THE WEATHER AIN'T BEEN BAD [ ✦ ] talk of home

// Set prior to the rockslide

So far the journey had been as difficult as she had anticipated it would be. Her stomach growls, her muscles ache and by the end of the day she finds herself near collapse. The others seem to be in similar shape, ready to sleep the second their heads hit the ground. Today though, she finds herself sitting up, staring at the stars and wondering if any of her children, any of her brothers and sisters, were staring at the same sky. Did StarClan watch over them here too or were the stars above them someone else's warrior ancestors? Whatever the answer was she just hopes someone is out there looking over them.

Many cats had come with family. Orangeblossom had come with one of her children, the young calico apprentice Little Wolf had met a couple of moons ago at a gathering. Cherrypaw had been her name. Flamewhisker too had come with her daughter, Stormpaw. Little Wolf is not certain if she envies them or if she is sympathetic to them. As much as she misses everyone back home she is glad that they are safe. If they had come with she would have spent nearly every waking moment worried for their safety. No, it was for the best that they were not here and yet...

A shadowed figure moves in the peripherals of her vision but she does not turn to look at them, but silently she gestures with her tail in a friendly manner, inviting whoever it was to come and join her looking up at the stars. "Do you miss them? Everyone back home?" she asks after a long moment of silence, her voice breaking whatever spell had settled over the land as she turns to look at the cat who had joined her.

// please wait for either @SCORCHSTREAK @bobbie or @HONEYJAW to post first!

✿—— following her realization, bobbie has been avoiding little wolf as tactfully as she could. she is not sure she would be able to converse with the dark-furred she-cat without spilling her guts in one long blurt of words, and so she's decided not to test those waters and refrained from crossing paths with her as best she could after the whole situation. still, she cannot hide forever, and tonight she is sitting up and watching the moon drift across the sky instead of getting the rest she no doubt needs, plagued by far too many worries. she worries about these feelings, how to push them down until they vanish, about the subject of them, but mostly she worries about her children at home. crowpaw had been on the mend when she left, but lupinepaw had been barely a sunrise or two into recovery.

had one dose been enough?

she's moving to return to her nest for some fruitless attempts at sleep when a cat gestures her over with a waving tail and she pads over, registering too late exactly whose tail it is. bobbie stiffens for a moment, forcing her fur to lie flat, reminding herself: i made a promise. the first part of getting these feelings to go away is talking to her. besides, it's too late to have an excuse to pad away, so bobbie takes a careful seat with her half-tail curled against her thigh. silence spins long in air and irrationally she wonders if little wolf can tell what she's thinking.

instead she asks a question. bobbie shuffles her paws against the ground, mewing softly, "uh....yes, i do." she pauses and admits hesitantly, "i - when i left, two of my kits were sick. i wish i could know they were okay," she sighs, gaze flicking between the other cat and her own paws, then replies, "what about you?"


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Scorchstreak has thrown herself into the seemingly endless marching of their trek to the mountains, used to the ache of overworked muscles and cracked, near-bloodied paws. Even when the night begins to fall, the calico has not settled into a nest. She has kept herself awake for as long as possible, kept herself moving restlessly, but it’s beginning to become too heavy a burden to bear. She cannot remain vigilant and aware at all times, cannot power through terror and grief and rage with physical endurance alone. She cannot keep her WindClanners safe on her own. They must rely on the others at some point, trusting the other clans to not only help keep them safe but also trusting them not to sink claws into their throats at the first opportunity.

Exhaustion tugs at her, and yet she cannot find sleep. At least the dirt feels nice against her flank, a comfortable reminder of the tunnel that she normally sleeps in. But her mind still races, and voices carry through the night air, and so the calico rises to her paws and slinks over to the source of the noise. The two she-cats are discussing the cats they’d left behind at home, and the SkyClanner mentions her sick kits back in her clan. Scorchstreak grits her teeth at the thought of who she’s left behind.

Rumblepaw and Frostpaw, neither of them ill, but left without the guidance or comfort of either of their parents. Damn their father to hell. How could he do this to them? Rattleheart, sick in a badger sett too far from camp to receive any help if they need it desperately. Weaselclaw, also fighting against a disease with no cure—but when she’d left, the tom had been okay. He’s strong, so he will fight it and survive. Houndthistle and Cygnetstare, neither of whom were sick but whom still worries for while she’s gone. Bluepool, who was healthy as well but seemed so concerned over Scorchstreak’s safety before she’d left. Sootstar, who’d entrusted her with leading their little moorland group into dangerous, unknown territory. I miss them all so much.

She settles onto her haunches nearby the other cats, a grimace making itself apparent on her muzzle. "Of course I miss my clan," she inserts herself into their conversation without a care, too exhausted to filter her words. "My brother is sick, and one of my closest friends. My kits weren’t sick when I left, but I fear for them while I’m gone." The calico realizes with a start just how much she has let slip about herself, and her expression shutters once again. "I can only hope that we return in time to save our clanmates."