BLUEPAW @cedarbark @cygnetstare @RATTLEHEART @GHOSTWAIL

Howlpaw never imagined she would fight in a battle like this. It wasn't her first time in conflict with another clan she supposed, but she hardly considered the fight that had taken Morningpaw's life to be much of a true conflict. She had been surprised when her father had called her name as part of his battle party but was proud to fight for SkyClan and defend their camp. They would not let WindClan reach camp and hurt cats that did not deserve it! Howlpaw would rather give her own life than let that happen.

The torbie she-cat waits perched above in the trees with the rest of her clan, eyes watchful for the first sign of WindClan. SkyClan knows they are coming but she wonders if WindClan knows. Flamewhisker nor Oakfang had said anything to suggest that they did. They spot WindClan before they smell them, the familiar visage of Sootstar slinking out of the grass before the rest of her patrol follows. Weirdly Howlpaw expects more cats to arrive, but she's relieved when no further cats appear. She watches the group carefully, making note of the larger cats, and the smaller bodies present. There is one young apprentice that catches her eye immediately - a long-furred blue and white cat, whose resemblance to Sootstar does not go unnoticed by Howlpaw. One of her kits perhaps? Certainly a relative at the very least.

Howlpaw waits eagerly for the signal to attack, and when it is given, she leaps off her branch as silently as she can. Her target winds up being the young apprentice she spotted earlier, who seemed a bit dazed by Sootstar's panicked instructions to get up. All the better for us, Howlpaw gleefully thinks. Howlpaw would attempt to land squarely on top of Bluepaw, aiming to pin her to the ground momentarily, or at the very least try to wind her from any quick retaliations.

/ pre-planned attack for @BLUEPAW 😈
sootspritespark | 37 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
She is only here this late because she has been gone for so long - days spent wasted away, unable to leave while her owners replaced her precious collar and tended to her wounds. Their paranoia was touching, but she'd had to spend more time within the forest to make up for the fact, to continue to pull her weight.

She certainly doesn't expect such a situation to unfold, or perhaps she'd never have left the saftey of her nest at all. Blazestars call to action cannot be ignored however, the warning thunderclan has given ringing loudly in her ears as she gets to her paws and follows. Windclan - a group she has heard only bad things of, nightmarish deeds like stealing medicine, attacking kits, exiling their own clanmates. She cares little about the morality of these actions, really, but with the threat of such deeds being turned onto her, putting her perfect future in danger - well, she won't stand for it.

She sits and waits patiently with the others, broad form blending easily into the darkness.

An all too familiar scent curls around her senses, and with a sudden sense of clarity, sootspritespark now knows. It is windclan that Hound had joined. Of all the clans, why them-? Why couldn't he have just stayed here, in the forest they'd loved so much. Perhaps things wouldn't have turned out like this if he had, perhaps they'd have been able to settle things better, wouldn't have argued. Wouldn't be enemies.

Yellow eyes close for a moment, a deep breath coursing through her lungs as she takes a moment to center herself. When she finally opens them, gaze is hardened. Her ex is not here himself (should she be grateful, feel relieved?) but windclan has brought no shortage of faces to this fight.

The molly takes a moment to search out an 'easy target' - she does not want to bite off more than she can chew after all, her willingness to fight is only so strong. She will not give up what she has finally obtained, even if it means she must return to her twolegs in shame. Her movements though powerful are certainly slow as the daylight warrior darts across the branch and leaps down upon @RATTLEHEART hoping to use her bulk and momentum to catch him off guard.

