camp THE SUN AS MY WITNESS ✧ leaving for highstones

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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
It's nerves. Orangeblossom tries to stomp on her rising anxiety, an unwell feeling that churns in her stomach, as she stands with Dawnglare near the entrance of camp. She's taken several deep breaths, but still some accursed fatigue tugs at the edges of her eyes and pulls her muzzle down in a deeper frown than her usual. This would be the second time she's left the pines of home and gone farther than Fourtrees in all her three season-cycles of life. The last had been to save her Clan. Does this, too, count as the same? Orangeblossom doesn't think so.

She keeps thinking about what Sunstride had said, keeps turning his words over in her mind. Had he known? She definitely hadn't said anything to him about Blazestar's demise. It had all happened very quickly, hadn't it? Orangeblossom had barely had time to send patrols out between it all. Her tail curls.

"Act as normal with patrols." She informs the small group that's gathered before her. It's nothing like a formal meeting, but she still keenly feels expectant eyes on her. The attention of her Clanmates feels ... different, now. She isn't sure if she likes it at all. Among familiar muzzles, she searches for mismatched eyes. "Silversmoke will be in charge until I return."

Sitting amongst the crowd, his blue eye twinkled with evident concern. He knew that Sunstride had assured Sootstar's terror was no more - but what of the remaining they chased away. Sending them in just a duo felt off to him, but Dogbite knew it was the only way she would receive her new lives. His feathery tail wrapped tightly across his spotted paws, listening intently as she addresses them on patrols and named Silversmoke as their overseer.

Shouldn't more of us go with you? Is what he wanted to ask but he didn't have the heart to put more worries on her plate. They wanted to traverse the terrain alongside her to ensure the moggy's safe entry and return. Biting their lip, he urges the nerves to settle. Orangeblossom was fully capable of protecting herself, and camp needed watching over. Undermining his friend when she was preparing for something beyond his own imagination felt like the wrong move.

Rather than voice the hundreds of questions swarming, he nods in understanding. Voice stirring softly but with a genuine twinge to the orange and white molly. "I wish you luck, and safe travels, Orangeblossom." It would be the last time he could call her as such and a part of him would miss it. A small smile graces his scruffy maw as a twinge of pride blossoms within. For now he could put his dark thoughts at rest.

The moment would be a good one in the sea of despairing times, and he would cast his support in her corner. "I'll have the biggest piece of prey saved for when you come back." This she-cat was his first pinch of what clan life could be, and he had the privilege to see her off. She'll come back our leader, as a 'star'. The thought is comforting, and despite the ache of Blazestar's absence, he knows the pale tom had an excellent deputy to follow in his steps.

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  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Ever determined to disobey Dawnglare's orders, the hulking mass of dark fur practically stumbles out of the medicine den moments after the red healer had made toward the center of camp. "Hng!" Slate bit his tongue, cringing tightly as he accidentally put weight on his bad shoulder and suffered a sharpness radiating from the muscle. The Maine Coon clumsily regained his balance, hunching slightly as he tried to avoid irritating the deep scores along his underside. He didn't care. One would have to drag him back into that shoddy nest to keep him from missing out on Orangeblossom's departure, her final moments with her clan as a deputy.

Silversmoke being designated as a stand-in authority doesn't even phase Slate, oddly. No, his concern lies with Orangeblossom departing for Highstones in the first place. Sootstar no longer had a hold over Highstones, but what if there were other cats out there? The rogues that they had chased away, even? Why was Orangeblossom only taking one cat with her — a healer, at that? "Wait, just Dawnglare? Why not take a whole patrol?" Let me go, Slate urges to say, determined that he could simply just lick his wounds like he's always had and carry on, though he knows he'd just be slowing them down. He could barely make it out of the medicine cat den; he had no business offering to accompany them to Highstones. Still, it just didn't seem safe, especially since Ora still only had one life to spare.

"... Are you sure about this?" This was gonna change everything. Orangeblossom wouldn't be the same upon her return. She would be a leader, a cat with a target on her back. Blazestar had been ripped apart several times in battle, even on his last life. She didn't have to do this. Maybe if she let someone else take the helm, she would be safer.

But, then again, there was no other cat in SkyClan that Slate would trust more in leading them into this new era.

Torn, conflicting feelings brewing a storm in his chest, the Maine Coon stares ahead at the red-splotched deputy uneasily as if she would even entertain the thought of changing her mind. Deep down, Slate knows that her mind is made up. Who is he kidding? This is what she had to do.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

It was time. The anticipation in the air was keen, apprehension skittering between every one of them- especially Twitchbolt, who unsurprisingly juddered with it. Dogbite gave well wishes, of course- typically of himself, a force of friendliness. Twitchbolt was trying to arrive on the right thing to say before Slate came crashing out of the medicine den, as ever a forced to be reckoned with. Stunned eyes stayed on his peer- wasn't he in pain? But then- well, he was close to Orangeblossom, wasn't he? In some way that Twitchbolt didn't fully understand, but... the worry on his face, it'd be obvious to anyone, even if Twitchbolt wasn't the supreme ruler of worrying...

A whole patrol, Slate said- and maybe it would be a good idea, given WindClan's recent occupation, but- well, with the look on his face- the question he asked, Twitchbolt imagined Slate likely wanted to go too. Twitchbolt himself felt an urging to insist, too- because shouldn't he be doing something, as a lead warrior, as- as someone who was meant to be strong? He could ferry on and pretend to be over losing Blazestar, he could- he could go on the patrol and let grief be out of his mind for even longer.

Still... are you sure about this? It was a weighty question, and one he couldn't really fault Slate for asking. "There's no one else," Twitchbolt told him, and- and then realised it sounded odd. Like Orangeblossom was a last ditch option. He stumbled to correct himself, already feeling embarassment prickly like a growing storm beneath his skin. "There's no one better for it, I mean. You-" he looked to their soon-to-be leader, then, "You know that, don't you?" She- she was ready for this. She had to be.
penned by pin ✧

It was time for Orangeblossom to become a -star. Apprehension fuelled his lashing tail as he looked at the meager patrol sent to make such things possible; the life of the Deputy depended on WindClanners acting in good faith. Sunstride's words had not tempered his suspicions, if they had not killed all of WindClan's militants, then who was to say that more did not lay in wait at the Moonstone? A nod was offered, uncertain, but the emotion caused his stomach to twist as she named him as the head until her return. A Lead Warrior for almost twelve moons, it made sense to give him the reigns, but eyes still adjusted to the shock. 'It won't be long...' he assured himself. 'I just have to make sure nothing is set on fire for a sunrise at best.' The rogues were gone, Blazestar's death had extinguished many petty arguments he'd have found himself in the middle of otherwise, there were few challenges other than the ones he made in his head. "I will keep SkyClan safe," he promised, reclining steadily on his haunches. He didn't say goodbye, the kinship between such a word and the potential for it to be permanent was not an idea he wished to toy with.

He quickly found his confidence when Slate appeared. Ears pinned back at the long-furred feline that burst through the medicine den's entrance like a raging bull. "By StarClan's flaming foxdung, go back to bed!" He mewed incredulously, wordlessly grateful for the other to voice what he was thinking, and wordlessly not-so-grateful at the questioning that came after: 'Are you sure about this?' Did he mean about patrolling with only Dawnglare, or about something greater? Twitchbolt spoke up, seeming to think the latter, then fumbled through a justification. "That's what your risking infection for? To ask her if she's ready?" Pupils flittered to the bicoloured tom. "You were right already, Twitchbolt," he assured the other Lead, words lacking the warm tone he thought he could put on while Slate's actions still lived rent-free in his head. "There is no one else, Blazestar had one Deputy. Ready or not, there's one destination to go to legimitise her leadership," Not that he liked it, StarClan had let his home down so many times that it was difficult to look at them with the same reverence he once had, but SkyClan was put at a disadvantage if they were the only clan who did not bless (or perhaps curse) their leader with nine lives.

