pafp THE STONE & GLASS HOUSE ; bickering couple


" I’m going to put the kits to bed did you w- " she walks right past, she sees through him. He wasn’t even there, Thistleback as invisible as he is dumbstruck. Where he had felt stung by the tears in her eyes a few days ago, having been the cause of them. Now he's just, feeling petty and grouchy.

" are you serious-. " he scoffs, turns on his heel, eyes narrowed and tail lashing at the end. " OH, so- we’re not on speaking terms " Thistleback chews on the inside of his maw, blaming every ounce of this on the latest prisoner.

" hmm, that’s fine " he rolls his shoulders, don’t say it, don’t say it- he weighs his options. Considers walking away but he stays planted, eyes slitting and shifting toward the guarded den housing Vermilionsun. Angering himself again with the way she looked and spoke to him. The childish jealousy rouses from the crypt once more. " oh- I know what I’ll do! " he chirps out sarcastically.

" I’ll just go make myself king of the rogues. Maybe then you’ll talk to me, huh? Fancy that " shit. Thistleback eyes the ground under her feet now, half expecting her to pelt him in the head with whatever was near. " you call me jealous, but honestly- why shouldn’t I be ?" he sniffs out, tail lashing like a black and white whip. with him alive, part of her soul would always belong to him wouldn't it?

  • @~Deersong~

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) Deersong would walk past him, not sparing the tom a glance as she moved about camp trying to attend to her duties. She, at first, would appear not to hear him; but as she approached a patrol to listen to their report, the words that tumbled from him caused her to freeze.

Oh- I know what I'll do! I'll just go make myself king of the rogues. Maybe then you'll talk to me, huh? Fancy that

Those she was about to talk to would see the deputy's eye twitch before she took a calming breath and meowed gently to them, "One sec, pretty kitties." Before turning around and leveling her look onto her mate as she stepped closer, "Is that what you want? Will that make you happy?"

His words continue, and he can see her jaw flex with the effort not to erupt on him in front of the others as she answers, "Have I given you a reason to feel insecure, Thistleback? After everything, we've said. After I carried your kits happily into this world. If I have failed in proving my love for you, why don't you talk to me about it so I can apologize?" She stares at him, each word followed by a step closer and closer until she was standing right before him, aqua meeting sterling silver as she tilts her head in what would appear as her usual whimsy. Her words are not filled with venom, however, no they were instead dressed in genuine curiosity and hurt, because what more could she possibly do to prove to him that there would be no tom for her than the one ridiculing her now?

"Please, tell me what I did wrong, and I'll apologize." It was a plea, a gentle one perhaps but a plea all the same. Her eyes would search his face as she waited, their muzzles inches apart as she meowed lowly, clearly heartbroken over the insinuation that she had done something to make him determined to believe she didn't love him, "Well?"

He is somehow unprepared for her turn on the table, her deal of the cards. He thought this a game of chess, not poker.

" I - YOU w-" his words stumble from an otherwise eloquent tongue. He’s incredulous and tormented by the whirlwind of emotion she suddenly tosses his way, her words and gentle way of execution. It felt deceptive but such was the spell she had over him. An enchantress with mocha curls, she bewitches him always has.

His snarky smirk was long gone, his anger rolled off his shoulders. Defeat, he looks away from her piercing gaze. The closer she got the more his jaws stiffen together. She was winning this, and Thistleback did not handle losing easy.

" I’m not insecure " he deflects with a lash of his tail. " It’s not about that… it’s about…him " he backpedals with a huff. " Why… doesn’t my opinion matter to you?…" his own tone softens but he sighs out with exasperation.

" you didn’t do anything. It's me... always is. " he grinds out, spinning on his heel and making his way toward the nursery.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

Butterflypaw is nearby, gently batting a mossball around with some of the den's inhabitants when the couple's spitting match commences. Ears angled back, she peeks up through her lashes, trying to ignore it but it's difficult to. A frown tugs at her lips as her tail-tip lashes nervously. She likes the two of them. Deersong is a bit odd and the apprentice doesn't understand what she's saying half the time, but she's kind and gentle and pretty. Thistleback looks scary (and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared of him at first), but he comforted her after Crimsonbite's attack. They're both good cats, so she doesn't understand the arguing. It's adult stuff, she tells herself. Mate stuff. But still, it makes the already-nervous girl that much more anxious.

Getting to her paws and padding away from the kits she'd been playing with, the tortoiseshell softly pipes up, "Um, I tried to play with them so they'd be worn out for bed." An attempt to change the subject, to get them both into happier spirits. Her tail flicks towards their kits near the nursery as she speaks of them, and yellow eyes quickly downcast as she waits for their response.
Couples arguing should be normal in this life, and perhaps it was- but he never saw his parents argue even once. Blazestar and Little Wolf made an effort to talk in private when things got serious, but things have changed lately. His father can no longer see his mother, and ThunderClan and SkyClan are tense with each other's presence. Fireflypaw idly tucks a nosy kit's head back into the nursery with a paw, though if they shoved their way out, he couldn't exactly stop them.

Butterflypaw reassures the arguing couple that the kits should be tired, and Fireflypaw hums his agreement. She'd done a good job of tiring them out, something he just didn't have the energy for himself. Butterflypaw seeks their approval, eyes downcast and nervous gait twitchy. Fireflypaw shakes the urge to come to her side for a moment, but eventually gives in. His tail touches her spine, pelt brushing against her pelt as he comes to stand beside her, hoping the couple didn't continue arguing.