The things i've broken, I see them wherever I go || Echolight

Sep 15, 2022
Irispath can't put it off any longer, his anxieties need to be cast aside so he can do this. He needs to talk to Echolight and his kits. Her kits. Do they want him in their lives, or do they want him dead? This is why Irispath seeks out Echolight. If anyone should want to crush him, it'd be her. He promised her. He promised her kits. And he fucked it all up. This knowledge has driven him mad, and now he wants to put it to rest. He's ready to accept the outcome, whatever it may be. It's time to move forward, instead of wallowing in self pity.

The moors are cold this afternoon as he searches for his friend, hoping he finds her soon before he loses the courage to ask her what's been gnawing at him for moons. Fortunately, it doesn't take him long to spot her in the confines of camp. He forces his paws to move towards her, his nerves telling him to stop this endeavor and continue as usual. But he can't. He fucked up, and now he has to do what he can to tend to his fuck up. He can't run from it.

"E-echolight?" His voice stutters and cracks and he curses himself for sounding so... Pitiful. "Can....Can I talk to you?" He asks, his voice a little clearer, thankfully.

Does he even have the right to speak to her, or any of her family? His spiraling negative thoughts over the moons have clouded his judgement and he can no longer think on this subject with any clarity.

@Echolight .

The serenity of her moorland home is something Echolight had always sought when in need of comfort, but it is a troubled expression she wears when Irispath discovered her.
Perched on a small rise in the otherwise flattened land, Echolight had found nothing in the way the wind buffeted at her pelt, nothing in the faint scent of heather.
Her usual source of security was no match for the ease the pale warrior needed, and Echolight was left feeling just as heavy as she had when she had arrived.
Theres a dim spark in her singular optic when she meets Irispath’s eyes, a ghost of a warm smile.
When her friend had made his escape from Windclan, Echolight had been devastated, but not for the reasons the other feared.
His presence was a loss, another string of sanity snipped away, but Echolight had been left in devastation because of her envy, how she had wished she could have been more like him. The moment she had discovered her kit’s existence, she should have fled- gone to Riverclans border and pleaded for sanctuary. The wetlands were half of her children’s birthright, perhaps Cicadastar could have seen that, too.
Yet, Sootstar was quick to burn bridges, and crumple the reputation of Windclan as a whole, Echolight had watched idly while her window closed, her kits fates tossed into smoked claws.
Can… Can I talk to you?
She holds no resentment in her heart for Irispath, only the same platonic love she had always carried for him.
It is why her expression creases with both concern and slight confusion now.
"Of course, honey. What’s on your mind?"

She regards him so kindly, and he feels like he doesnt deserve it. Did he really deserve such kindness from her, after he ruined everything for her and her kits? Sometimes he thinks if she doesn't pummel him, he'll pummel himself, somehow. He hesitates, wonders if he should just leave her alone. But this is something he needs to do, he needs to apologize. He needs to know how she feels. He needs to know what to do to help fix things. Even if there's nothing to be done, he needs to know how to at least try.

"I...I want to apologize to you. For... F-for leaving.. For getting angry and snapping at Sootstar and leaving you and the kits here in what..What used to be a den of snakes. I'm so sorry for... The pain I must have caused..."
He says, eyes easily watering. "If...If you and the kits want nothing to do with me anymore, I understand. I just.... Want to know what I can do to fix things." He continues, pausing, looking up at her and bracing for a negative reaction.​
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