border the ways in which you talk to me // thunderclan border patrol

// @lovelight @Rowanthorn @antlerpaw no need to wait for them!

Brown tabby fur ripples in the early morning breeze as Howlingstar stands at the head of her patrol, her green eyes scanning the moorland that stretches out before them. The scent of heather and distant prey fill the air, mingling with the smell of fresh morning dew on the grass. She glances briefly to Antlerpaw at her side before looking back to the warriors behind them. "Lovelight, Rowanthorn, keep your senses sharp," Howlingstar instructs. The WindClan border lay just ahead and the stout she-cat leads the way at a steady pace, keeping alert to any sign of moor cat scent or any movement on the other side. She doesn’t want to think they would encroach, but hearing about their prey thieving on other territories…well, one can’t be too cautious.

As they approach a particularly dense thicket along the bordering twoleg path, the tabby pauses as a soft rustling catches her attention, lifting her tail to signal the patrol to halt. Her muscles tense, readying for action, and she parts her jaws to taste the air while ears angle forward. A moment later, a plump rabbit bursts from the cover, darting across the open moorland. The leader lets out a low growl of frustration, although there is a hint of amusement in creased eyes. She would’ve loved to bring home a lucky meal, but she won’t risk crossing a border to chase it.
༄༄ Aboveground, a rabbit makes a run for it. The deputy’s head first pops out from her tunnel, and the rest of her flame-striped body appears a heartbeat later. She spots the prey not too far away, seemingly heading deeper into the moorland. The ThunderClan patrol that stands opposite the border must have shooed it from wherever it hid in the underbrush—but no matter which direction it had come from, the prey is on WindClan territory now. Dark claws unsheathe, and the calico races after the rabbit. In only a few fox-lengths, she overtakes the creature, leaping upon it to end its run for shelter.

A touch of blood stains the deputy’s chin when she turns to greet the ThunderClan patrol at last, the catch clamped carefully in her jaws. Its hind legs drag across the ground as she approaches the border, and she allows the creature’s entire body to drop to the grass so she can speak. "Howlingstar," she greets with a dip of her scarred head. The ThunderClan leader may not be her preferred company amongst the oak trees, but she is at least pleasant. She is at least reasonable, more so than the likes of Lichenstar and Chilledstar. To the cats at Howlingstar’s side, the deputy turns a narrowed golden gaze. "ThunderClan fares well, I hope?" Aside from the twoleg debacle, at least, she has heard little of trouble from the ThunderClan border. It is unsurprising—Howlingstar enjoys putting her clan on a righteous pedestal, and to strike out and cause trouble would be out of character for the leader.

  • ooc:
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    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. cold and closed-off, ferociously protective of her clanmates. rarely seen aboveground.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to none ; previously mentored pinkshine
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Cottonsprig does not need to chase the rabbit that eludes the ThunderClan patrol. If not by virtue of her rank, then by the mere fact that Scorchstreak does not let the remainder of the patrol second guess the idea. The prey, hearty enough to feed a few kits, is quickly felled by the deputy and dragged back to the remainder of the patrol and the medicine cats purrs her quiet congrats to the tortoiseshell before looking over at Howlingstar and the rest, finally.

Almost instinctively does her tail flutter over her sides, but they do not bulge yet. Not to mention she still stands near the tunnel, where she hopes that the passing patrol will not scrutinize her too closely. Scorchstreak exchanges pleasantries and Cottonsprig takes the moment to say, "I'll be heading this way -" her head points on ahead, "There's some lavender around here. I want to see if it's ready to be pulled," she smiles partially to the other Clan and her patrolmates before attempting to make headway towards her goal, hoping to not be halted by small talk. ​

There is a sense of satisfaction when Antlerpaw isn't told she needed to keep her senses sharp- she knows as well as Howlingstar does that it was an unspoken thing, something that Antlerpaw should do inherently. Ears twitched and perked as she looked towards the rest of the moorland, hot winds blowing across. The scent of ash was just barely still there, but the moor would slowly start to regrow, flowers blooming here and there. She thinks it's a good thing, that Windclan may have the pleasantry of their territory back.

Maybe it would help them calm down- head turned sharply as the rabbit bound from the undergrowth, and her paws itched to move, to bound after it. That wouldn't happen, paws staying still as Howlingstar's stopped. The border, above all, was paramount. Scorchstreak appears- she hadn't seen her before, and it's a wonder if she wasn't paying attention, but her speed causes her vision to go awe-filled. To have such muscles, such speed? A blessing, almost akin to how a deer was blessed with such movement. A call-back, to the stories that she had heard the elders speak upon.

Her head dipped towards Scorchstreak as they're approached. She was not the one addressed- after all, and it would be... tasteless to fling herself into the middle of a conversation not bearing weight upon herself. Antlerpaw gently tapped Howlingstar's side with her tail, another unspoken movement between them, Moving to mark the border. Even if Howlingstar didn't carry the knowledge of what she meant, her next movements showed it, rubbing her cheek against a tree nearby.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

She's close behind Scorchstreak as the deputy bursts from the tunnels in pursuit of a rabbit thumping overhead. Tunnel-dust runs in rivulets down her pelt as she emerges into the sunlight near the ThunderClan border. She blinks grit from her eyes, pride unfurling in her chest at Scorchstreak's speed and hunting prowess. It does good to remind the forest of WindClan's strength, she thinks. She acknowledges her sister with the flick of an ear — she's careful to avoid her gaze now, not wanting to linger too long, too accusatorily — and instead turns her attention to Howlingstar's patrol.

Scorchstreak expresses she hopes things are well in the forest. Bluefrost eyes first the stout tabby leader, then the lithe apprentice at her side. "Greenleaf should be treating all the Clans well," she says, stiff and formal as ever.

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  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue smoke she-cat with white and emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

Howlingstar watches the scene unfold, not bothering to disguise how impressed she is at the WindClan deputy's speed and prowess. Her green eyes soften as the patrol of moor dwellers approaches and she offers a dignified nod. Despite being unable to capture the rabbit for herself, she can respect that it will go towards other kits' full bellies in a different camp. Her gaze flicks to Cottonpaw- no, hadn't she been named Cottonsprig? Yes, yes - Cottonsprig quietly departs to find herbs. She returns her attention to Scorchstreak and offers a measured smile. "Hello, Scorchstreak. Indeed we do - WindClan appears to be thriving as well. That was an impressive catch," She responds cordially.

Turning her attention to Bluefrost, the tabby adds, "Greenleaf has been favorable. Warm weather always brings plentiful prey. I can only hope WindClan's territory offers the same abundance after all you went through with the fires." Sympathy flashes in her eyes briefly. She glances to Antlerpaw when she touches her tail to her side and nods to her, then watches while she dutifully marks the border. A surge of pride grows in the old leader - her apprentice shows great promise, taking her task so seriously.
The chocolate tabby watches Scorchstreak cooly as WindClan's deputy catches the rabbit before it escapes further into the moors, nodding quietly as she and others greet their patrol.

"How are the moors recovering after the fire?" He asks finally, noticing the sprouts of heather who've begun to appear. Wildfires were always devastating and terrifying, he truly did hope WindClan fared well - which they did, apparently - after such damage done to their territory. While waiting for an answer, Rowanthorn moves to rub his body against a tree to renew the scent markers.

  • // #FF7661
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 35 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.