( ) The snowy warrior had been on a hunting patrol with a few of his clanmates, he had been focused on the path ahead of them as they walked a ways from the Great Sycamore and his jaws holding onto the body of a plump squirrel. His ears twitching as he tried to pick up any sounds of any prey that was nearby though and when he thought he had heard something did Hailstorm place down his squirrel lifting his muzzle to try and catch its scent. Instead, he was greeted by one then teo little droplets of water that gently landed on his pink nose causing him to step back momentarily to sneeze. More droplets of water began to fall from the skies above and that's when he realized that it was raining, the longhaired warrior grateful from the break of the heat that green leaf brought them even if brief knowing that they'd likely deal with humidity a little later. Hailstorm didn't get to dwell much on these thoughts as more rain water began to pour generously from above, shaking his head and snatching up his squirrel would he start the way back home knowing that the rest of the hunting patrol would follow.

Once they had entered camp, the warrior took a moment to shake himself out before glancing around camp seeing a few of his clanmates beginning to return to their dens and Hailstorm crept over to the nursery deciding to leave the plump squirrel for one of the queens before large paws that were now caked with mud shuffled over to the warriors den a little awkwardly at first. Well, he figured that he'd be fine in terms of not being hot from the green-leaf weather anymore and it was enough to bring a sheepish grin on his maw when he finally stepped into the dry safety of the warriors den but kept close to the mouth of the den. He refrained from shaking himself off not wanting to spray any of the slumbering warriors with downpour spray, Hailstorm did shake out his front limbs and snout would poke out of the den to glance up at the clouds.

Despite his somewhat drenched coat, the warrior quite liked rainstorms and especially the smell of it. Something about it was nice and it was definitely a lot cooler now (until it stopped raining, of course) of which he greatly appreciated, his ear flicking briefly and sending a few droplets of water onto the ground. The urge to shake his pelt growing stronger but he continued to hold strong, he'd shift his gaze over to his denmates saying rather jokingly "I think my name should've been Wetmoss or Drenchedpelt," He hummed not really complaining, he simply chose to be a little silly despite the circumstances and think more positively than negative.
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When the rain had started Little Wolf was quick to retreat with the others to the warriors den Despite the respite from the heat the rain provided, she was not a RiverClanner and, like many other cats in her Clan, she was loathe to get her pelt wet. She stands at the entrance, watching the rain come down outside and thus when she sees Hailstorm heading in the direction of the den, also looking for shelter, she offers him a smile in greeting. When he shakes his pelt out she flinches but she makes no move to step away. A few droplets weren't going kill her, after all. "You always come up with the funniest names" she says, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she smiles. "I think Soggymouse fits you best" she teases, tearing her eyes away from the drops of rain outside to look at her pale-furred friend.
Leopardtongue had been laying down in camp earlier that day, having fallen asleep before the clouds had come through only to be woken by her nap by the sudden feeling of something wet falling on her face, then the rest of her body. Startled at first, the she-cat found herself worried that something horrible was happening at first, before she finally came-to from her sleep and realized that things were fine, she was just getting horribly rained on. Turning over she stretched for a moment before slowly making her way over towards the warriors den for shelter from the water droplets. She was already wet, and couldn't get any wetter so it didn't matter how quickly she made her way towards being dry - she'd still be wet for a little while after getting shelter anyway - and she didn't mind being wet from the rain, at least she didn't have to swim in it.

Head nodded as she neared Little Wolf and Hailstorm, head turning towards the black-furred feline before a small laugh escaped her maw. "Heavyrain for his pelt, he's got so much fur he must feel like two cats with his fur wet like that from the rain." She felt bad for those within the clan with longer fur in times like these, fur would be twice as hard to groom after it stopped raining too.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


Brackenleap was not a light sleeper, so he was surprised to find himself awake and listening to a conversation. It was an odd one, and he felt sure he was missing context as the warriors discussed names having to do with... being wet? His bleary eyes focused on Hailstorm's and Leopardtongue's now sodden fur and he murmured, "Ah," before he could stop himself. His vocalization turned into a large yawn and Brackenfur maneuvered himself in his nest to more comfortably join the conversation without getting up.

"Could also be Drippingpelt," Brackenleap offered. "Do you think this is what RiverClan naming deliberations are like?"

Flycatcher had been resting in the warrior's den when the sudden downpour stirred him from his slumber. He kept his eyes closed in the hope he might lull himself back to sleep and be energised for his later patrol, but no such luck. Flycatcher eventually stretches out of his nest and pads forward to greet the warriors taking shelter from the rain. Unluckily for him, he gets hit by a few droplets of water from where Hailstorm had shook out his fur. "Hey, not all of us want to get wet you know!" Flycatcher teased, glancing at the tom as he spoke. A drop of rain wouldn't hurt him but he was thankful he had not been on one of the earlier patrols and got to avoid this sudden burst of rain. "Puddlefur might be more appropriate," Flycatcher suggested, nudging Brackenleap, when the cream tabby made his suggestion. When he heard his following comment about wondering whether this was what RiverClan naming ceremonies were like Flycatcher could not help but chuckle. "You make that sound as though the queens argue on what river or water-themed names to give their kits," He smirked.
( ) The sound of Little Wolf's voice is enough to make that trademark dumb grin form on his maw and he can't help but tilt his head to the side as his thoughts took over for a brief moment, a second if you will but he bit down on his tongue not wanting to blurt out his thought. He'd sound absolutely foolish if he ever mentioned how he loved the way that the corners of Little's eyes would crinkle whenever she smiled at him. "Someone's gotta be a little funny no matter the situation," Hailstorm answers shooing away the earlier thought with a flick of his imaginary mental paw before snorting at what Little Wolf said next locking warm orange eyes with hers that reminded him of the foliage and plants within Thunderclan, a nonexistent eyebrow raising slightly "Soggymouse, huh? I'm a bit big for a mouse aren't I?" The snowy warrior about to silently apologize to his denmate about getting her wet from him shaking off though his dark eyes turn to Leopardtongue.

Heavyrain. That actually had a nice ring to it not that he didn't like the name Soggymouse, that one was cute too. He can't help but glance down at his coat knowing that it would be a hassle to fix and dry due to how much rain had been absorbed into his plush pelt, ear flicking once more and speaking with a chuckle "I won't deny that. Heavyrain has nice sound to it. Doesn't it, Little?" As if searching for her approval playfully, Hailstorm offers a lopsided grin and lifted a paw up to start fixing his fur for a moment before realizing that it would likely be a lot easier once he dried.

Brackenleap was next in joining on in the conversation and Hailstorm had adjusted his position resting his limbs underneath himself until he loafed comfortably within the warriors den, another fit of laughter would slip from his maw as his denmates continued to offer him names for his drenched pelt. He was enjoying this and honestly if silly conversations stemmed from weather like this, he wanted it to happen more often. It was nice to simply converse with his fellow warriors without much of a worry or care about everything else. A moment of tranquility.

Hailstorm was pretending to answer Brackenleap until Flycatcher spoke up catching the snowy warrior's attention and ducked his head in embarrassment only to offer a sheepish grin "Sorry Flycatcher, I thought I'd bring the weather inside the warriors den. Makes things a lot more interesting," He jests though snorts in amusement at the addition of Puddlefur, Hailstorm shakes his head momentarily "All these good names, I might have to bring it up to Howlingstar and see if I can get my name changed to one of them. Thank you all for your contribution," Head nodding in a matter-of-factly way trying to keep a fake serious expression upon his face though it falters and cracks completely hearing what's said next.

"If I was a Riverclan queen, I'd be passionate and argue over the name-" Hailstorm pauses for a moment beginning to shift through his mind for Riverclan related names that queens could potentially name their kittens, his face thoughtful for a moment before continuing "Reedkit oooor... Pebblekit." Of course, he was joking and his limb had extended out picking up a stray pebble within the warriors den. Reedkit was a good name maybe he'd coin that for later but very unlikely, there wasn't any reeds within Thunderclan territory as far as he knew unless he completely missed it.