// please keep interruptions/interceptions to a minimum, it has been pre-planned that sootsprite will be mainly fighting rattleheart <3
additionally; please ping + attack in the specified color else I might not see responses sorry <3


Silversmoke was not an animal best suited for the trees. Thick coat, limbs lithe but still built like trunks compared to smaller SkyClanners, he may have been a genetic anomaly, but one thing was certain - the ground favoured him. The Lead Warrior could barely move for fear of the branches creaking below him, adjusting on the fly to age-old SkyClan strategies passed down by those better suited for an arboreal life. Trust was placed in ThunderClan that they had not played both sides, and as if expecting WindClanners to somehow already know where they were, Silversmoke's fur was plumed up to twice its size. Sure enough, the moor rats walked past and, much to his surprise, their gazes did not immediately wander to the canopy. He'd have breathed a sigh of relief, had such loud breaths not been forbidden by the rules of hunting. They were prey scuttling along the ground, SkyClan were predators, ready to pick them off one by one if they had to (he would, for the safety of all the kits in the camp, he would not rest until naught was left but bone).

He felt anger prickle in his limbs like the sting of nettle leaves. Each step forward by the WindClanner was echoed by sentiments of conversations long since forgotten by the rest of the clan. He recalled how worthless he'd been in saving those from the shelter from their fates, how Daisyflight and Sheepcurl had died because he had been powerless to do anything. He remembered Johnny being lauded with praise, offered a shiny promotion alongside the animal that damaged his sight, one deserved, one so undeserved it made his stomach twist even as he stood above the others. He remembered feeling invalidated, pushed aside, and treated as the second son of a clan when he'd been told that his rank meant something. It was an anger towards SkyClan that when he saw the flash of malice in the eyes of the trespassers, transferred to WindClan faster than a raindrop. Claws curled into the branch, woof silently splintering around them as he leaned further and further down, eyes filled with hate he'd only ever offered to a certain rusted black cat. Sootstar's warning wasn't heard, not was Blazestar's, all he heard was bood, pumping fast and pumping hard.

Movement in the corner of his eye was enough to tell him that his time had come. Silversmoke kicked off with his hindlegs and went flying towards to earth, twisting through the air and aiming to slam into the first cat he saw with all his weight from above His teeth wasted no time trying to find a home in the back of his opponent's neck.

[ no pre-planned opponent! open to attack, please be considerate of his battle experience + environmental advantage! ]
I DON'T WANNA HURT EM' ✧°.☀ ————————————
The scent. In his nose, around them. After the interaction at Thunderclan's border, he wasn't paying attention. Wasn't on his toes, like he normally was. He hadn't bothered to check upwards, to see the unblinking eyes staring down at the collection of cats on a warpath. No, it wasn't luck on his side tonight, and Starclan's light didn't touch his tabby pelt. But even as Howlingstar's call reached those in the rear of the patrol- Cedarbark was towards the back- it came to late. A sharp inhale, and he was pushing to his paws, just to be collided with. He grunted, then growled, as he was slammed into, their teeth digging into his thickly furred neck. Teeth met skin, and blood seeped out between the vice there.

He wasn't going to sit there and take it. Cedarbark reared to his paws. Muscles rippled as he moved, yowling out as he aimed to fling @SILVERSMOKE from his back. If successful, he'd leap after the other, aiming to dig his claws in where he could. Snarling teeth broke free from his lips, tone wound and aggressive as he spoke. "Cowards.. Hiding in the treetops."

/ going to be attacking mainly @SILVERSMOKE if that's okay! just underline and ping me when you attack! dm me on discord (dallasofnines) if you want to plan anything specific!


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT I DID, I'M IN A FIT OF RAGE


Johnny had only ever seen Windclan twice during his career as a Skyclanner, and both had been during gatherings. While he couldn't say the impression he'd gotten of them was pleasant, they'd never posed a direct threat to him or his clan.

That didn't mean he hadn't heard the stories though, or that he was blind to the hatred his clan held for them.

And now, Johnny understood just where it all came from.

He suppressed the growl that wanted to rumble forth at the sight of the patrol creeping along in the tall grass, and he could almost hear Thistleback in his ear, Snakes, Johnny, every last one of them. And not the harmless ones from his twolegs garden that he'd bring to let the kits play with and learn from. No- these were the adders creeping among the stones of the rockpile, fearless snakes who knew the power of their bite.

But Johnnyflame knew well, how to cut the head off a snake without getting bit.

