pafp THE WAY YOU HATE ME — prompt

Dec 12, 2023

Coyotebite had been a wild-born cat her entire life. Joining ThunderClan upon its creation was something new for her, and equally as challenging to fight against her previous "instincts" of being a loner, or living in a smaller rouge group. One thing she felt very strongly about, however, was the thought of kittypets being allowed to join them. Coyote had been raised with the strong feeling that these types of cats should not be allowed to roam freely. They would never be able to fully defend themselves, and most certainly would not be able to live as they did. Her time in ThunderClan had not yet changed that opinion, and perhaps never truly would.

When she returned to camp that afternoon, a large group of her clanmates were sharing tounges amongst themselves, and casually chatting. Coyotebite would carefully step around each of them, almost involuntarily freezing up as she heard some npcs chatting about allowing kittypets to join the clans. She didn't have the full picture, but she thought she overheard something about a clanmate, or even something about SkyClan allowing kittypets into their rankings. Without truly even thinking about it, she would insert herself into their conversation without any hesitation. "I don't know why that's allowed. KIttypets have their own place. Their place is at home with their two-legs. They don't belong here." Perhaps it was her father's ideals he'd forced upon her coming to light or even the stress of another unsuccessful hunt getting to her. Her tone was in-fact more harsh than usual, and she only truly realized what had been said as soon as a loud silence fell over the camp. With the stares of her clanmates on her, she found herself making no effort to correct what she had said.

// prompt: coyotebite has a sharp tongue, and is cold and stoic. she butts heads with someone who she doesn't know very well and who vocally doesn't agree with her, and ends up saying something rude in front of a lot of cats- does she stand by what she said? (please wait for @STORMYWING )

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Stormywing is sitting idly nearby, enjoying the grooming from a clanmate while she chats away. One may not think it about the brash molly, but sharing tongues is one of her absolute favorite activities. A content purr rumbles in her throat as she lowers herself onto her stomach, paws tucked underneath her and eyes shutting. Someone is bringing up how awkward she’d been upon joining the clan so many moons ago, all legs and no muscle. She had been a clumsy, uncoordinated mess. Stormywing doesn’t mind, of course - she knows it’s all in good fun, and besides, everyone knows she’s a capable warrior now no matter her roots.

It’s Coyotebite’s sudden remark that gets her brow raising, golden eyes peeling open to settle accusingly on her form. “Wanna say that to my face?” She growls, sitting up and letting the fur on her shoulders ruffle. The small warrior pushes herself to her paws and takes a few steps towards the other, chin lifting. “You sayin’ I don’t have a place here, Coyotebite? My littermates, too? Go on, say it again and see what happens.” Her claws flex within their sheaths and her snout wrinkles, the tips of her fangs revealed challengingly. “I bet I could still kick your rump, kittypet roots and all.”

What should have been a valuable moment of downtime shared among clanmates seemed to spiral rather abruptly with a particularly poor comment being made by Coyotebite, and naturally it stirred a reaction. Shiningsun paused in his grooming and he snapped his head round to watch as Stormywing confronted her. It was only natural for tensions to be more fiery than usual given the worsening season, but he wasn't the sort who would stand by and watch clanmates fight.

In an instant he was on his paws and he hurried to place himself between Stormywing and Coyotebite in the hopes of preventing any blows from happening. "Hey now, there's no need for this!" He barked as he puffed out his chest as a way of asserting himself over the matter, though he wouldn't deny that he was feeling mortified over Coyotebite's statement, though he knew that a few in the clan held similar beliefs about kittypets. "Coyotebite, it doesn't matter if someone was a kittypet, what matters is the strength in one's heart. I suggest you apologise and never speak like that again."

( ⁀➷ )  Fallow doesn't much care for sharing tongues, but with her mentor contentedly chatting away, it seems she's stuck in camp. Not much to do but sulk in her own little corner and eavesdrop. The mention of kittypets catches Fallow's ear. That's what Stormywing had been, right? They don't belong here.

Immediately, its fur starts bristling. The apprentice seeks out her mentor -- not hard with her voice raising like that -- and comes to her side. A tiny mirror, glaring up at Coyotebite for a long moment. She's a lot bigger than the bullies Fallow's dealt with, but she supposes that's something a big warrior like Stormywing is used to. Shiningsun's de-escalating words pass through one ear and out the other. "Yeah," mumbles Fallow belatedly, mouth finally catching up with her mind. "Shut up 'n apologize, or I'll kick your tail too." It's nowhere near as threatening as Stormywing's flashing teeth, but the angry puffball of an apprentice does not seem aware of this.

  • //



If she had expected nobody to turn on her for her comment then she surely was in the wrong place. Perhaps she'd hit her head on patrol earlier? Yeah, that had to be it, she decides as she meets Stormywing's gaze before tossing another idle comment in her direction. "Don't be so full of yourself. I never addressed you." A tsk tsk escapes her jaws as she gazes at the fuming warrior standing before her. How could she have been so blind before? Did she never catch on that Stormywing had kittypet blood running in her veins? She would make no move (yet) to fight her clanmate over words they disagreed upon.

Shiningsun's comment does rub her the wrong way, however. "I'm not apologizeing. It's no secret that other cats don't have positive feelings towards kittypets. Are you going to go around and order everyone to retract their comments? We cannot all get along every second of the day." Did he truly expect everyone to have the same thoughts and feelings? Did he really think that there wouldn't be arguments in the clan at all? And you're not even a lead warrior. Still, here you are. Trying to order me around. Her eyes roll with the thought, standing her ground.

Fallowpaw's words reach her ears as they twitch in response. Three-on-one was not a fair fight, and she was aware of that. She also was aware of the consequences that would come from Howlingstar over fighting over such a thing. There wasn't any proper way to settle this without everyone getting into trouble. Besides, they were all grown, weren't they? Couldn't they solve it as adults? Or was everyone too blind to recognize that others had differing opinions? "Apologize? No, I'm not apologizing. Not when kittypets were responsible for my brother's death." Growling emits from her throat, something she'd realized too late had started. Unable to back down now, she gazes between the trio, waiting to see if they have anything they care to add after her confession. "We don't all have to agree on things. I'm well aware we have different opinions on the matter. But for now, my opinion stands."
Shiningsun with his pure intentions steps between the two she-cats, but the tabby isn't done yet. Coyotebite's words spur her on further, igniting a fury in her she hasn't felt since her apprentice days, since she nearly got into a brawl with Lichenpaw and Basilpaw. Her teeth clench as she cranes her neck around the golden warrior trying to separate them, blazing eyes locked onto Coyotebite. "You fox-heart. Think you're so much tougher than a kittypet, huh? I'll take you on any time, any place. Unless you're scared of a kittypet," She barks, taking a threatening step towards her. Her words are callous, deflecting, blaming the sentiment on others in the clan, but the only one sitting here mocking cats with kittypet blood is her. Stormywing has never felt so disrespected to her own face in her entire life.

Even Fallowpaw, young as she is, demands an apology, and the cold-hearted warrior still refuses to give it. She brushes her shoulder alongside her apprentice's and narrows her hardened eyes on the warrior, who stands growling about her brother's death. If she thinks kittypets are so weak, she seems awfully threatened by them then, Is all she thinks. Her claws slide from their sheathes involuntarily, teeth bared. "Get out of my face, or I'll have my claws in yours."

"Not everyone says hurtful comments aloud, and yeah, I would tell every single one of them to watch their tongues." Shiningsun huffed sharply as he held his ground whilst maintaining a hard stare upon Coyotebite. He wasn't going to back down, not for a single second. Perhaps for too long other clanmates had been left unchallenged over their hurtful remarks. He would be mindful to listen out for such moments in future in order to shut it down before it could spread like a venom.

Then it comes, the sharing of a grim tale of woe. A flicker of sympathy shows in his expression but he doesn't entirely buckle. Though he offers a moment of understanding. Despite how fiery Stormywing was becoming he instead aimed to wave his bushy tail towards his riled clanmate in a bid to simmer her down. "Coyotebite, I get it, losing family... it hurts. It truly does hurt, and I offer my condolences. But please understand that such hate will only breed further hate and pain. Not all kittypets are the same, Stormywing isn't the one who killed your brother. Neither are any of the daylight warriors in SkyClan. You need to understand that, do not condemn so many for the actions of a vile few."

The large tom let his posture soften as he tried to guide them towards a peaceful outcome before things could spiral any further. "I ask again, apologise to Stormywing. She is your clanmate after all, not your enemy. We ask that you be mindful of your remarks in future for the sake of peace, that's all. And... if you ever want to talk things out then know that I will always extend an ear. It's better to address such things than to let things fester."