THE WAY YOU BEND, THE WAY YOU BREAK ✧ skyclan dawn patrol

The dawn still wears its cooling façade, the grayed skies opening into a floral array of blush-tones and bleeding the river pink. Blazestar enjoys the sandy earth between his toes, breathing in deep to expel his worries. “Look alive,” he tells his patrolmates, though his blue eyes are soft when he casts them over his shoulder. “Let’s hope we run into a RiverClan cat today.

Normally, he’s fine to lead boring border patrols. Today, though, he’s hoping to ask about the illness. They’ve lost so much in such a short amount of time—and he feels a strange guilt that cannot be assuaged. Had SkyClan brought this plague upon the forest? He’s lost in thought, nothing further trailing from his leaden tongue.

  • @APPLE STEM @sparrowsong! but no need to wait!
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

Sparrowsong didn't usually have much issue waking up early in the morning. Often times, they were asleep early enough to awaken before most, even if dawn patrol was a little before that. Today didn't seem to be such the case, the brown tabby lagging and yawning, but not every day could be perfect.

From the moment they'd crawled out of their nest to go meet Blazestar by the camp entrance, one thing they'd been aware of was a prickling soreness in their throat. Dry, no doubt, and they would be able to quench it once they got to the border where the river ran.

The three of them set out, and the flame point instructed them to look alive, and they couldn't help the weak laugh it earned in response. Maybe it was directed to them, although they couldn't tell for sure. A paw reached up to swipe at their eyes. "I'll do my best," they promised.

For the duration of the lengthy trek, Sparrowsong's thoughts had only been fixated upon the river and the relief it would provide. Sand and pebbles were beneath their paws now, and while the others fanned out to dutifully renew scents, the tabby warrior stepped forward to stoop their head and drink. It was unpleasant, each gulp earning a prick of pain, but the cold water was wonderful regardless.

Stepping back and shaking themself out, they decided to put some haste in their step to catch up and work at renewing the border, shooting glances across the water all the while. They never had, but they couldn't help but wonder if they would see their friend before heading back.



Dipperpaw follows Shellsong to the border with SkyClan like a diligent apprentice should. SkyClan is a group of cats that she didn’t particularly have a high opinion of. She thinks them weak, thinks they are lesser than RiverClan. But what Clan wasn’t? In her mind her Clan is the best one in the entire forest. They had something the other clans didn’t, something they all wished they had. The river. Their invaluable skill not only allowed them to brave the waters of their home and conquer the very thing most cats feared, but it also sustained them when others would go hungry. That’s what her ma had told her anyways.

Dipperpaw had gotten separated from the warrior at her side when they had decided to split up to hunt. (Land hunting was the boringest!) No doubt Shellsong was hidden somewhere watching her. Before she can raise her nose to the air to try and scent prey though she hears words drifting to her ears from the other side of their border with SkyClan. Words that did not sound like they came from a cat she knew. Her blue eyes find the SkyClanners on their border and she lets out a heavy sigh from her maw. They had more than likely already scented her as she was upwind of them so she makes her way over, picking her way through the reeds until she comes to stand near the invisible line that marks the start of RiverClans territory. "Morning." she says simply, her cold blue eyes flickering to each cat in turn, settling finally on the leader of the patrol. Blazestar. She recognizes him from the spare pawful of gatherings she had actually attended. She is not impressed by the tom, however. His pelt does not speak stories like Cicadastars does, like other warriors do. His stories are too new, too fresh. He was not forest born, she knows from the things she has heard about him and it certainly changes her perspective on him considerably.

"Blazestar." she says, her tone betraying nothing but respect for a leader from an apprentice, even if she was an apprentice of a different clan. She notices that they do not move on as is usually customary for these meetings and desperately she glances over her shoulder for her mentor, frowning when the molly does not appear. She quickly returns her attention to the opposing patrol, feeling nervous. What if they were here to attack? She could probably take the small brown one but all three? She shuffles her feet. "Should I fetch a warrior?" she asks, a question hidden within a question. ‘Are you here for something?’ Is what she is really asking.

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ "Well, I'm here, so we've got the warrior part covered now— unless it's our deputy or leader who should be here?" His voice carries over to the SkyClan patrol as Fallinglight steps in beside Dipperpaw. He's similarly curious; while they're on much better terms than with WindClan, patrols generally move on fairly quickly given they all have duties to carry out. He can't quite make out Blazestar's expression from here to sate it— not the nuanced bits, anyway, which is disappointing. Partly because he wouldn't mind getting a closer look at the SkyClan leader. He cuts a kind of...regal figure, doesn't he? Not like Cicadastar, who's dignified, yes, but austerely so, distant despite his dedication to RiverClan. Blazestar looks more approachable. Warmer.

He clears his throat before his mind can wander off too far, sitting down with a glance at the SkyClanners with Blazestar. It didn't escape his notice that Dipperpaw seemed a bit antsy, but he doubts SkyClan would try anything as underhanded as WindClan. He's not worried, even with the extra lives Blazestar has over him. "I heard about your warrior, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry she didn't meet StarClan differently."

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, blazestar is handsome, which i probably shouldn't think about. if he had darker fur and eyes, he'd be even more handsome, but i definitely shouldn't be thinking about that. there are more important things affecting all of us. still, it doesn't hurt to look, does it? it isn't like i'm besotted or smitten or whatever else. it's no different than admiring a pretty flower.


Joining a patrol alongside Blazestar brought a sense of pride. With the recent internal conflict about her fellow Daylight Warriors and former kittypet Clanmates, Apple Stem was happy to show her own tact and honor. Not that it was necessary on her end, but Blazestar had enough trouble to reach up to his neck without her adding anything to it.

"Oh hello, riverborn." She greeted the first to appear, an apprentice. Curious that she wasn't here with her mentor. Did RiverClan allow their apprentices to roam freely?

Fallinglight is the next RiverClanner to show up. Just as Dipperpaw, he was polite. Even so kind to share sympathies for the fallen she-cat. "That's very kind of you. She was a wonderful cat, saved many of our friends when they were trapped back in newleaf."

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
While she would never admit it, Lakemoon was eager to avoid camp as much as possible at the moment, quick to drag her mate and her apprentice on her outings whenever possible. The avoidance did not come without work, however, and it was safe to say Lakemoon was happily topping off the fresh-kill pile by the end of the day.
This morning, however, was intended to teach Flutterpaw to tune into his sense of tracking. Which just so happened to lead them right to Dipperpaw and Fallinglight.
Normally, Lakemoon would be prompting where Dipperpaws mentor was, but her attention is zeroed in on the Skyclan cats, sapphire optics flickering to the invisible boundary between them.
"She was an admirable warrior, and I hope she rests peacefully in Starclan." The warrior finally speaks with a respectful dip of her head. She would be lying if she denied her curiosity towards Blazestars presence, accustomed to finding leaders on borders with urgent news on their tongues.
Yet, the fire-hued tom seemed relatively at ease this morning- or at least like there were no imminent dangers.
"How is Skyclan faring?"

// apprentice tag @Flutterpaw