His blood sung for vengeance, for justice against a crime not yet committed- but the intention was enough for him. These monsters would have come to their camp, would have fought and killed in front of their young and potentially taken innocent lives. And so when Sootstars warning call went up, Jophnnyflame did not hesitate.
Locking onto his target, the stocky koi tomcat lept from the branch he was perched on and aimed to come crashing down on Scorchstreaks shoulders. His claws were full extended, hoping the force of his jump would leave her with a few scars to remember him by when this was all over.

OOC- Johnnyflame is attempting to drop from the tree and onto @SCORCHSTREAK to claw her.

Paws skip through creaking boughs of pine, disguised as the wind and the noises of the night. Cats’ eyes flash amber in the gloom, fanning out behind Blazestar with determination. They will not be sitting ducks, prey for Sootstar’s warriors to pick off one by one. They will turn this around on her. They will ambush WindClan, and teach them what fools they are for attacking a Clan in their own territory.

Blazestar’s dark blue eyes gleam with starlight. He relishes the panicked expression on Sootstar’s face, the frenzy in her voice as she demands they “Get up!”

His warriors begin to drop from the trees, their claws extended and reaching for the crouching WindClan cats. His signal reaches them, and the battle begins as shrieks of rage and surprise resound throughout the night.

His target is the moorland queen, and he flings himself from a low-hanging branch in an attempt to land on Sootstar’s back. If he’s successful, he will attempt to sink his teeth into the scruff of her neck.Welcome to SkyClan,” he hisses in her tufted ear.

// attacking @SOOTSTAR

Angry at all the things I can't change
The tom's frosted glare sweeps over Sootstar's band with nothing short of wrath. The audacity of her attempting an attack on skyclan in the dead of night when all clans should be tucked away for a good night's rest irritated him to no end. A vivid flashback of both wind and skyclan pelts locked in battle during a vicious blizzard comes to mind. Despair and betrayal laced upon their features when he unwillingly lead windclan into the heart of their home. He'd been much younger then, weak and unable to sway their blood thirsty tendencies. But things are different now. He no longer has threats dangling over the crown of his head, only the drive to fight and mend the damage of his past.

Thanks to Thunderclan they were able to get into position early and strike with their trespassers relatively unaware. Coyotecrest carefully remains perched beside Howlpaw, ears flattened against his helm as he searches for his own opponent. Eventually he spots a blue molly bearing some resemblance to Sootstar and he immediately recognises her at the one heckling Dandelionwish at the gathering. Flinging himself from his bough with forearms extended and claws glinting in the pale moonlight he aims to use the bulk of his weight to crush and pin Bluepool underneath himself. "You're going to regret this night." He hisses. (@Bluepool)
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Their leader’s alarm is not lost on Scorchstreak. The tunneler is well aware of their surroundings, golden gaze catching on each movement of the landscape around them. Any sign of other cats is marked with a flick of her shadowy ear, and as she crouches beside her clanmates she aims to bump her shoulder lightly against Rattleheart’s. They’ve been nervous, she’s been able to tell, and every head must be fully in the game for the fight that will surely be coming soon.

Truth be told, there’s no other direction she expects a SkyClan attack to come from but above. So she looks up—and straight into the face of her attacker. He comes crashing down upon her, claws tearing into flesh and burning like fire.

She knows this tom. The one with a house cat name, bearing a collar around his neck like some of the cats she’s fought before. He’s well-built, but not that much taller than her—nearly the perfect opposite of Cicadastar. But this tom doesn’t have nine lives to hide behind… she wonders how easily he’ll bleed. How easily he’ll die.

Her shoulder slams into the ground, but Scorchstreak is used to attacks from above. When nearly every sparring partner is taller than her, she has to keep in mind an array of methods to escape being pinned. Especially after fighting the river cats’ foul-smelling leader—she will not be pinned like that, will not be rendered helpless. The calico rolls as she falls, kicking up at the other lead warrior with her hind legs. If she’s lucky, she’ll catch his chest, his stomach, his throat. If she’s unlucky, then she’s only exposed her own underbelly to the enemy. Either way, though, she can already imagine the rich red that will splash across her pelt. If fate wills it, she will return to her kits bathed in the blood of another evil slain by her claws.

