the very best | apprentices

With Roepaw recovering from injuries, it had been a little while since Flycatcher had gotten to do any training. But she was finally doing better and cleared to return to training, and this time he had an additional apprentice under his wing as well! Flycatcher had not expected Howlingstar to give him another apprentice anytime soon, much less Burnpaw, but he accepted his new apprentice with little fuss beyond the usual civilities expected. It would be a little bit of an adjustment training two apprentice for a while but the deputy was determined to give it his best shot. He supposed if he had any difficulties he could ask Howlingstar to give Burnpaw another mentor. But with how much Burnpaw had been through as of late, Flycatcher did not want that to be the case.

After waking up and assigning some early patrols, Flycatcher went in search of his apprentice. Poking his head into the apprentices den, he called out to them. "Roepaw! Burnpaw! Grab yourselves a quick bite to eat and then join me be the entrance to the camp," He instructed calmly. "We're going hunting today."

@. Roepaw . @BURNPAW !

Flycatcher being assigned another apprentice had been a surprise, but not an unpleasant one. In fact, Roepaw had found herself excited to have another training buddy, especially if it meant she’d be lower on her mentors radar with his attention having to be split towards one more thing.
She’s up earlier than usual that morning, scarfing down a frozen mice near the prey pile when she caught her mentors call.
She takes her last bite, offering the rest to the other early bird who she had been sharing the meal with, before hopping over to the gray deputy.
"I’m ready!" She announced eagerly and a little too loudly from behind Flycatcher.



Burnpaw is excited to get back into the swing of things, to show Roepaw and Flycatcher how much he already knew. Admittedly, he hadn’t gotten his mother natural affinity for hunting but under Emberstar’s guidance he could at least catch some prey, as long as it didn’t move too fast.

This morning, he is so excited that he can barely eat so when Flycatcher summons them he simply shrugs the idea of a meal away, though he knows he will come to regret that decision later. Perhaps if he caught enough prey Flycatcher would let them eat some as a reward. Fresh mouse was always better than one that had been sitting for a while.

He does not know much about Roepaw, but he had never trained alongside another apprentice before and was eager to. It could be fun, learning side by side with someone else. He blinds up to the blue furred tom, coming to stand beside Roepaw. "Where are we going?" he asks his excitement getting the best of him. "The Great Sycamore? The Owl Tree?" he starts listing off landmarks in the territory, hoping silently that they would stay away from Snake rocks for the time being. The dogs weren’t there anymore but he cannot help but remember their snapping jaws, their braying voices, and shudder.
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It doesn't take long for both his apprentices to join him. In fact they are so quick to join him that he wonders if they've eaten at all. Regardless, it pleases him to see their excited happy faces. "I like the enthusiasm," Flycatcher remarked with a purr, before turning and flicking his tail for his two apprentices to follow. "We'll be going to the Owl Tree today," The deputy said in response to where they were going. He had considered the Great Sycamore too but wanted to go somewhere he didn't currently associate with danger or an accident as he did Snakerocks and the Great Sycamore.

As the three walked, Flycatcher made polite conversation with both apprentices. "Roepaw, when we get there I want to see your hunting crouches, alright?" He mewed, looking at the young she-cat. With all the healing she had been doing he wanted to ensure she was good to hunt properly without throwing her right into things. "Burnpaw how would you say your hunting skills are?" Flycatcher asked the younger of the two apprentices. "What had Emberstar taught you?"

The trio continued to progress into the woods until the tree came within view. Wanting to get all their blood flowing, Flycatcher gently urged the two to follow him in picking up the pace and enjoying a light run to the Owl Tree.

When Burnpaw arrives, Roepaw gives him a beaming smile before her attention is once again turned to Flycatcher, who reveals that they’re heading for the Owl Tree.
The trio sets off, and Roepaw meets Flycatchers instructions with an enthusiastic nod, "I practiced when I could in the medicine den when I could- I bet they’re even better now!" She claimed confidently in response. It wasn’t long after Flycatcher turned to Burnpaw that the cinnamon apprentice caught the gradual change in pace from the deputy, her shorter legs having to move quicker with each step.
A mischievous smirk began to sprout on her maw then, and she turns to Burnpaw, who is trucking alongside her.
"I betcha a squirrel I can beat you there" she said, only waiting a heartbeat before a light jog transformed into a run, with the Owl Tree already in sight, it would only have been a short race, but Roepaw was nothing if not extra. She’s a blur when she speeds off through the bare and brittle undergrowth.
Her arrival time is sorely underestimated, and it only takes a stray blink before the tree is right in front of her.
She skids to a stop, her forepaw catching on a stray tendril and she falls face-first into a pile of damp, dead leaves.
By the time Flycatcher and Burnpaw would’ve made it to her, she’d only just be sitting up, whirling around with leaves stuck to her cheeks, and more being spit out of her mouth.
Still, she’s beaming and triumphant. "Told ya!"