camp the sunlight is dazzlingly | feeling strange




It is the early morning but already cats are bustling back and forth. Normally he is up as well, weaving underneath the paws of other cats. Coming back into the nursery to check on his sister and his mom before venturing out again. But this morning is different. The young tom has a difficult time moving his limbs. He is tired, exhaustion clinging to him like a heavy weight. His breathing is a wheeze that he can't seem to get rid of no matter how often he clears his throat. With a sluggish movement he forces himself to sit up, lifting a paw to rub at his face. Mucus runs from his nose and he sniffles before a sudden coughing fit wrecks his frame. The cream tabby wobbles and he frowns before he decides to wander clumsily out of the nursery. Blurry eyes glance arouns and he frowns before he just lays just outside of the nursery. Maybe he will play later on when he feels better. Coughing again he curls up with his tail over his nose, eyes half open. He didn't feel like this yesterday. A little croaky sure but it doesn't feel very nice today. With a small huff he watches a warrior as they pass by and normally he'll follow behind.

But not right now. Yeah, maybe later. Maybe....later.
Cloudypaw was still not used to how early clan cats woke up. She got up on time, of course, best as she could. Her efforts didn't stop her from feeling sluggish and groggy when she did though. As she stepped out of the apprentice den, blinking the sleep out of her eyes, her gaze caught on a small form outside of the nursery.

She blinked again, unsure if she was seeing things right.

Her gaze focused on a cream tabby that, after a moment, she recognized as her cousin Falconkit. He was normally so rowdy. Worry settled itself in her stomach, and she couldn't help but be dawn over to him.

"Are you feeling alright?" Cloudypaw asked with clear concern.​
It wasn't very often that she was blessed with getting to sleep in a little bit, and when she did, she took the opportunity. She felt movement beside her, and lifted a heavy eyelid. There were still two bodies beside her...back to sleep.

The second time she woke up, there was just one, Stormkit. She knew that Falconkit enjoyed waking up early, and talking to his clanmates, so she wasn't too shocked by the fact that he was gone, but she wished that he would at least tell her he was leaving the den. Carefully, she would stand up, hoping to not disturb her sleeping daughter, before tip toeing out of the den. She paused in the entrance, and stretched out her front legs, pulling her jaws back into a long, deep yawn.

Her gaze searched the camp for her young tom-kit, and alarm caused her shoulder fur to prickle when she didn't spot him. She saw Cloudypaw padding over to the side of the den, and she turned to look at her. There was a small cream figure laying on the ground. Are you feeling alright?

Quickly the queen padded over to her son, using her nose to touch his cheek. She could hear his raspy breathing, and her eyes widened in panic. Was it green cough? I will not let another child die! Her heart started to race, and she looked around frantically. She had to find Berryheart. "I will be right back." she told Cloudypaw, before turning towards the Medicine Den and running towards it.

Once she arrived at the den, she would push her head in, not caring if she disturbed any sleeping patients. "Berryheart! It's Falconkit...please come quickly..I think he is sick!" Fear laced her tone stronger than she had ever experienced. She couldn't handle loosing another, she couldn't.

After he was awake, she saw a passing by warrior. "Find Flycatcher, send him to me." she would order. Instead of waiting for them to respond, she would turn and hurry back to the nursery.

@BERRYHEART @Flycatcher
Being around her brother so often, Stormkit knew exactly how and what he should sound like. But sleep had fallen over her eyes that night, filling her brain with fog so that she did not notice something was off during those hours. She did wake up, sleepily and poutingly, when Flamewhisker rose, despite her precautions.

The torbico yawned and tucked her nose under her paw. Her mother was probably going to the dirtplace or somewhere else. She wouldn't be gone for long. Stormkit started to drift into a dreamy sleep until the patter of paws to and from the nursery rose her again. This time, she realized Falconkit was not here. Had he tried to play games this early?

"What's going on?" Stormkit whined, peeping out of the nursery with a sleep-hazed gaze.


The blue tom is about to head out on patrol when a warrior rushes up to him and catches his attention. A string of hurried words is hurled at him and Flycatcher urges the other warrior to calm down before speaking again. When the warrior speaks again, Flycatcher listens intently, a neutral expression quickly shifting to one of concern when he hears about his son's condition. Hasty apologies are made to the patrol before Flycatcher dashes away. He felt bad about leaving the patrol but all the cats were capable hunters and were unlike to miss a set of paws.

He finds Flamewhisker as she is departing the medicine den, her urgency and expression on her face only worsening his own fears. "Flamewhisker, what's going on?" He asks her, trying to keep his voice calm. When he looks ahead, it is only then that he spots Falconkit lying down outside the nursery with Cloudypaw nearby. "Falconkit?" Flycatcher says with a faltering voice. For a moment, he believes the worst has happened again, but he is soothed slightly upon seeing the rise and fall of his chest. "Oh, my sweet boy..." Flycatcher mumbles as he approaches the sun. Much like Flamewhisker had earlier, he presses his nose to his son's cheek and immediately heard the raspy breathing. "Where's Stormkit?" Flycatcher would ask upon lifting his head. If Falconkit was like this there was a possibility Stormkit could be too. "Is she alright?"

He'd never minded much being woken up, even with how much he indulged in his slumbers. Ever since taking up the mantle of medicine cat, however... being woken up was never for a pleasant reason anymore. Called on a patrol, or asked after for advice... that life was left behind now. Before him lay a boundless destiny, but it was one often brought with unpleasantness- like hearing that wobbling fear in Sunset's voice. He could not blame her- he had already failed her once.

Efficient, he exited his den and made a straight beeline to the obvious huddle of commotion. There on the ground lay Splutters- the nickname he'd give him in the past for likely some silly, childish reason seemed in poor taste, now. No-one else would ever hear it, at least. His features stony and set with the ghost of a frown, the speckled tom shouldered closer, soon leaning to talk low and level to the kit.

"Can you tell me how you feel?" A simple question- and one with, hopefully, a simple answer. He wished not to strain a mind, especially not one that might be in the throes of woe or ailment.