THE SUN COMING OUT ✧ apr gathering announcements

"Let the Gathering commence!"

It is only now, when five Clans' worth of eyes turn towards her, that Orangestar feels the sheer scale of her sway as leader wash over her pelt. She blinks against it, surprised at the sudden realisation, but she draws herself to the forefront of the Great Rock. Even before she speaks, it's clear that SkyClan has good news to share; and with the sheer size of their delegation this moon, it may be obvious before that too.

"SkyClan flourishes this newleaf, with many warriors named standing before you tonight. I present to the Clans: Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Eggbounce, Owlheart, O-Tawnyclaw ..." Of course she would announce her own kits first, and she takes a deep breath to name the rest: "Falcongaze, Crowsight, Lupinesong, Drowsynose, Edenberry, Eggshellbloom, Moonseeker and Ekat."

Pride practically seeps from her long fur, chin lifted high and dark eyes sparkling as she allows a moment of surprised murmurs to ripple through the crowd beneath her. She has known many of her new warriors since they were kits, her own included. Was this now Blazestar felt when Howlfire received her name, and he got to announce it for the whole forest to hear? "SkyClan has also four new apprentices: Horsepaw, Peachpaw, Spicepaw and Cometpaw."

The daylight apprentices who had attended would be sent home late tonight, Orangestar recalls, briefly distracted from her news-sharing. Her mind returns to camp, to the holly bush beneath which a new father no doubt slumbers with his kits. Ah, right. "Hollywhisper has kitted safely, and brought two beautiful new kits to the Clan: Sunsetkit and Oriolekit."

But ...

"But it is not all good tidings from SkyClan, unfortunately. Two of our beloved Clanmates now walk with StarClan. Our elder Robinsky, who died protecting her Clanmates from an owl; and Fieryheart, whose hunting trip ended in tragedy." She bows her head. They would miss the two dearly, an elder whose life had been well-lived before the Clans were formed and a young warrior whose life had only just been beginning. She hopes that neither demise would be in vain, the dangers of owls and of treetop hunting fresh in SkyClan's mind.

She decides not to mention their strange encounter with the twolegs and their kits. No other Clan would see as much of the upwalkers as SkyClan does, and Orangestar sees no reason to relay such a strange happening as that border had quieted down in the aftermath. Thankfully none of the twolegs had come looking for their missing eggs ... A small huff of amusement escapes her, but goes unexplained.

"That is all from SkyClan."

Orangestar inclines her head once more as she retreats from the focal position, only now vaguely recalling the toms SkyClan had been asked to keep an ear out for. A ginger tabby and a missing medicine cat, if she remembers correctly ... had they returned home of their own accord? Her tail flicks, attention turning to the heads of RiverClan and ShadowClan. To them, she continues quietly, "We've found no sign of your missing Clanmates in Twolegplace."

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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
WindClan was late. With little time to converse before these announcements began, and a striking lack of his lead warriors, Sunstar must make an odd picture to those observant enough to look. He takes his place on the soot-stained rock moments before Orangestar's call, and listens to her announcements with the fluttering attention of one whose mind was a long distance away. The announcement of their warriors is of little interest to him. A Clan that he could respect, if only from a distance, grew stronger. Surely the ones around them would as well. He is loathe to share his own terrible part of this.

Even still, he steps forward.

"WindClan burns." Shaking out his pelt, the scent of ash entangles those around him. His day had been spent in tireless patrol away from the twolegs' watchful eyes. "Twolegs follow a fire leading inwards from three borders of our territory– horseplace, the thunderpath, and the path that they walk between the moor and ThunderClan's forest." His gaze searches out the leader of those clans. The two that would border him, those that must have seen the worst of this as it spilled throughout their land. "They seem unbothered, and so WindClan must be as well. Their flames do not seem to threaten your territories." Bitterness curdles his voice. The regrowth his warriors have clung to since their return home. . . dies, as the other clans flourish.

"We came here through this peril to celebrate our clanmates. We have named two new apprentices: Spotpaw, and Blizzardpaw!" With a warm glow, he looks down upon the few cats that had followed him to fourtrees. "Those that joined our clan a moon ago also stand with their new names. Celandinepaw, Scorpionback, and Snowglare are on the path of proving themselves true warriors of WindClan." It was a battle, this he states clearly. He will not give immediate respect; he is certain that they would similarly not earn in it from this crowd. How many moons had he been looked upon with wariness and distrust? How long had he been a rogue, and not a WindClanner?

What was he to be now?

"We will not remain long," the rosetted leader murmurs to those alongside him. "Say as you must, quickly, so that we may return home." So that, just possibly, they may survive this. Louder, he calls, "That is all from WindClan," and steps back.

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

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As Orangestar's call pierces the clearing, all chatter is silenced as eyes turn upon the five leaders. Howlingstar sits with her chin tilted upwards - after her limping image from the last Gathering, she intends to display herself with strength and nobility tonight. The news of how many brand new warriors SkyClan has named draws her eyebrows up in surprise. A tiny gasp gives away her shock - what a blessed moon for their neighbors. In the back of her mind, she wonders if they had all performed the vigils she proposed at the last Gathering. How did it go, she wonders? The news goes on into death, which she dips her head for, but also the news of kits. "I am sorry for your losses," She murmurs to the other leader as she steps back in line, her chin dipping to the ground.

Sunstar takes his place next, and when she expects news, she instead receives a chilling statement. WindClan burns. She pricks her ears and stares at him in shock. Fire? She is transported to the past, to a time when the oak forest burned and ashen limbs struck the earth. She remembers branches digging into her pelt as she waited for help trapped in a den, before Sloepaw rescued her. Horror grips her as she listens; how do they know this will not affect every other clan's territory? And another thought... "What of your prey?" Is WindClan able to hunt for themselves on a burning moorland? " is your camp?" But she is told to hurry, and she will respect those wishes. They can talk later, after all.

She steps to the front of the Great Rock and looks out at the crowd of gathered cats, expression stoic and tail lifted high over her back. "Newleaf has been cruel to ThunderClan, but it brings its gifts. Our nursery swells with kits after four of our queens have given birth. Moonwhisper has brought my great grandchildren, Mottledkit, Meadowkit, and Scarletkit, into our clan. Roeflame gives us more of my kin, Beetlekit, Littlekit, and Dovekit. My deputy Flamewhisker has given birth to Scorchedkit, Sunkit, Squirrelkit, and Mothkit....but their first deputy, Flycatcher, will not watch them grow. He was killed by rogues on our territory," She adds with a harsher tone to her words, fighting the tears that threaten to gather in her eyes. "Please, keep your ears sharp and your noses sharper. The dangers never seem to leave us clans alone. And...finally, our queen Leopardtongue, gave birth to Coalkit and Hopekit. She...did not survive the birth, and she joins her mate, Batwing, in StarClan. All of these kits are healthy, thank the stars..." She wants to say more, but her jaws close after a moment of silence, her ears flattening. It cruel that such blessings must be accompanied by tragedy.

She draws in a deep breath, steadying herself, before continuing. "We have discovered an abandoned kit on our territory." She fails to mention her kittypet roots; frankly, she does not wish for them to be known by any other clan. "We have named her Ivorykit and will raise her as one of our own. On that same note, we have a new apprentice to introduce tonight. Roaringpaw has joined our clan, and he is here tonight with his mentor, Copperfang." Similarly, she does not mention his kittypet roots. She'd rather not have the other clans know of those bloodlines continuing to enter ThunderClan.

"Lastly...I would like to ask...plead, the other clans to look out for two missing clanmates. A warrior, Grizzlyjaw, and an apprentice, Pigeonpaw. They have gone missing without a trace...they've been to Gatherings before, their faces should be known. Please, let me know immediately if you find them. Their families miss them." Grizzlyjaw's mate has mourned every day since he left, and Pigeonpaw leaves behind a grieving father and siblings. They have to be found.

Finally, she steps back and utters, "That is all from ThunderClan."

Windclan burns. Despite the heat of the situation, the statement from Sunstar chilled her to the very bone, as though a late winter had taken its sawtooth body and wedged its way into fleeced innards. It was numbing yet not, a biting cold that left her hollow yet aching, as waves of homesickness toiled over her tiny body. She had seen how the fire consumed the moors, even burning away the fairytale image of Windclan being indomitable and infallible. It had been apparent to the other cats at the gathering, as the scent of ash ran deep within moorland pelage, like the destruction of their home had become them. Already did haggard purls hew the faces of her newfound kin, as cinder became their shadow and the flame their sun. She couldn't blame them - they had just gotten out of a war, and now this. Wheat-hued eyes danced from the prying gaze of those that surrounded her, though quickly did her attention root upon the leaders that stood upon their poised thrones. Restless mind threatened to fidget through her paws and tail, and the spotted tabby could not hide it anymore, shrinking down from what ebullient sunshine had remarked her just moments before.

Even the announcement of her newly-earned wildcat name did little to assuage the worries that stewed within her, as the bubbling only grew more frenetic and more volumed, and she found her paws slipping to catch what ran amok. When she fretted, it came out ungraceful and slippery, unbridled and unimpeded. Was this what hopelessness felt like? The want for reassurance when reassurance hid away, the desire to simply hold something tangible in an unfurling world? Comfrey and Hay, if you're well.. Please, give me a sign. Anything. Twin-moon eyes turned upwards to the stars now, as they twinkled and winked at her without much of a care in the world, for she could not see the beauty that her clanmates gleaned. Silverpelt, as they had termed it. Their ancestors lived up there, and she wondered if hers did, too. For the first time, Celandinepaw prayed to anyone set upon the voiceless heavens, though she doubted that such a desperate invocation would be relayed by such distant light. Keep my family safe, stars.
Every clan seems to have suffered great losses this moon, though RiverClan did not have as many, the few they did lose hurt all the more sharply especially one in particular. Smokestar shuffles his paws impatiently and as he takes in WindClan's news and the urgency in the rosette tom's words he can not help but narrow his lone eye in their direction. Fire? Across the moorland it would burn and rampage with resistance, he remembers the flames that once danced across ThunderClan, he remembers diving into a burning den to grab Flamewhisker herself by the scruff to haul out back when Emberstar still lead. That in itself had been horrific, but what would happen when a fire had long stretches of land to cross without tree nor bushes to stall its path? The worry over not lingering was very obvious in that and so he stepped forward to speak quickly.

"....StarClan has spoken to our medicine cat apprentice, we have determined the sign sent is informing us Ravensong is gone. Whether he has passed or is simply lost, I do not know, but RiverClan moves forward and Moonpaw will continue on in his absence. We have pulled our searches, but I ask your eyes remain open for him on your border patrols." Moonpaw was not fully trained, not even skilled in combat, what was he to do about this? He still didn't know. The dark tom hoped for another sign, hoped Moonpaw would be able to figure things out and if not he supposed he'd do what was necessary to ensure the clan could thrive even at the detriment to his own pride. RiverClan's survival outweighted whatever dignity he might clutch close to his heart, no matter what it took they would get past this.
"One of our warriors was also lost to a fox, a blood trail left as he drew it away from the clan to protect it. Crashingtide gave his life for RiverClan and for that we thank him." No body had been found but surely he couldn't survive such a thing? Surely. It would be nice to be proven wrong as he had with Houndstride so long ago.
"RiverClan welcomes in two new warriors, Claythorn and Otterbite, who have sat vigil beneath the stars. With new warriors comes new apprentices, my own nephews Riverpaw and Pebblepaw have also begun their training under the watchful eyes of Foxtail and Salmonshade." Two warriors he regarded as more dutiful than most and would be wonderful mentors to the two.
ThunderClan's nursery sounds on the brink of bursting and he can not help but feel a warmth through his paws as he shares that RiverClan too has several new litters to add to its growing numbers, "We've had several queens give birth this past moon as well. Lilacbird had two kits, Twilightkit and Dawnkit, and unfortunately one of our other queen's lost her life bringing her own litter into the world. RiverClan mourns the loss of Lilybloom but her kits Graykit and Snowkit live on in her honor and will be raised knowing what a noble and loyal cat their mother was." She walked with Mudpelt and Steepsnout now, another star burning in a cluster together.
"That is all from RiverClan." He echoes in closing, glances briefly to the other dark shadow upon the stone, leaving only ShadowClan left to deliver news before they could all disperse and he could take a moment to pass by the gorge and peer across to see if he could locate the smoke.

