camp The sun says hello || o. Intro


So many ways to see the sunrise
Apr 10, 2024

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit sat outside of camp, watching the sky as the sun slowly came up, her sibling as far as she had been aware were still sleeping huddled up in the nest their mother had created for them so she did not had to deal with sharing her own. Their mother had wanted nothing to deal with her five kits after they were born, during the time in which the sun had been swallowed whole, their parents saw them as a curse and not as a blessing. Shadedmoon, their father hardly visit, and when he did the tom never took a glance to his own children.

Soon, the sun began to peek from the horizon, painting the sky with purples and yellow and the little kit's blue gaze brightened slightly at the sight of it. "Good morning sun, have you come to play?" she said in hushed tone, making sure none could hear her. After all the clan was beginning to wake themselves. Blinking a bit she took her gaze away from the sky to watch as everyone began to bustle about and a hum dance from her throat wondering if she should wake her kin or continue saying her good mornings to the ones that were mostly forgotten such as the spider that made its home close to the nursery or the beautiful patch of flowers that grew within the camp.

Blue gaze wondered a bit before she got onto wobbly paws and trotted to the web, gaze searching for the little creature, eyes brightening a bit once she spotted it. "Hello mr.spider, did you catch anything?" she would ask gently, watching as it continued to weave its web, scuttling about while dew drops glowed from the gold rays that the sun provided.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

@Glowingkit. @shroudedkit @Dwindlingkit @SHADOWEDKIT no need to wait! ))
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glowingkit & 03 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

Glowingkit has always found it quite easy to wake with the sun. Sure, theres not really a need too, still being a kitten and all with no responsibilities other than to eat and sleep and grow, and yet she doesn't really understand how the others can just... laze about. The moment soft rays creep into the camp, flecks of cold light brushing her face and fur, blue eyes snap open. Blue eyes take a moment to adjust, pale limbs flailing for a moment as she struggles to wriggle her way free from the pile of fur and limbs that are the others, a quiet hum of contentment in the back of her throat.

Surely, Fadingkit is awake by now - and as she toddles over on unsteady paws, the apricot tinged child spots exactly that, tail nub wiggling as she comes to join her sister in her greetings of all the strange things around them. " Mornin' fadin'kit, " comes muffled whisper, unsure if her interruption will be welcome. Glowingkit is a rather timid thing, all things considered - so focused on the whims and will of others she often finds herself sinking beneath the weight of them. A burden she must bear, the cursed thing she is - surely, if she tries hard enough, someday she won't be ignored anymore. Still, if there's any she can be mostly herself, surely it'd be her siblings. They were all each other had.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

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◐ . In comparison to Fadingkit and Glowingkit’s tendency to rise with the sun, Shadowedkit prefers to sleep in a little longer. The cream-splotched kit is still curled up in their shared nest as they rise, and when he wakes a little later, he can’t help but to be a little upset at the empty spaces beside him. The two were off on adventures already, off finding cool things without him!

Careful not to wake his remaining siblings — or maybe he should, so they can see cool things too? — he rises from the nest and wanders out of the nursery. Mama won’t mind much, he knows. Mama likes her sleep, just like he does, he thinks. So much so that she’s created a special nest for them, just so they won’t disturb her!

When he finds his siblings across the way, Shadowedkit greets the duo with a frown. “ You left without me — “ he whines, a cream-toed paw stomping against the ground, “ Why didn’t you wait? “ His disappointment wanes though when sea-blue eyes take in the sight that stands before his sisters.

Oh! A… A spider-er! “ he squeaks, round eyes shining as he watches it weave its web. Were there more of them, like his family? Did it wake before its siblings too? ​
  • SHADOWEDKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of ThunderClan.
    ✧ . A flame point / cream tabby chimera tom.
    ✧ . Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined.
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
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⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ She cared very little about rising with the sun. As far as she knew, no matter what, the blinding light would be there unless it was going to sleep. Dwindlingkit yawned, stretching out in the nest, expecting to bump into other warm bundles of fur. Her paws grazed against nothing but cold air; it made her eyes snap open to look around.

So Fadingkit, Glowkit, and Shadowedkit were already out playing without her, huh? No wonder she was so cold. Dark, stormy eyes watched the other nests around her, full of love and warmth, cuddle up with their mama. The little red-and-cream cat sighed harshly.

The sky was full of bright orange, pink, and blue to celebrate another day. Still feeling groggy, Dwindlingkit took her time leaving the nursery, pouting at the thought that her siblings had found something super fun to do without getting her.

The three other kits were crowded around something! She can do that too! Dwindlingkit runs over, not saying hello or anything to look at! A spider… but it was dancing on its simmering white web all by itself. “You should have told me you found a pretty spuder!” She squealed in delight, “And it made its own nest without any help!”
  • ooc:
  • IMG_1199.png
    Dwindlingkit — She/Her ・ 3 moons ・ Thunderclan Kit ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point kit with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
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Lightflower stretched with a wide yawn. The chatter of the kits outside brought a smile to her face. The pale grey tabby rose from her nest and plodded out into camp. Bits of sleep clung to her as she let the dawn sun warm her muscles. The babies born on the day the sun went out had been all but shunned for being a "bad omen," at least to their parents. She hated it. Even the thought of abandoning her own kits made her sick. And she knew by now what it felt like to be shunned, even if it was her own fault. But for them, it wasn't. She felt like she had a duty to make sure she was at least a friendly face for them. Seeing the group of siblings all fascinated by a spider, she made her way over.

