private THE SUN WILL SET FOR YOU ✧ dawnglare

His den has been empty for many moons. Blazestar’s nights are lonely. About him scamper ghosts, clumsy kitten paws that trip over his paws and needle his tail, the scarred but gentle flank of a lover lost to him. A son and two daughters he will never have again, and two sons he never had to begin with; his housefolk, nothing but phantoms haunting their Twoleg nest now; Daisyflight, Thistleback, Sheepcurl, fading echoes that still whisper and draw him away from peaceful sleep.

His dreams are troubled, but not prophetic. He is a kit himself again, big-pawed and wide-eyed, and he’s tapping the transparent glass barrier shielding him from Valentine—and it’s still there, they’re grown now but it’s still there and Dawnglare is looking at him with poisonous, spiteful eyes, and Blazestar’s mouth brims with flames he wishes to spew… it’s all wrong, he knows it is. It’s wrong and he can’t break the glass… if he did, it would only hurt more, he thinks.

He jostles awake gently in his nest. There’s a shadow outlined by the moon, tall and tufted. Blazestar stirs, wondering about the dream he’s just had, wondering if somehow, Dawnglare knows. But there’s a look on the medicine cat’s face that causes him to sit up in his nest. “Enter. What is it?” He stifles a yawn, but his eyes are clear as he fixes the prophet with a scouring blue gaze.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun