the taste of ink [nutsprout]


take out the gunman
Nov 19, 2022


He'd been holed up in that bloody fuckin' badger set for weeks waiting for the fever and sickness to burn its way from his system, surrounded by slowly dying cats who couldn't get enough to eat. But it hadn't taken all of them, and as he'd suspected, Ghost was among those who'd made it out with their lives.

Death wouldn't take him yet, not when he still had more to suffer.

Life had its ups and downs, ebbing and flowing like the tides. Some days were bad, others, worse. But today the tides seemed to shift in his favor. Vulturemask had cleared them all to return to camp after treating them with the catmint, and Ghost had wasted no time in clearing out.

Muscles stiff, fur a little unkept, and eyes squinting against the light of day, the tomcat had slipped out into the world for the first time in days. The cold sunk into his fur quickly and the shift in light left him with a small headache, but he breathed the fresh air in deeply, letting it clean the staleness from his lungs and chest. He took a few moments to stretch out his legs and shoulder, rumbling in contentment as bones popped and shifted pleasantly before he began making his way back to camp.

It was early in the day, morning but closer to noon, and he was greatful that the wind and snow weren't as harsh, making the trek back easy enough. The tabby tomcat was eager to be back in action, his weeks of sickness having been a sentence to a prison he could barely stand. The badger set had been little more than a cage to him, and he was eager to make up for lost time.

Eventually he made it back to the familiar camp, slipping inside to pause and nod toward a NPC shecat. "Have you seen Nutsprout around?" he asked, ignoring the way the shecat startled slightly before shaking her head no. He frowned, nodding before turning away to sweep his dark eyes across the camp, looking for the familiar sight of toppled ears or a bobbed tail, maybe an obnoxiously loud laugh or that annoying accent.


rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

This plague had grown through Windclan and then detered out within weeks, thanks to the catmint and Vulturemask. Maybe Dandelionwish too but the brown sepia seemed to be less than thrilled with the change of rank. What mattered though was that those in the badger set were on their way back to camp after being away for so long, and there was an excitement in the air. Family memembers would returns, friends and children, and it wasn't surprising. It was a breath of fresh air amongst the less than aimble atmosphere.

The lilac tabby cat had been sitting beside Snowshadow, idly chatting with the other and smiling at him. The two weren't exactly friend but they got on rather well and it was noticable how Snowshadow nudged Nutsprout, made the other blush and the like. Soft green eyes stared at the other with an unreadbale expression then looked towards the camp entrance as it rustled with the returning cats.

Nutsprout dismissed himself from the black and white toms' side, and smiled as the group flooded in. Some greeting their loved ones or simply returning to get some actual sleep, but he looked for a very specific pelt. As dark as charcoal with that masked face, dark amber eyes that made his skin prickle at the memory of. Curled ears perked forward at the sight of a large shoulders figure and he rushed for Ghoststrike with a purr at the other, "welcome home, Ghosty, bet you're glad to be back," ​