"Whatcha got there?" she purred.
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Shroudedkit rose from his uneasy slumber last of all, awaken by the small commotion outside of the nursery - and the stir of each sibling as they left their shared nest. Without so much as a glance towards their sleeping mother, the boy went about his morning routine; stretching, yawning, a quick groom, and finally leaving the nursery.

Unlike his flame-pointed siblings, the cream tabby took no simple joy in the spider they were so enamored with. He approached with tired eyes and a frown aimed in Shadowedkit's direction - that boy could sure complain. But, Shroudedkit's sharpened words would seldom be used on his siblings, who shared the same fate as himself.

"A spider," the kitten replied coolly, eyeing the strange thing with sharp green eyes. It's nest was made, a well-detailed symmetrical pattern of web. Though he wasn't as interested in speaking to it, certain it didn't speak 'cat', he could at least silently admire the work its' made. Spiders led simple lives with goals only to make their nest and feast from it. Shroudedkit sometimes wished his own was as simple; without the burdens of his upbringing, to simply wake and hunt and retire to sleep as night comes. The best he could do to start such a routine was accept the paw he's been dealt and move on, and urge his siblings to do the same.

"He's hunting. You're probably bothering him." He knew well enough that spiders did not hunt the way cats did. They waited until bugs flew into their net, and then waited some more before spinning them into a trap. At Lightflower's approach, the tom glanced towards her in acknowledgement, but offered very little in the way of greeting. Socializing was never his strength, especially not with warriors he couldn't relate to.
  • speech is #DC6B19

    ━━ KIT of THUNDERCLAN | [created 4.12.24]3 MOONS ,, ages every 8th[/abbr]
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none

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Something had the kits in a group near the nursery, and Softpaw was soon to learn that the object of their inspections was a spider, crawling along her web. As a kit, Softpaw had never been particularly interested in bugs, but she knew that in general, most kits found them amusing at least; a good thing to observe, or if they were daring enough, interact with.

"What do you suppose he's hunting for?" Softpaw questioned as she stepped beside Lightflower, offering the older she-cat a small, welcoming smile before she turned her attention back to the kits. The answer could be as obvious as it was, but even so, Softpaw wanted to entertain the kits' imaginations - perhaps they'd come up with a preposterous answer.

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[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] The first of her siblings to awake was Glowingkit, she was very much timid in nature, as her ears twitch once she heard the other's whisper greetings in a mornig. Blue eyes flicked to the other while a smile dance on her lips. "Good morning Glowing, you're looking great as always" she brightly greeted the other with a warm tonev in her voice, which was more audible now than her earlier hushed meows

The next to approach had been Shadowedkit, her brother who seemed upset she nor her sister had gone to wake him which made a hum of amusement ring from her throat before watching his attention draw to her newfound spider friend. "Sorry Shadowed, I was just about to wake you" she spoke lightly to him, keeping note to grab the tom next time before she started her usual greetings.

Dwindlingkit came next, and she seeme not to mind that none of her other kin had come to grab her, but was quite interested in the spider and his nest that he had created with a soft laugh coming from her maw at her sister's quick fascination to the creature.

Then came a young warrior, Lightflower if she could remember correctly, she was a nice molly from what Fadingkit could tell and she seemed to ask what they had found, but before she could answer Shroudedkit came to join them, sharp as ever from what she could tell. "Morning Dwindling, Morning miss Lightflowe, and hello Shrouded" she greeted, figuring the tom had already answer the warrior's question before a slight frown peered on her lips.

"Mm sure that Mr. Spider doesn't mind some company, he must be lonely all alone here" she responded to her sibling before another came, an apprentice this time and her question had been towards Shroudedkit, asking what the spider could possibly be hunting and the girl hummed a bit before blurting her silly answer. "Maybe hes hunting for a friend!" she piped happily to her answer.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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glowingkit & 03 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

As is not uncommon, their siblings join them soon enough - first shadowed, then dwindling, and then at last shaded. A tentative smile is given to each, a wobbly thing full of half-missing kitten teeth. Lightflower and Softpaws presence are much more surprising, pelt twitching nervously as eyes wiggle between the two. Much to her relief, her brother answers for them - voice cool where she knows hers probably would've squeaked. A quiet hum of agreement as she shuffles herself in a pitiful attempt to hide her large frame behind the smaller of her siblings (an impossible task) and listens instead to her siblings words.

" Botherin' it? " she warbles, baby blues blown wide as she takes a nervous, shuffling step backwards. Glowingkit hates that word - bother. She's a bother, to her parents, her clanmates - and she hates it. Still, she doesn't do much more than sniffle in silence, ears swiveling towards fadingkit instead. " Spiders have friends? " she asks - confusion flaring. How can spiders make friends, when they can't even speak? Or... or maybe, they don't need to speak, because other spiders don't speak, and they make friends in silence instead. Glowingkit wishes she had friends.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L A L W A Y S B E S O P E R F E C T L Y H A P P Y