  • Haha
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*+:。.。 Orangeblossom was one of few cats more than fit for leadership. Strong will, powerful sense of justice, and claws that could tear through oak trunks in defense of her clan, was there truly any doubt? He was proud of his mother, but holding a smile over his perfect features wasn't easy as he stood at the back of the crowd to see her off. He realized with a downward twitch of his ear that he shared Slate's unspoken sentiments - he didn't want her to go.
Although he knows the trip to Highstones and back is far shorter than the moons he was without his mother during the yellow cough journey, his chest still tightens with tension. It' odd feeling, to worry about his mother. Like stressing about a mountain suddenly collapsing, or the sun never rising again - the thought of a mighty presence like Orangeblossom being felled by anything less than Starclan's very wrath is almost impossible to imagine. Almost. After all, Orchidpaw had thought the same of Blazestar once.

In a way, even if Sunstride was being honest about the lack of threats in Highstones, Orangeblossom is sure to come back changed. Not by a lot, he doesn't think - he's already used to seeing her more as a deputy than a mother - not to say she's a bad mom but he understands her priorities can't be shared solely with her children anymore...but leadership is a much higher stone to climb than just managing patrols, huh? It's hard for him to wrap his head around it - to not only tie your life to so many cats but to be their anchor? Be the lifeline to so many? He could never.
But Oranageblossom?

She'll be okay.
She has to be.

"We'll do our best not to set the camp on fire while you're gone" Orchidpaw would trill playfully, stepping up beside Silversmoke. A lazy grin pulled over his features, banishing any evidence of concern as he flicked his perfectly groomed lock of fur out of his eyes in as dramatic a fashion as he can muster - determined to send his mother off with an eye roll if not a smile. She'll be ok, and the clan will be ok, this is a happy day!
"Though maybe a tiny fire should be allowed, we only get a few hours free of your ironwood grip after all, just a little chaos is all I'm asking" he teases, elbowing Silversmoke to hopefully get a reaction out of the too-serious tom.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

The time had come. Orangeblossom was leaving to travel to the Moonstone, to treat with their ancestors and take the final steps to become leader. She will bear a new name upon her return - Orangestar - a moniker befitting her rank and nine star-blessed lives.

As expected, several cats have appeared to see her off, wishes of luck directed towards her. Howlfire wasn't sure if she'd be among those cats to see her off, not down to any ill will towards Orangeblossom but because if she did she would truly be saying goodbye to the SkyClan she knew. Silversmoke was to be in charge whilst she was gone and he assures her that he would keep the clan safe. Some snippy words are aimed at Slate and his questions about whether it was wise to take just one cat and if she was ready. Howlfire had to admit his question about taking just one cat was not without its merits but she wished there did not have to be such raised voices at this moment, willing the two to be quiet before a full argument broke out. Orchidpaw's words would probably stoke the flames a little but at least he was trying to lighten the mood again.

Her amber eyes shift to Orangeblossom and she smiles at the ginger and white she-cat. Her eyes feel heavy from the tears she has shed recently, but she manages to find some warmth within her to share with Orangeblossom. "Good luck and safe travels, Orangeblossom," Howlfire mewed, dipping her head.
Dawnglare sits by Orangeblossom's side, perhaps the closest that he's ever been to her willingly since all these moons she has been deputy for. Instructions that are of no concern to himself are belied to a small group gathered. A small group of the able - bodied; those who could be expected to actually uphold her instruction. So what a great subversion this is, to see that Slate has apparently crawled from his nest to protest the second he turned his back. Dawnglare levels an unimpressed look at the lead warrior. He loathes to be made to agree with the likes of Silversmoke, but such is the sad reality that he currently found himself in.

" Highstones is not for the likes of patrols, " he grouses, the last word sneered as if it were a curse. " Sootstar had forgotten, but we are better than her. " And if the scraps of WindClan in her wake would insist that they were so good without her, they would leave them be. If not— Slate was mistaken to think they'd be caught in the claws of dogs

( He does not ponder how death had teased him not long ago, before the skies had become truly frigid. He recalls nothing but fog, and the mumbled deliriums of why? Recalling that much is enough for him to shy away. ) That did not matter, because he was him. WindClan— WindClan could not get the best of him. Nothing ever... would.

He could not exchange the same words of absolute surety the other Lead Warriors has for her. Dawnglare accompanies the deputy as a guide . A guide into what, such specifics were in the hand of higher beings. Orangeblossom had said so herself. Perhaps, this would indeed bode well for what was to come. Perhaps...