  • OOC can go here.

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    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

they had not been on this rock for two moons, and yet somehow it feels like it's been days. stars above, they hated being up here. speaking in front of cats they could not give a single rat's tail about. none of these cats would have ever willingly been kind to shadowclan. they know it, just as the other clans do. they're not liked. they are not appreciated. and most shadowclanners return the uneasy glances with cold ones of their own. they'd never discourage it. shadowclan only ever helped shadowclan. even the stars were testing them now, even if the frogs seemed to be flourishing. how long would that last, hm? and how does it somehow feel like a lot less of a blessing, even with fully bellies?

they shake head head and listen steadily to the announcements from the other clans. orangestar is first. it's odd seeing her up here but she seems to be doing okay. many many many new warriors. they wonder if it would have been the same for them, had so many apprentices not been forced to walk amongst the stars sooner than anyone expected. still, it would be rather cramped in their warrior den, even when down two members. they offer only a silent dip of their head of condolences.

next, is sunstar. he and his crew were late, and he speaks of burning. his words are harsh and bitter and he even seems angry that the fires do not spread beyond windclan. how interesting. all of that talk of being a graciously better leader, and he's still bitter to the end. chilledstar cannot say that they blame him, either. he's quick witted, and in a hurry, but he wishes to stay long enough for the other news. hmph. howlingstar has always been a bleeding heart, even when cats clearly don't deserve it. it's sad, to be quite honest, seeing her be so driven by her heart for cats that would never do the same for her. chilledstar can't even say they'd do it for her, even when howlingstar has been kind and giving. but it has never been a instance of being friends and being kind for the sake of being kind for shadowclan.

why would it be? they've fought constantly with their neighbors, all because they've been dealt the lesser hand. and call it what you want, say whatever you wanted, but chilledstar knows nothing but selfishness from most clans. and why wouldn't they be? every cat had one goal in mind. survive. some may say that's not what they want, that they want more. to be the best and in power. to be strong. to be brave. but at the end, all they wanted was to survive. their head shakes as they listen, flicking their ears in a hum. they don't know where these missing cats could have gone but they doubt it would be shadowclan territory at all. still, for howlingstar's sake, they'd possible keep an eye out. lastly, smokestar. three deaths, two new warriors, and new kittens. seems everyone is having... bad luck.

"right. well. good news first. rain has been plentiful in shadowclan which has led to frogs. we finally for the first time in moons are able to sleep with full bellies. every last one of us. we don't know how long it will last, but we are at least thankful for that much."

they pause for a moment before continuing.

"rosemire... has gone missing. we suspect a twoleg but we just... if you see him... I don't know. we would like him home. but if he never does return, we can only hope that he is safe."

they dont know what else to say about it. a twoleg took him. there's nothing that anyone could have done.

"anyways... we also welcome four new warriors. swansong, garlicheart, ashenfall, and applejaw. we grow strong and we are grateful for that, as well... shadowclan sends its condolences for any losses you may face but if that's all, I'd like to get home. that's all for us."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Howlingstar sits down next to Orangestar and watches as the RiverClan leader takes the stage. She frowns when she hears Ravensong is seemingly gone for good - if StarClan says he is, then it must be so. How awful...She thinks of Berryheart, left without a mentor. She thinks of Gentlestorm, halfway trained after her son's death. It is never easy when a clan doesn't have a fully trained medicine cat...soon, she hopes ThunderClan will move on from those troubles. What catches her attention next it the news of Lilybloom's death. Lilybloom. She knows that name. That is- was, her granddaughter's mate. And...she's given birth? Lakemoon has kits?! She stares at Smokestar with round eyes, maw slightly ajar as she hears their names. Graykit and Snowkit. Snowkit...a fine name, a beautiful name, for her great grandchild. Yet another she will not know, she realizes with a pang. But Graykit...she can't help but feel hollow. Her mate's name. Her son's name. If Lakemoon leaving her family for another clan hadn't been betrayal enough, taking the name of the uncle she'd left behind with her solidified it. As soon as she thought it, she'd felt guilty for having it even cross her mind, and she shakes her head slowly. She has to be happy for her. She has to.

She had hardly noticed or heard Chilledstar's news, as wrapped up in her own thoughts as she'd been. She looks to them and gives a nod, eyes displaying her friendly stoicism. "It is good ShadowClan prospers this newleaf," She murmurs with a flick of her tail. And with that, the Gathering seems to come to an end. The tabby gets to her paws and looks to Sunstar first, brows knit with worry. They are to head back to their moorland...with a fire? She wonders if she should say something, but decides if he needs to converse with her, he will. So she turns to the stone's edge and drops to the ground, preparing to gather her clanmates to return home.
Cottonpaw insisted on going to the gathering. It would be several more days and nights before she can talk with the other medicine cats (plenty of their borders are now consumed by flames, and so approaching them personally simply wouldn't work,) and she wanted the chance to talk with them. She hoped that she would have time to discuss burns and smoke, as both feel unavoidable now - however upon arrival, it seems the Clans are ready to speak and announce, and so she holds her tongue.

Orangestar announces a plethora of names, however Cottonpaw hangs on the tilt of one - Lupinesong was only ever kind to her in the past, despite their unintentionally (and to an extent, unknown,) intertwined histories. Although she struggles with her current state of being, she cannot help but smile when she hears the other's successes. Maybe next gathering, if they're both here, she can properly offer the she-cat a congratulations. Unfortunately, as Sunstar states what is the obvious, Cottonpaw dismisses the thought for a later time and focuses on the worrying truth.

ThunderClan boasts new litters, so does RiverClan - though both seem to have lost a few souls in the interim as well. Ravensong... She never really talked to the tom, yet knowing they lost another medicine cat firmly does hurt. And Moonpaw... Cottonpaw looks around for the white furred she-cat, as if she can say anything to ease the other of whatever pain and confusion she must be holding. Regardless of Clan, the grey molly cannot imagine how it must feel to lose a mentor. She thinks of Wolfsong and frowns, hoping the tom won't leave her so soon.

ShadowClan speaks and seems to be the only Clan doing well, despite their singular missing warrior. Good for them, she supposes. Her ears crane back as Howlingstar leaves the rock. Her gaze searches for Sunstar, and as soon as his paws hit the ground, she asks a quick, "May I speak with the other medicine cats? Quickly, before we leave?" Even if she only gets a word in with Starlingheart or Dawnglare of them all, she must gather knowledge.​
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Tersely, in a voice meant for the leaders, he murmurs, "Fleeing. We have managed all that we can; what has not fled through the flames turns towards the gorge." His eyes snap to Smokestar, without accusation. He wonders if they have caught sight of the drenched rabbits that must flee into their lands, or the ones that wash ashore from watery graves. A small path remains for them to slip through towards the bridge, twolegs seeming eager to protect the trees that had been ravaged by fire not so long ago. Or perhaps they care only for their bridge itself, and the path where twolegs walk and chatter away. Trying to peer into their minds brings him only a headache of sorts. And with all that they suffer through now, he cannot hope to understand. It would bring nothing of worth to WindClan.

"The fire has yet to reach our camp. We are doing what we can to protect ourselves in the meantime." Is this what StarClan had tried to warn them of? Taking the sun from the sky, not a sign of his wrongdoing, but a warning of what would become of his clan? Dousing of fire, darkness after flames? Or was that, too, a sign of what would become of him? He looks at the rock, at the warriors gathered below; somewhere far into the distance, unseeing and distant. "I hope that your own luck does not follow ours," he states simply, and leaps from the rock.

Though unease flits through his eyes at the thought of lingering, Sunstar nods. "Quickly, yes. The rest of you, say your farewells. Follow the same path home– together."

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.