the tenerife sea | love talk

Flycatcher liked Flamewhisker. Of that there could be no denying. From the moment they had first met, Flycatcher and the rest of his patrol at the time coming to the aid of a wounded Flamewhisker, they had been close. During her recovery Flycatcher had spoken to her a few times, mostly just to check on her or to see if she was settling in, but from those conversations he could tell they would be friends and their friendship had blossomed from there.

What Flycatcher hadn't prepared himself for was for what else had blossomed between them. The stirrings of affection towards her was not an unknown feeling for him but he had not felt it so strongly before. At first he brushed it off as a simple crush, maybe a fleeting feeling which would soon pass as it had before. But those feelings grew stronger and he was pleased to know that Flamewhisker felt the same when he did finally admit to them. Speaking of their admittance of feelings for each other, little had come of it since then. They were still close of course, and Flycatcher's feelings hadn't changed, but they hadn't spoken much of it since then save for when Sunfreckle had poked fun at them and asked if they were in a serious relationship yet or not. Despite his embarrassment at that little conversation, it had given Flycatcher something to think about. What were they exactly? They weren't mates but they were something more than friends too. It was that friendship which made Flycatcher wary to push things too fast or too soon, even with them both confessing to feeling things for each other.

As the sun began to rise in the sky, Flycatcher stepped out into camp purposefully, green eyes looking around for Flamewhisker. As he approached her, he took a steadying breath, feeling like a bag of nerves. Stop worrying, he thought to himself. Everything will be fine. Just relax. You already know what you're going to say, you've thought about it all night.

"Flamewhisker," He called out, smiling softly when the ginger tabby acknowledged him. "I wish to speak with you about something important."

He waited for her to give him the go ahead to continue, considering maybe speaking in private, but choosing against it for now. Regardless of what she said following his own words, their clanmates would find out sooner rather than later anyway... especially if Sunfreckle and his brood had anything to do with it.

"Flame I will not deny how much I care about you. You already know this but I will say it again. From the moment we met, I have cared for you and I am happy that as you have blossomed into your life here and our friendship has grown that affection has only deepened," Flycatcher mewed nodding along with his words as he spoke. "I think what we have is something special. Something to be cherished. I...I love you Flame. I think I have for some time now. Would you like to become mates?"

@Flamewhisker please wait until flame has posted![font]


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

There had always been something different about Flycatcher than the rest of her clanmates. Their friendship had seemed to spark right off the bat. He had always been her go to clanmate, but it wasn't until recently that she truly realized why. Several times they had been teased for liking each other, but it wasn't anything she didn't already know. Awhile back, they had both talked to each other and expressed that they felt affection towards one another, but nothing had really happened since.

The last teasing session had definitely put some thoughts into her head though...They had both tried to shrug the accusations off and claimed that they were simply friends. But was that really what they were? She had felt the tug that they had something more than that...but did he share the same feeling? She had been wanting to ask for awhile, but the fear that they could lose whatever relationship they had was too strong. She couldn't risk losing what they had if he didn't feel the same way that she felt.

She was sitting alongside the warrior's den, huddled against the side hoping for it to provide some sort of wind break. Thankfully, she wasn't assigned to do a dawn patrol, or else she would have missed the grey tom that was approaching her. All feelings of the cold leaf-bare air melted away as he padded towards her. The red tabby would rise to her paws, and raise her tail in greeting. "Good morning, Flycatcher." she would greet. He went on, saying that he wanted to speak about something important. Worry flashed in her eyes, and she wondered what the matter was. Her throat tightened slightly as she wondered if maybe he was about to tell her that he had found somebody else. Please no...don't be that.

The fear however, was completely unnecessary. His next words took her off guard, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes. A few tears pooled in her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. Not once had she ever expected to feel this way about another cat. In any other situation, she would have been at a loss for words. this moment she knew exactly what she wanted to say, something she had wanted to say for awhile, but fear had kept her back. "I love you too, Flycatcher....I know I have for awhile.." she would smile sheepishly, and then take a step forward. She would then attempt to bump his chin with her head. "I would love that."


Sparkpaw was eavesdropping. He had caught Flycatchers part of the conversation and excitement flooded his system. He was a little ways away so he had to pay closer attention to hear, but he could hear nothing else right now.

His fur rose in giddiness when Flamewhisker appeared. What would she say!!!!

He was completely still in his spot. A statue. A statue that was LISTENING.

And when Flamewhisker said the magic words he had been listening for!!!

He bounded over with a joyful squeal.


He was overjoyed!!! He rubbed against both of them affectionately.


The squeal from Sparkpaw would cause the lanky toms' shoulder fur to bristle in alarm until his brain registered that it was one of joy and not fear. He would huff, having half a mind to scold the apprentice to never do that unless he was in danger, but when he actually heard the words that they had screamed his ears would flatten against his head.

Envy. It was the first emotion that slammed into Leafshade at the news and he hated it. Not because had held any romantic feelings towards either Flycatcher or Flamewhisker, but because the pair now had each other. Leafshade sat there, in the cold glaring at the pair for a few heartbeats due to the mounting realization that despite how much he craved something like what the newly mated pair had.

Gritting his teeth, Leafshade would do his best to swallow his pride and stalked his way over and meowing a curt, "Congrats."

hailpaw | 05 months | trans demi-girl | they/them + feminine terms | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold skyblue

Now they not only have an uncle, but an aunt, they suppose. Hailpaw isn't sure how to feel about that - the girls family has grown in such a short time, their life changed in so many ways. Another moment of pondering, and the chubby girl pads over - though they seem to have lost a bit of their baby fat - and looks between the two. "Congrats. But I'm not gonna call you auntie" it just seems to weird. Downpour doesn't even call flycatcher uncle yet after all.

An expression of love from Flycatcher, one that was reciprocated by Flamewhisker. The sight warmed his heart as he watched the pair from where he was sat. Needless to say but he had been sat with bated breath during the time it took for Flamewhisker's answer to come, briefly unsure if she would share in Flycatcher's feelings. Fortunately it was all good and he was truly happy for them. "Congrats you two!" He called out with a rattily purr echoing in his throat.

"If only I could have had a moment like this with Salamander...", he thought to himself with a twinge of sadness in his heart. Still, he wouldn't let that slither of woe ruin the joy for others in that moment.​


Fond eyes found the pair, a pair of friends now united. Through lamenting many moons over feeling entirely disjointed, the contentment Berryheart felt in himself was more glowing than ever- but that did not mean he felt no joy in seeing Blue and Sunset admit that they held such regard for each other. In the quiet his lopsided gaze found Stretch; his lean form found its way to the side of his friend, who seemed taut in his posture. Perhaps he yearned for some connection like this? The tortoiseshell could not deny he understood the need for another... though his interest in such a thing hardly existed, he had to admit he often felt left out during conversations and scenes such as this. But, perhaps not in the same way...

"Yes," he murmured in echo of the congratulations with a dip of his head, hardly-there but genuine smile set upon his often statuesque features. A crooked-toothed maw was curved in a smile, happiness for the united pair taking precedent above many other emotions. But as Stretch's side he would stay- he perhaps needed company, someone to go and get lunch with. If lunch was not so cruelly scarce...

Okay, so like, how hard was that? They made such a big fuss about it before and now here they are, being all googly eyed and soft spoken and speaking the truth. Adults will never cease to amaze him in their desperate dance to avoid doing the simplest things. But that's okay because he feels a little prideful, thinking that his question is what prompted a little inner reflection on their ends. He could be a matchmaker! Of course, that thought is quickly repelled when he feels his gag reflex threatening him. Okay, it's too sweet for him, too icky, but he still smiles brightly at the two as he steps forward to join his clanmates in staring them down during their personal moment. His ears flick, trying to figure out what's the proper thing to say from the variety of words his clanmates offer, even though he's downright itching to say, 'I told you so!' or 'oh, I thought you didn't know what Sunfreckle was talking about?' (yeah right). But maybe that's a bad idea. After all, Flycatcher did say he would get him when he least expects it for that improvised prank and Jay has been looking over his shoulder for quite some time since then. Plus, Flame could make him do crappy chores. It's just not worth it.

Struggling to keep a straight face, he mews, "I'm happy you two fina- uhm, happy for you. Mm, yep." He really is not good at this but deep down, he really is pleased that his mentor is happy (even if he doesn't really understand the complications of this whole love thing). It isn't the same love as family but being loved at all is probably very welcome for Flamewhisker since her mom's death. Thinking about it that way, maybe it really would be nice to love someone like that.

Unlike Jaypaw he had no such qualms with trying to be subtle about it all and the laugh that escaped him as he trotted onto the scene and realized what was happening was both joyous and perhaps a little teasing, "Oh finally! I've grown so tired of watching you both stare longingly across the camp at one another wistfully and sighing like you can't just get up and make your declarations proper~!" Maybe it's because his own romantic relationship had come so naturally that he struggled to understand why a cat wouldn't just outright declare their intents or desires the moment they felt them. He and Rabbitnose had been briefly awkward at first for perhaps a day before it was very clear they were in love and he had been so overwhelmingly happy over it that he didn't think much about being embarrassed.
"I'm very glad for you both, remember no kits until newleaf!"
Coming to a stop near Sparkpaw he tucked the apprentice into the coil of his tail with a sweeping scoop and smiled, he would kill them both if they did because he assumed Flamewhisker would leave her kits to a queen to continue her duties....oh and also the starvation thing, but mostly he'd kill them both if they put work on him more than he was already juggling.
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