But that is all it was, a possibility. Dawnglare would look at Slate as if his gaze alone would be sharp enough to reopen each of his wounds, but otherwise, he is quiet in the midst of his chatter , the flicker of his tail tumultuous across his own paws.

A meaningful look is offered to Howlfire, though he is not at all amused by Orchidpaw's words. " We have had enough chaos for a lifetime, " he rumbles. Attention shifts quickly. If he could, he would find Fireflypaw within the crowd. At times, he still mourned their eyes, for Dawnglare could portray nothing with a mere look. ...Thusly, he'd have to make his intentions quite clear. " Fireflypaw, please tell Slate to let himself heal, and that if he does not, we will waste no more herbs on him. " the threat is perhaps not as empty as if would've been in any other season. Dawnglare had no excess to waste on hard - headed brutes.

  • ooc: optional tag for @Fireflypaw hehe
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 61 moons old as of 2.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
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He knew he would have to stay behind when Dawnglare prepared to journey with Orangeblossom to Highstones. He didn't like the idea of Dawnglare and Orangeblossom being alone, but the only thing that seemed to threaten them was Sootstar's little ragtag bunch. His eyes are directed towards the direction of his sister, tail tapping behind him anxiously- the joke about setting fires making his pelt shift uncomfortably. Surely Orchidpaw was joking. "You'll do just fine, Orangeblossom. Safe travels."

Dawnglare's words snap him from his thoughts, and he nods determinedly towards the high priest. Fireflypaw rounds Slate's side then, tail jabbing at his side insistently. "You heard him, Slate. I'm not going to wrestle you into the warrior's den, but I will if I have to." He joked, half-serious about his intentions. He will, but he probably won't get very far with how big Slate was compared to him.​
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Johnnyflame had decided against returning home that night. He knew he'd be too anxous to sleep anyways knowing that Orangeblossom was out there, on her way to Highstones to receive her lives in a territory that had once been crwling with Windclanners. His clanmates seemed to have confidence that Sunstride was honest in their claims that the place was safe to traverse once more, but the daylight warrior still had yet to have a positive experience with a Windclanner and was reluctant to trust them in any capacity. Besides, with Dawnglare and Orangeblossom out of camp it would have been a foolish move for him to also leave. His twolegs wouldn't mind- they'd grown used to his occasonal absences throughout the year.

At their healers words about patrols not having a place at Highstones, Johnny couldn't help but huff. "We know it's not, but you two doing this on the 'good word' of a Windclanner just doesn't sit right after everything they've pulled." he replied, his concern and frustration clear in his sun-yellow eyes. It was clear that Johnny agreed more cats should be going- even if it was just one or two more to ensure their healer and leader could escape if worse came to happen. "You two will have to be extra careful out there- even if Windclans telling the truth, Sootstars deserters are still out there somewhere."

Time passed without mercy to those left behind. It is a simple fact that Applefrost does not waste mourning or wishing on what could have been, what should have been. Time was far kinder than some, in her eyes. Time allowed growth, followed change, gave room for something better. Blazestar was a wonderful leader and very few in this Clan would disagree, but he was not immortal. He had his Deputy for a reason, that when he died the final time someone would continue SkyClan's greatness.

"Your mother's ironwood grip runs in the family, sadly." Her tone was dry but hummed in humor as she stepped up from behind Orchidpaw. "Don't make me feed you wet food."

Her Clanmates aren't so comfortable to see the molly go without protection. The word of a WindClanner was as good as their weight in battle, she agreed. Poor and horribly reliable, but they would be risking war against several Clans if Sunstride had lied. Luring them into a false sense of safety- they had failed to kill before.

"I think they've forgotten, Orangeblossom." Applefrost's maw curled up in a smile. "Mollies like us, our decisions are made of pure stone. If you happen to see Tullulahwing, please let her know I said hi, and her ribbons safe with her twolegs." It had been so long since the daylight warriors passing. She still looked out for her housefolks nest on patrols, and hoped they understood.




