the sun must set / johnny

Blades below hackles swivel as he pulls forth, guiding the bobtailed feline from the brambles of camp. Everyone had either given their kind goodbyes or wary glares. All the same, and equally promised from Thistleback. The man takes short strides, his scowl much gentler along where it cut lines around his whiskers.

nothing about today had been boring nor lackadaisical, and the sky had gone milky from the clouds as the sun had sunk low along the treeline. It was time to take the other home, back to his garden and world where they had begun. The war-cat tilts his chin downward to clear his throat. " You look rather, different. Than when we first met. Happier. If I may- " his tone wears the suit of a gentleman, his tail hovering above the ground as he carries onward.

" I meant what I said. You know. " he adds, " you’re as uncommon as flowers in leafbare. A cat so determined and curious, yet brave. " he maneuvers his words as he did the trees.

  • @Johnny

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



By the time the day is beginning to fade, Johnny has gotten the taste of the Skyclan he'd been looking for, and it really had been everything Thistle had promised. Not every cat had been thrilled to see him, but for the most part the cats were far kinder and welcoming that he'd expected from a group of strays, and it left him feeling almost a little guilty for his earlier apprehension. He could see now, truly, that Thistleback wasn't a liar, and he make an effort to trust him more easily in the future, something he imagined wouldn't be hard given how much respect and admiration the Lead Warrior had won himself in this single outing alone.

" You look rather, different. Than when we first met. Happier. If I may- "

For the first time since he'd arrived, his smile truly faultered at the others words, because it was only when he heard it coming from someone else that he realized he hadn't felt that familiar guilt since things had really began. He'd been so caught up in getting to know everyone and learning about Skyclan that he'd completely forgotten to feel bad about abandoning his post back on the garden fence, even though it was something he'd freely agreed to do.

"Is that so?" he replied, smile returning, but a little tighter this time, not as certain.

" I meant what I said. You know. You’re as uncommon as flowers in leafbare. A cat so determined and curious, yet brave. "

An amused breath to cover up the flattery he felt, but he couldn't it was there. Rarely did Johnny find cats he looked up to, and even rarer was praise or compliment offered from them. And yet here Thistleback was, offering them up so freely that the bobtail hardly knew what to do with it.

"You make it sound like I'm special or somethin'. I'm just another cat." he replied, amber gaze flickering to the piebald before continuing. "You and the other Skyclanners, now that's another story." he said with a chuckle.

"Your really something, Thistleback. Your fighting for something real out here- makes me want to be more like you." He'd been told he was welcome back whenever he wanted, knew that Thistle wanted him to become a Daylight Warrior- but his loyalties were torn. Would leaving his twolegs nest unguarded during the days really be okay with them? For his entire life that had been his way of showing his loyalty to them, and it felt wrong to abandon it even though a large part of him desperately wanted to return to this place, wanted to see Thistleback again and see how he truly lived.

"Do you really think my twolegs be okay with it? Me leavin' the place unguarded during the days? It's always been my way of repayin' em for their kindness, and as much as I want to come back, it feels... I dunno. Like I'm betraying that."

He wasn't sure if voicing his doubts on the matter would change Thistlebacks resolve in wanting him there, but he wanted to be honest with them. They had experience with Daylight Warriors, would know if it was something that was truly sustainable or if it was only a matter of time before his twolegs would grow to resent him. And they hadn't lied to him yet to manipulate him into anything, so Johnny decided to just trust him. He'd earned that much, after all.

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" just another cat, he says " Thistleback is tickled at the side with the tune of compliment Johnny pays.

Makes me want to be more like you, the spike furred tom licks over his teeth with a hum. " Skyclan certainly saved me. " he cannot pinch for modesty on what made Skyclan special, but it had certainly saved his soul, given him family, and most of all- purpose. Absolute, purpose.

The bobtail seemed to toy with the possibility of becoming a daylight warrior. Thistleback cannot stifle the ambition simply brewing in his metallic stare.

" you belong with your own kind, too. Those twolegs owe you as much. " Thistleback decides, biting back the urge to spit foul about the no-furred creatures. He had once lived in their rubbish, there was always that nag in his gut. Why didn’t any of them want him? An old child’s stubborn jealousy is faint but reminded. " I think. With Skyclan training. You’d be able to perhaps better tend to their territory. " he sells the idea with a high lift of brow.

" well. I welcome you, Johnny. I’m sure your twolegs won’t mind. We have many daylight warriors who return home at night. " he finishes, spotting a sharp shard of pine limb in the other’s path- Thistleback aims to swiftly brush his shoulder to the koi-pelted tom’s to guide him around it safely.

" It would be my pleasure, to perhaps. Show you more. Know you. " Thistleback’s eyes flit across the other’s face momentarily.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



There was very little in life that Johnny had ever wanted for himself. Not because he was some selfless god of a cat, but because his basic needs had always been met, and for the bobtail that had always been enough. He always had good food and clean water, always had a warm home with gentle hands to welcome him at the end of a long day, and had always been able to come and go as he pleased to explore and to befriend the neighborhood cats. And for Johnny, that had been enough.

So why didn't it feel that way anymore?

He tried to tell himself he was acting like a kit, that he was being too hasty and jumping into things. After all, it had been less than a full day and here he was, genuinely considering abandoning his post and changing his life forever. All for a tom he'd just met and a clan that didn't even entirely like him. Stars. If some cat had shown up last week and told him this would be an issue he'd have to deal with in the near future, he might have laughed in their face, unable to imagine any scenario that would shake his resolve when it came to his housefolk.

" you belong with your own kind, too. Those twolegs owe you as much. "

Johnny wasn't sure if he was owed it or not, but the first part stuck in his ears. With is own kind. Was that what this pull was? Is that why it was digging into him so deeply even though his exposure to it had been so brief? Perhaps mercifully so, Thistleback was quick to tack on a reason more grounded in logic. Working with Skyclan would make him a stronger, more capable cat- would better his ability to protect his home.

"That's true." he agreed, lips quirking up into a smirk before cntinuing, "I doubt there's a cat outside of your forest that has the trees on their side during a fight. " He'd be able to catch just about anyting off guard with the tactics and skills Skyclan could give him- if he was willing to cut a few ties to his current life to make room for new ties to them that is. A reasonable exchange, he knew.

" well. I welcome you, Johnny. I’m sure your twolegs won’t mind. We have many daylight warriors who return home at night. "

The idea that he wasn't alone was comforting. It wasn't as if Johnny would be the first cat to do thhis, after all, and it was obviously sustainable if so many others had done it before him. A daylight warrior... it made him think of the sun; warm and bright and comforting, yet still able to scorch and burn when it suited them.

A gentle press against his shoulder as he was steered around a sharp bit of pine after getting lost in thought, and he wondered if it was possible for his admiration to grow any farther.

Johnny had conquered his own world, you see. He knew it's rules, knew it's inhabitants, knew what to expect. He was comfortable and confident within it, and he knew where he stood even if his twolegs liked to move around. And while he always managed to make friends no matter where he ended up living, nobody looked out for Johnny. How could they, when he was the one looking out for them? When his kittypet friends were being bullied or having trouble keeping strays out of their yards, it was him they went to for help. When a newcomer to the neighborhood found themselves lost, it was him that showed them the way back to their nest. And when a dog got loose from its yard and was causing chaos chasing the local strays and housepets, it was Johnny who kept the thing distracted until it's mousebrained twoleg came to collect it.

He was a protector at heart, but he'd never really crossed paths with someone else who was like him in that regard.

Until Thistleback and Skyclan.

Even now, Thistleback was considering him as they walked, making sure garden-soft paws didn't find themselves punctured by the forest floor as he spoke, weaving his webs. " It would be my pleasure, to perhaps. Show you more. Know you. " Did he understand how deep the temptation ran each time he spoke to Johnny? How much tighter silken strands became each time the piebald hellion voiced any kind of interest or praise in his direction? Because it seemed impossible that Thistle or any cat like him could really find anything of interest in Johnny, who considered himself to be rather plain even if he was always the odd man out.

"I'd like that." he admitted as fleeting silver flashed toward him- and he meant it, perhaps more than he'd meant anything in a long time. To learn from Thistleback, to know Thistleback- it felt almost as if he were being gifted something that he wasn't worthy of, and that alone made it impossible to say 'no' because Johnny was nothing if not a competitive bastard and he wasn't about to be the 'wrong choice'.

"Okay, I think you've convinced me- or maybe I've convinced myself." Johnny said with a chuckle, leaning over to give Thistle a playful bump of his shoulder. "I can't promise it'll work out - twolegs and all- but I want to try the daylight warrior thing. I think I'd regret it if I didn't."

An understatement, really. He could already tell that he'd spent every day for the rest of his life sitting on the fenceline staring into the pine forest, wondering what his life would have been like if only he'd gone back.