// fighting @Johnnyflame, any other attackers will be ignored!
Adrenaline thunders in her ear, drowning out the insects singing throughout the greenleaf-thick night. She is positioned behind Sootstar, low to the ground and cloaked in shadows. Trees—different from ThunderClan’s, with sharp, astringent scents, arc over them. Their branches tremble with movement, presumably from the wind.

They wait for Sootstar’s signal. Her Clanmates’ excitement, the glow of their eyes in the dark, set her heart pitter-pattering. She’s excited, but she’s nervous, too—she’s never drawn another cat’s blood before, nor has one drawn hers. This is a raid, very like the one Badgermoon and Sunstride had led when she was still in her mother’s womb. This is an ambush.

She does not realize what Sootstar seems to—that the SkyClan scent is too strong here, that there is something off about the territory they lurk in. But when her mother leaps to her paws and cries, “Get up!”, she is slow to scrabble to her paws.

And then something—someone—drops onto her back. Bluepaw gasps, the wind knocked out of her as her ribs and stomach are crushed to the earth. Pine needles dig into her soft belly, and her vision is dark for a moment. Her chin slams against the ground, limbs akimbo. The cat is bigger than her—a she-cat by scent, pelt patched with hazel and gold, pins her with limbs heavily muscled.

After a few heartbeats, her senses return, and she gasps for breath. “Get off me!” She shrieks, attempting to bring her legs together to dart from under beneath her attacker like a pinned mouse. If successful, she will rush back toward her on swift, short limbs and will try to claw her over her cheek.

// attacking @Howlpaw


♱—— As their patrol slinks along on their bellies like snakes, behind the crouched form of Sootstar, Cygnetstare knows a momentary peace. The forest is almost deathly silent, the small birds of this strange wood not calling; pine-scent and the thick stench of SkyClan assault her nostrils. She is not as comfortable ensconced beneath these unknown trees as she would be beneath an open sky, but the anticipation of battle soon to come tightens about her claws in excitement. The moment passes as quickly as it came with Sootstar's bristled back and panicked whisper; the tunneler jerks, movements appearing almost drunken, to their paws. Their wild greasepaint face stretches into a snarl, viscera eyes wide and feral with a glowing hunger in the gloom.

Her gaze searches the trees for opponents as they drop from the branches like ugly birds, rolling into messy battles with her Clanmates; and so she is not initially prepared for her opponent. From behind this deathly copse of trees comes a rusty black-furred cat, larger than any cat she's ever seen in WindClan or another, and in the moment it takes her to realize he is running towards her, she has failed. The cat charges in, lunging at her and easily knocking her tiny form back, dull pain radiating from the juncture of her chest and shoulder as she barely manages to avoid being pinned (and a certainly poor fate) with an ungainly roll from where she's been knocked back.

Cygnetstare scrambles to her paws, worldless but with a low and drifting hiss; all the idiot swaying of their daily life is gone, replaced by an almost disgusting snake way of moving, oily and slithering as they dart about their opponent. The tunneler will attempt to dart back in and leap onto the massive cat's back, burying their fangs in his shoulder as deeply as they'll go and swiping with their more muscular forepaws as they desperately cling to the large shape. It seems rather unlikely this hold will last too long if it's successful, but they appear to be trying to do damage rather than defend themself.

  • ooc: engaging with @SLATE for a preplanned battle! other attackers will be ignored, as this fight has a planned outcome
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 16 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots

    YES: injuries, scarring
    ASK: maiming, permanent injuries
    NO: killing
    — Small and skinny, hiding sinewy muscle in forelegs and chest from digging. Skilled offensive fighter but limited by size, defense is basically nonexistent; snakelike agility fighter, faster than she looks and slippery. Will try to climb on and move around larger opponents to inflict damage. Extremely brutal despite her size and will always aim to inflict maximum damage; lacks honor and will fight dirty. Battle moves often damage herself as much as her opponent.

    — Will fight to kill and maim. Will start fights. Will not run unless ordered to. Will aim to kill and maim cats regardless of age or rank, including young cats.

    — Her battles will be written very aggressively and she will always aim to kill or seriously injure opponents; this does not mean her hits have to land! I don't mind your character dodging hits; feel free to contact me on-site or on Discord to work out specifics if needed. Will have a harder time against larger cats but keep in mind she is written as a good offensive fighter who aims to kill and/or seriously hurt. I'm not open to her being killed but am willing to discuss maimings (please ask me first though).

    — Their defensive fighting skills are borderline nonexistent. All hits will land except attempts at killing or maiming that haven't been prediscussed. I don't roll for attacks or defense but try to write battles realistically.
    current health info:
    physical health:
    ↳ current injuries: bruised chest & shoulder

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As the others leap down from their hiding spot in the trees, Drizzlepaw finds himself hesitating for the first time in awhile. He’s not exactly sure why; maybe it’s been the lack of proper sleep, or maybe he’s truly afraid about how this battle will go. Despite the brave facade he put on, he really didn’t know how he would handle his first ever battle with another cat. Especially since it seems like they’re here to deal heavy damage, possibly even kill…he shutters at the thought.

He thinks back to his words to Thistleback when he approached the border, how he vowed that he would do anything for the clan, even if that means he would die. His life is in StarClan’s paws now, and he wouldn’t change that for anything. He has an obligation, and it’s one he will fulfill willingly. …At least, that’s what his mind is telling him. His body is betraying him though, as he shakes like one of the leaves on the branches he’s on. This is your new normal, Drizzlepaw, he tells himself. This won’t be the last time his clan will fight another, and he needs to be ready. Why doesn’t he feel ready? He has to be! Has to!

He’s tired of mentally fighting with himself, and instead scouts for any WindClanners not attended to yet. His eyes land on one, and his blood immediately runs cold. It’s a lilac tabby, and his brain is instantly flung back to his conversation with Soma. His brother…Sand had never felt like one, really. His mom played favorites the moment they arrived, giving him all the attention while Drizzlepaw was left in the dust. He holds a lot of resentment towards him, and it comes out full force as he jumps on top of the NPC warrior without much thought.

He feels like he’s watching someone else maneuver his body as his anger drives his every action. He throws swipe after swipe with his claws at the warrior, who tries to escape his wrath, but to no avail. “Get off me! Get off!” They yowl, but Drizzlepaw doesn’t relent. Is he truly capable of such cruelty? He’s never felt like this before. He knows WindClan is evil in every sense of the word, but even then… The moment he doubts himself, his enemy takes the opportunity to knock him off them, and that only angers him further.

His attacks become even more aggressive as he yells, his awareness slipping even further. He can only think about how much he wants this warrior to hurt; for how much WindClan has hurt the other clans, his clanmates, and for reminding him of how Sand had hurt him. Hurt! Hurt! "Hurt!" He screams out loud, voicing his inner turmoil. But another thought comes to is he acting any better than the cats attacking them all right now?

He instantly sobers up, as he falls to the forest floor, his eyes widening and fill with tears as he realizes how much damage he's done. If he didn't stop himself, the tabby in front of him easily could have died. There's blood all over them, blood he spilled. It's on him, too. "I..." He whimpers, as his mind goes blank. "That wasn't me...this isn't me..." He's never been violent. What made him snap? Did Duskpool's wounds and the shadow of his brother looming over him affect him that much? Why didn't he notice? The NPC slowly backs away as they realize Drizzlepaw wasn't going to hurt them further, though they're not in good condition. "You're insane," the lilac tabby retorts before scampering off.

Drizzlepaw did a number on them, and he's shocked he can't feel the sting of any wounds, just exhaustion seeping in. Did they really have to attack so late at night? Complaining felt better than being reminded of his trauma, and he slowly stumbles away from the battlefield himself. His movements become slower and slower as his body starts to feel heavy, and the last thing he sees before passing out is the injured warrior almost stumbling into @GREENEYES .

// OOC : TL;DR fought an NPC, brutally beat them up after having a meltdown, and then passed out from the exertion. Has some scratches on his sides from the cat trying to pry him off but nothing major.
જ➶ The trees are security and safety but they are also the best of what makes Skyclan the clan of the skies. They use them to their advantage and it is easy to see as they look down upon the rats of the wind. His eyes narrow and though he has terror surging through him he can not just sit idly by and let them get to camp. Claws grip bark as he takes a slow and even breath. Just a hush compared to the wind that blows and he waits for just the right moment. With a slow step forward he watches from peripheral vision as other clanmates decend upon their prey like falcons. He finds his own as well. A pale feline and with a slight shift he launches himself down. Claws extended he aims to latch onto @GHOSTWAIL and dig claws into their back. His jaws tighten as he snarls close to their ear. He is not afraid. He will give all he can to Skyclan, for his father. For what it means to be a clan cat. Despite the belt collar around his neck he is a kittypet no longer and he aims to prove that today.

His back claws twist and he aims to dig them deeply into the back of the Windclanner, eyes wide. "You shouldn't have come here!" He snaps heatedly, jaws wanting to rush down and meet face with sharp fangs but he resists. He is no killer, he just wants the other to retreat and turn back to their moorlands.


There's fury in his molten gaze as his body crashes into hers. He's not as big as some of his clanmates, but neither is she, and satisfaction blooms in his chest when she topples beneath his weight. It's a short lived feeling though because the pin he was going for doesn't stick, the calico rolling with the fall and lashing out with hind legs. He grunts when they connect with his chest, raking deep lines into his flesh that leave red dripping from them while the impact threatens to knock the air from his lungs.

The force is enough to knock him off her, thwarting any plan for an immediate pin and quick dispatch. A part of him is furious to have not ended it quick and clean like a Skyclan lead should, but that part of him that's distinctly Johnny -all wildfire and ferocity- bursts to life at the idea of a real fight, of a challenge he can tear through.

"Trying to attack us in our own while we sleep. Cowards!!" He snarls as he lets her find her feet, taking stock of the wounds on his chest with flexing claws. Deep scratches, but not enough to knock him out of the fight. Not even close. "Windclan truly must have no confidence if they're sneaking into their enemies home while they're sleeping in order to start a fight!"

These cats would have traumatized their children and savaged their homes like it meant nothing. It makes him see red, like the collar around his neck and the blood dripping from his chest.

He streaks toward her, keeping low to the ground and lashing out with a swift right strike, hooked claws looking to tear red trenches along the calicos jaw and throat.

//fighting @SCORCHSTREAK

The other warrior is knocked back, at least, by her kick, but his blood still spills onto her hind legs, onto her stomach. It’s warm, and there isn’t much, but it’s something. And it’s so, so good to see those lines she’s sliced down his chest when he backs away from her, giving her a few precious moments to pull herself back into prime fighting position. She’s glad, now, that they are fighting in the darkness, illuminated by only the moon—had the sun been beating down upon them, she might not have been so accurate with her strikes.

Trying to attack us in our own while we sleep, her opponent snarls, and she rolls her eyes. He claims them to be cowards, when in reality they are simply intelligent—WindClan uses every advantage available to them, rather than squandering a win due to some imaginary honor code. Perhaps SkyClan could actually win a fight if they tried using better tactics. "Speak less, wretch," she snaps, ear twitching with annoyance. Damned enemy clans, always preferring to run their mouths in battles rather than focusing on the fighting, on the feeling of claws sinking into skin, of fur ripping along with the flesh beneath. Oh, how she wants to kill this tom.

The mask of calm finally shatters as claws rake across her throat, hooking in the skin, dragging, before pulling free with a spray of crimson. Her expression twists, maw split wide in a bloodied grin. He’s got some sharp claws, this one. How fucking irritating. She’d hoped to be able to put this SkyClan whelp down in a couple blows, but it seems she’ll need to be careful to avoid a potentially deadly strike.

She raises a white paw to quickly swipe at the blood that spills down her own neck, finding the fur sticky and stained in red as she draws her paw back. Good, good. The calico strikes out with her blood-stained paw, aiming for the multicolored tom’s face. No warning, no holding back. She remembers how Houndthistle had looked when he’d returned from the battle against ShadowClan, with his face wrecked and an eye ruined. She wants to ruin this SkyClanner’s face in the same way.

// @Johnnyflame
Curse Howlingstar and her dogs, throwing their lot in with Blazestar's foolish runts! Sootstar's troubled hiss comes a moment too late, a heart-beat before the trees themselves turn against them, harboring the enemy in their traitorous boughs. Kittypets, turn-cloaks, bleeding hearts - their scents all mingle into one, spiralling into the combined SkyClan, the musk strong enough to make the phantom want to wretch in return. She herself still smells of skunk and hot tar from their trek along the Thunderpath, but she can't imagine her stench is anything compared to what is invading her nose now.

She casts her burning gaze upwards, trying to single out a target among the falling warriors (kittypets, turn-cloaks, bleeding hearts) when claws hit her shoulders and she buckles under the sudden, crashing weight. A bell jingles in her ear, an aggravating, unseemly sound tickling her senses in the sort of way a hound is tickled by a duck call. It is a sound that stokes an anger in her chest, a fiery sort of hunger, a want to catch and destroy.

The WindClan warrior thrashes and kicks, bucking herself wildly against her opponent, twisting herself like a snake to dislodge the pet that had landed on her. She writhes, twisting and arching her neck like a woman possessed to snap at one of his paws, attempting to grasp it and wrench it away from her body between crushing jaws. With luck, she would grab and pull, ripping claws from skin and claws from sheath if she could. @BRAMBLEHEART
- you call for peace when it suits you

Things with ThunderClan had not gone the way that Bluepool had thought they would. She had thought ThunderClan to be sensible cats. Howlingstar herself had once lived in the marsh groups along with them. She had once been an ally, a cat with a strong mind. Perhaps her brain was ailing her in her old age, her judgement failing her. One day the other clans would understand.

When SkyClan attacks she lets a whispered swear escape her jaws, her golden colored eyes flitting about for an opponent. Luckily, she doesn’t have to look for long. One comes to her. With a smirk she recognizes the traitor. Coyotecrest. What a great warrior this one could have been, the son of one of the most fearsome cats in WindClan. She wonders if Juniperfrost is looking down upon them now, if he would approve of her dragging her claws across that brown pelt.

She knows that his goal is to pin her, to knock her out of the battle as quickly as possible. It was a smart tactic but Bluepool was a skilled and experienced fighter. She sees him coming and rolls onto her back, using her powerful hind legs made strong by her days running on the moors and kicks out, aiming to use his own weight and momentum against him. If she is successful he would be sent flying , giving her time to scramble to her feet and hopefully her blow would knock the wind out of him. "Not likely" she says in regards to his comment "When we are finished here I will be sure to tell your brothers and sisters about our battle. They will think me a hero" she taunts, hoping to enrage him. An angry opponent was sloppy, they acted on rage alone and threw tactic out the window.

// @Coyotecrest
❪ TAGS ❫ — Slate doesn't enter the battle like the others, dropping down from the treetops like huntsman spiders ambushing their prey. While the typical SkyClanner takes to the branches with ease, traversing the scape like the very squirrels they hunted, Slate was a rogue at heart. He was unafraid to come charging in, heels ablaze, utilizing his monstrous bulk in order to take his enemies down.

He decided to come barrelling into the first WindClanner he laid eyes on — typical of a moor cat she was, long-limbed and skinny yet small in comparison to a cat of his stature. If he had more time to observe his opponent, Slate would have probably made a note of how ghastly their appearance was. For now, they were only a mere pesky rat that needed to be exterminated. SkyClan was his home now; Blazestar had even entrusted him with a place on his council. The lead warrior was determined on emerging victoriously from this bloody encounter.

The dark tom's blow had knocked the warrior away, but the molly quickly recovered and launched herself onto his backside. It seemed that being half his size and specializing in swiftness would work in his favor, as Slate let out an enraged yowl as fangs pierced his skin. He was not used to brawling with cats so much smaller than him, but he knew one possible method of getting a leech off his back. Slate broke into a run, trying his best to ignore the hits thwacking against him. He would zigzag back and forth, trying to loosen Cygnetstare's grip on him, before launching himself into a roll in an attempt to crush them underneath his bulk.

// @cygnetstare

All around her, SkyClan cats drop from the trees and onto their WindClan quarry and catching them by surprise. Howlpaw hears hisses and growls, vicious words spat between enemies. A part of her wants to turn and look around for familiar cats in the fray, her friends and family in Blazestar's case. But she remains focused on her target, grinning when she feels the younger apprentice collapse beneath her weight. She's winded for a moment, but quickly regains some of her strength, practically screeching in Howlpaw's ear as she squirms out of her grasp.

Howlpaw curses silently to herself when Bluepaw wriggles free. Although Howlpaw is fast in her own right, she isn't fast enough to completely avoid Bluepaw's sudden attempt at retaliation. Howlpaw pulls her head back but still feels Bluepaw's claws catch her cheek, pulling out a small tuft of fur in their wake and a small cut that thankfully didn't feel as though it would leave a permanent scar. Howlpaw shook her head and sniffed in frustration. "Go home!" She growls, her fur bulking up along her back. "You moor-rats are not wanted here!" Hoping to use the close proximity to Bluepaw to her advantage, Howlpaw would take a step to the left, making it seem as though she was about to start pacing around her from that side. But instead of doing that, Howlpaw draws back an unsheathed paw, and aims to bring it down atop Bluepaw's head. It might not have worked on Slate, but she's hoping her smaller opponent will feel it more.


The tension in the air is palpable, most of it rolling off of Rattleheart in waves of anxiety that grip their throat and leave their chest aching. There's some comfort when Scorchstreak's shoulder bumps against their own, reminding them that they're not alone in an unfamiliar territory. They still didn't want to be here, but at least their clanmates were walking alongside them, heading into danger with their heads held high. Sootstar's confidence is - in their eyes at least - overblown, but at least it encourages the rest of them. That is, until she freezes ahead of them, and practically shouts in a whisper for them all to get up. Her tone of voice was frantic, something they weren't used to hearing from their constantly cocky leader. It startled Rattleheart enough to make them immediately stumble up to their paws, pale green gaze darting up just in time to see a body crashing down onto theirs.

A yowl left them the moment the molly's form collided with them, forcing them down to the ground and knocking the air from their lungs. Their head is spinning as they snarl out, body thrashing, "Get off of me! Now!" They hate how frantic their voice sounds, attempting to use their size to their advantage to slip out from under @Sootspritespark. If they were successful, they'd try to twist and lunge at Sootspritespark's shoulder, trying to clamp their teeth down on her shoulder and bite down as hard as they could. It was clumsy, but Rattleheart had never particularly prided themself on being an incredible fighter. They'd been trained well enough, but they vastly preferred being down in the tunnels to aboveground, desperately trying to fight off another cat twice their size.

Really though, they didn't want to hurt Sootspritespark. They didn't want to hurt any of these Skyclanners, who had done nothing to hurt them or their clanmates. Sootstar went on and on about how Skyclan disrespected them, but did they really? All they had done had welcomed in someone who had suffered as a result of Windclan's actions. Someone whose escape had already hurt their family enough, hadn't it? They didn't want it to make them lose Scorchstreak too, or worse, their life as a whole. They just wanted to survive and get back home.

// primarily fighting sootsprite for this battle, please keep interruptions to a minimum! <3