Figfeather’s heart throbs, how many moons has it been since she’s laid eyes on her mentor? Another fallen loved one she had never gotten the chance to say goodbye to. Daisyflight, Snowpath, Tallulahwing, all gone in the wind without a warning. Applefrost’s words almost encourage her to sprint forward and bombard Orangeblossom with her own messages and pleads to tell cats of her past she said hello, that she misses them, but she stops herself.

All cats knew mothermouth was a sacred place, the ceremonies that took place there were not meant for a mere warrior’s ears. Figfeather’s messages had no place with Orangeblossom’s nine lives ceremony, to ask her to do such would be inappropriate and unfair. The soon-to-be-leader had enough on her paws, she must trust that those she loves can feel her good thoughts to them from where she stands on the forest floor.

If Orangeblossom meets her gaze, Figfeather bows her head in a respectful farewell. It was strange to think she’d return a new cat, forever changed. The Orangeblossom they all knew and loved would be an evolved feline next time they saw her.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
“We’ll see the lot of ya when ya return.” He rumbled from afar, sitting alone with a wooly tail tucked around him, bulky frame rigid by the way his shoulders pulled back and slightly downward causing a painful strain to his aching shoulder, never as strong as it used to be, but it was a consequence he would do again. His gaze narrowed, thoughts straying to the journey, of WindClan, of the two he’d rescued, and wondered why. Did they join Sootstar and her path to insanity? Or had they remained with Sunstride? Ain’t worth thinkin’ of the what-ifs. Thought ya knew that by now. He thought to himself, chest-puffing in muddled amusement.

He hadn’t liked it any more than the others, untrusting of WindClan and the words Sunstride spewed, but it had to be done. It had to, or else that fear would control ‘em for the rest of their lives. With a sigh, Duskpool willed his body to relax, to release the tension that coiled into a painful throb that burned against aching joints.

He wondered for a second if Shadowfire and Smokefang would be there, if Yukio and Lostmoon remained just as happy, if not curious, or if had they lost their spark. If Jaggedstorm kept his promise when Duskpool failed, leaving his son crying in the nursery as his mate’s glare burned into the back of his skull. His breath shuddered, coming to a painful halt at the unsuspecting wave of grief that washed over him, drowning him into a state that he refused to let slip through in front of so many felines. His shoulders pulled taunt, relishing in the painful throb it brought with the motion. Damnit. He willed his lungs to work, to breathe in air that came in short, raspy breaths that then billowed out, veering him away from something that made his pelt burn in shame, of weakness he didn’t dare show. Heh. With a shuddering huff, Duskpool shook his helm, rolling his shoulders until the pain ebbed away.
thought speech

Greeneyes still half-expects to see the golden tom around camp — talking to his clanmates, to his mate, his children, his grandchildren. He still half-expects Blazestar to stride out of from the safety of his den at any moment, for him to rise to the Highbranch to call a meeting.

But he’s gone, buried in the same place Snowpath and Sheepcurl lay, the same place Daisyflight should.

And now the time has come for Orangeblossom to go to the Highstones, to receive her lives and her name. Would this feel more real, upon her return, when she is no longer Orangeblossom, but Orangestar?

Her lack of a patrol leaves nerves rising, an uncertainty toward a trek newly free from guard, according to Sunstride’s word. He isn’t the only one, he thinks, that feels this way — like something might go awry, with all the luck they’ve had as of late. He sees it on Twitchbolt’s face, in the way Slate pulls himself out of the medicine den.

There’s no one else, Twitchbolt says. There’s no one better. Greeneyes agrees. Orangeblossom is the only one who can do this, who can lead SkyClan in the wake of Blazestar’s death. Orangeblossom will do great — Orangestar will do great.

Applefrost’s words make way for his gaze to drop to his paws, as she makes a request in case of an encounter with Tallulahwing. He wants to do the same, wants to ask for Orangeblossom to make sure everyone he’s lost is okay in the stars. It would be too big of an ask, and the soon-to-be leader’s task was to gain her lives, not to socialize with the stars above. Part of him wishes he could speak to the stars himself, then.

His gaze lifts to look at Orangeblossom once more, a short flicker toward Dawnglare in acknowledgement. “ Good luck, “ he says with a small nod of the head and an encouraging smile, “ Stay safe, please. SkyClan needs you, still. “​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack