the values ð–¹­ lilacfur



The golden feline found herself awfully bored for the first time in a while, a paw under her chin as she glances around the camp. What to do, what to do... She hadn't been sent on a patrol and was just doing her daily business on cheering others up and she remembered how Lilacfur seemed tense when she was with the others trying to get Sycamorekit to leave the nursery. Let's go get her some flowers! Mapletail would state to herself as she quickly found herself bounding out the camp, searching high and low for any flowers growing. It took her a while but she eventually found a decent number of flowers to make a mini-banquet and she headed back to camp in search of the lead warrior.

Mapletail trots around humming to herself until she spots the other female, waving a paw in greeting before prancing over. "Lilwacfur!" She calls happily to the female with a mouthful of flowers as she places the flowers at the she-cat's paws and gives a goofy smile. "I thought of you and got you some flowers," she would start as she glances around, "you looked stressed and I thought flowers would cheer you up." The golden and cinnamon rosette tabby would admit, sheepishly rubbing a paw behind her head.

Lilacfur was one of Chilledstar's council members and she knew that it came with many responsibilities not to mention having to take care of two kits. She had plenty on her plate and sometimes it was nice to take a day to yourself and relax otherwise you strained yourself mentally and physically. It was probably more for her to act as if everything was fine after everything that had happened and also having to do your duties without letting anything affect your work ethic.
"speech", thoughts, attacking

Lilacfur kept herself steady on whatever tasks needed to be done within camp. A subtle excuse to keep a closer eye on her kittens but as expected there were no complaints from the apprentices she dismissed to fill in. Best they take their chances out in the marshes, hunting and getting all their mistakes in while prey was plentiful and it wouldn't hurt their bellies.

With her paws thoroughly caked in mud she stood back to look upon her work for the warriors den to find any remaining patches or weak points. An ear angled back when she heard the approach of pawsteps and turned her head as she heard her name. Her tone was light enough that her heart didn't sink to assume the worst, but that some good news was headed her way. Maybe Marblekit had made a new friend? Shadepaw had nursed ticks off an elder without having to be asked?

Her eyes grow wide with surprise as she's instead met with a neat bouquet resting between Mapletail's jaws. For a moment the rosetted molly is speechless as they're placed in front of her, but quickly does a beaming smile crease into her muzzle. "Oh, thank you Mapletail. They look lovely."

Colors of springtime coat soft petals, flowers she usually admired from a distance. Lilacfur was not used to such gestures, perhaps the closest to receiving gifts such as these in the form of Shadepaw's kindness of random items and her nephews affinity for the same when they were kittens.

"I don't quite know what to do with them. Should we weave them through our nests?" Petals and stems normally served a purpose of matting and tangling into her fur but it would be nice to entertain the aesthetic of a pretty nest. If only for a day.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]