camp The Time of the Lost {Sparring}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) The fox attacked seemed to have changed Deersong for the third time within these last few moons. As soon as she had been cleared to return to full duties, the molly had launched herself into work, training, and checking in more often with her children and mate. Her paws were sore but she reveled in the ache as it was a sign that she was no longer that shivering molly hidden away in the nursery for the world to forget.

Today, she had some hopeful plans in mind, and as she walked into the center of the camp her aqua eyes would be glittering with a new spark making it clear that whatever she was about to say she was excited for. Her clanmates, her loved ones had been taken, and while she held onto the hope that one of the patrols would find where they were being held a part of her felt like the rest of them should be doing something to keep the dark thoughts and idle paws busy. "Any cat who wants to spar with me is welcome." She would call out to any cat within the clearing who would give her their ear. "If you can defeat me in this lesson, then I will take over one of your tasks for the next week."

Deersong stood with confidence, her frame still thin but clearly regaining some of her former beauty now that she was once again taking care of herself. Her paws were tingling with anticipation as she looked around her clanmates to see who would step forward first. Would it be one of her fellow warriors? Or would an apprentice gather up the courage to face her? The idea of training with one of her own children placed a smile on her maw, eager to show her kits what their mother was really like.

Blazestar hears Deersong's call for a spar, and his ears twitch. He isn't in the mood to take her up on her offer, but he sees an opportunity for his apprentice to show off what he does know as far as battle skills go. He fears whatever he'd learned from Sootstar and his father would be more brutal than the majority of his warriors prefer to fight, but Blazestar could perhaps temper some of the innate aggression.

" @Coyotepaw , why don't you take her up on it?" His eyes show a faint spark of interest. "You've not had proper battle training in awhile. Let's see what we're working with." He flicks his tail towards Deersong.

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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather watches from the sidelines, muzzle bloodied from the bird she was eating. She maybe would’ve taken Deersong up on it if her paws didn’t ache from todays earlier patrols… luckily she catches Blazestar encouraging Coyotepaw to give it a go. She lets out a mrrow of encouragement, ”Yeah, go and kick some tail.” All her animosity seemingly gone for the WindClan blooded SkyClanner.
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Pigeonsong watches as a beautiful she-cat saunters into the center of camp, not having met her before his eyes beam with curiosity. It's not long before she offers up what he'd consider to be a fair challenge and he wonders what she would ask of any cat who loses.

Blazestar appears soon, encouraging his apprentice to take on the challenge and his gaze brightens as it settles upon his leader. He certainly seemed in good spirits this morning. He hopes that Coyotepaw will accept the proposition. He doesn't know the apprentice personally but it's always good to encourage the younger members of the clan with a friendly challenge.

Figfeather offers encouragement of her own and he finally finds the confidence to join in. "Yeah Coyotepaw, it'll be fun." The tom would add, padding over and sitting down so that he could watch the sparring session better.
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She was not a big fighter. Though, she did do well with fighting, the thought of hurting another made her grimace. Even on accident. But fighting was crucial to survival. and if another clan or rogues were to attack... knowing how to fight meant survival.

Flowercloud would sit to the sidelines, and if offered to spar with, she knew she wouldn't decline. Though she hoped sitting far enough back she wouldn't be too included.

"you got this coyotepaw!" she purred, adding her own little bit of confidence in hopes that coyote would be pumped up.
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Angry at all the things I can't change
Tapered ears perk before his attention flickers to Deersong, surprised to hear the mocha furred molly attempting to initiate a spar of all things. Even more surprising was Blazestar's attempt to coax him into filling that role. His jaw parts in the beginnings of partial, albeit respectful protest. Although not a word escapes him once his mentor swiftly explains wishing to see what he knew. Coyotepaw's cream colored maw slowly closes, gaze fixating on Deersong again as she beams at him. Several warriors cheer him on, Figfeather included and he turns to offer the marmalade a grateful nod of his head. Taking a steady breath he inches forward, slipping easily into a battle ready stance. "Sheathed. Keep your claws sheathed..." He thought to himself. Chanting it over and over again like an unyielding mantra as visions of the moors played across his mind's eye.

A subtle blink or two worked to hastily dispel the memory before it could fully manifest itself. This was not windclan, there was no need for the ruthless sparring he'd grown accustomed to. But moons of militant training are not easily forgotten. Another breath and he nods to indicate readiness. With a signal given he lurches forward, swift paws eating up the distance between them to bring him into range. Pushing off his hind legs he aims to land squarely upon her back and bowl her over if successful.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
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( ) A flicker of surprise touched her features as Blazestar stepped forward, and that surprise would only deepen as he calls forth her own son to spar with her. Deersong would turn to face the cream tabby and an encouraging smile would also be on her maw as she listens to their clanmates encourage him. While the others, and even Coyotepaw himself, worried about whatever Windclan had taught him, there would be no concern on the tan and mocha molly face as she faced the tom and lashed her half-tail, "I'm eager to see how much you've grown, my son."

She would not return the battle stance, instead simply standing there and watching him with glowing aqua eyes as she waited to see what he would do first, only flickering her ears as a silent signal to begin. He runs for her, and just as he reaches her he leaps earning a smile of pride from her as she finally moves, she waits until he's just about to land on her before darting to the side with the grace of a viper, paw lashing out to take advantage of his fall and attempt to trip him up as he hits the space where she once was. If she was successful in tripping him, she would whirl on him to try and mimick his attempt; aiming to climb onto his back and pin him to the ground.



A gaze made of brilliant sapphire and daffodils watched as their mother called upon the clan for a spar. Briarpaw was more than eager to take her up on that option as they loved a good sparring, but Blazestar was the first to take up the option with Coyotepaw. Their brother? Now that hardly seemed like a fair fight! Coyotepaw had Windclan training and who knows what sort of dirty tricks those cats had up their sleeve. The young lilac tortie twitched back their ears for a moment before lifting their head rather defiantly, suppose it would make for a fun show of Coyotepaw getting his butt kicked. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
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Angry at all the things I can't change
She evades his initial pounce, not that he held any doubt. She was certainly more seasoned in battle than he was and he still had much to learn. Although his intentions were to pin the mocha molly from the start his mind needed to work quick to make up for the mishap of letting Deersong slip away. Her paws do indeed trip him up, hindering him from placing his paws forward. He uses the momentum of his fall to push his broad shoulder against her, canceling out her attempt to gain a foothold and pin him. Steadying himself he rushes again head on with arms wide in an attempt to grapple his mother.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith