private The trees sway to the young one's piping || Blackwater

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Gently, gently, the constellations aligned
Mar 8, 2025

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She'd always been good at singing, hadn't she?
Since she'd been born, she'd been a singer. Loud and clear and healthy her lungs punches the air, creating such wonderous sound. Her momma - a title not given lightly even in her little mind - had been a good audience member. Appauding and laughing, warming her. Loving her. Someone else was there, though, and they made her think that maybe she wasn't as good a singer as she thought. Momma always tried to stop her singing when that someone was around - they had no shape, just a feeling to them. After a few days, she learned why she shouldn't sing when the air felt diffrent. She learned how to listen to the air - the crack of thunder in the stillness that came from heavy paws. The rush of wind when teeth were bared.
A songbird, she was. That's what her momma had deemed her. A little wonder of sound.
Momma had always loved her songs, even if that meant they had to move. Momma had always been careful not to grab her two hard - she'd tried to tell Momma that her scruff could be held a bit tighter; there were even a few times were she felt like the grip her protector had was too light and she risked plummeting into the void. But not today!
She was happy today, singing a song of pleasure and wonder as her scruff was held tight. Wind passed beneth them, her little legs kicking at something long and springy and they walked. Her eyelids had begun to lift - teasing the Light from beyond. It was so pretty - and the shadows that came from the Light! She sang for it, begging her ever listening mother for more.
Her mother listened, lumbering onwards towards another song. Theres' more? Tiny ears prick up, swiveling towards the rushing symphony. Oh, over there! She cries, her voice loud and shrill with glee. Over there! We must adventure!
The song is defeaning. It creates a pleasent waft of F Major, subtle but strong when close. Another songbird? This Light is so delightful! What other secrets are there?
Something cold touches her paw and a squel erupts from the kit. She kicks, sending the cold thing everywhere. She can feel it in the air, going off in this direction and that. It's so delightful that she is excited when the grip on her scruff relaxes. The sound and sensation envolpe her, and suddenly everything is muffled. She wiggles, the motion creating waves and waves and waves into... something. It's not air... but it's not nothing. There is a rush, and she is moving. On my own? I'm a grown up now! Paws kick out, excited to do the lumbering thing her Momma had done eariler - was it right then left or the other way around?- before something rubbed against her. It was hard and rocky - maybe the thing cats walked on? Attempting to move towards it, a painic blossomed within her. She couldn't move. And worse - she couldn't sing.
She kicks up insictivley. Her head hits something. There is the sensation of moving faster. Faster. She can't sing. She can't breath. She kicks again. The water is warm suddenly, her ear stings in G Minor as something in her gives.
She wiggles.... and wiggles and.... kicks .... and.... wiggles... and...


A warm sun beats down on freshly warmed water. The fish dance under current, plentiful but skinny, a mirror to the clan cats not to far away. One such fish slips under the current, dancing between rocks and river weed and ducking under algae, hunting just as the cats above. It's food was much simplier though - bugs. Yummy yummy bugs. And today was a good day - despite the chill in the water, there was a large gathering of brown algae that seemed to trap almost all of the bugs that got near it. How lucky am I! Thought the fish, nibbeling away at the easy food.
Above it, bathed in the sun, said bug-gathering algae hazards a slight breath. A weak song from her lips.

  • 400
    KIT is loud, long-limed, rambuncious and scrawny, this kit was found lost in the chilly rivers' stream......

    » NPC x NPC / sibling to NONE / NO other kin
    » mentored by who / mentoring who
    » Speech is 715e50 / Thoughts are white / actions are underlined
    » 2 moons old as of 3.13.25
    » penned by Keee / DM @Milksoda for plots

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