the wind and the rain are calling | patrol assignments

Stepping into the centre of camp that morning, Flycatcher felt the need to brace himself as a strong gust of wind rushed through the forest. Stars, if this wind got any stronger Flycatcher was genuinely concerned he might blow away and land somewhere like ShadowClan. Once the worst of the wind had abated, Flycatcher shook out his fur and found a comfortable spot to sit down before addressing the clan. "Good morning, ThunderClan! Please gather for today's patrol assignments," Flycatcher called out. The deputy did not have to wait for long as many of his clanmates were already awake by the time he had sat down. "Before I give out assignments, I want everyone to be extra cautious for the boars. As far as we are aware, they are still on our territory, so be extra mindful should you scent them whilst on patrol." Flycatcher let that warning sink in before pressing on.

"Flamewhisker, I would like for you to lead the dawn patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan borders once more. Badgerstrike and Stormywing will accompany you. Please remain civil should you encounter RiverClan."

"I will be leading the dawn patrol along the WindClan and ShadowClan border again. This time I want Owlear and Cloudyfur to accompany me."

"Raccoonstripe, you will be leading the dusk patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border today. Finchcatcher, Spotflare, you are to go with him. As with the dawn patrol, I ask you all to remain civil if you encounter any RiverClan cats."

"Lastly, Wolfwind I want you to lead the dusk patrol along the WindClan and ShadowClan border. You have proven to be a capable young warrior, so I am putting my faith in you that you are ready to lead your own patrol. Take Pebblestep and Wildheart with you."

"Hunting patrols will be organised by Howlingstar today with some assistance from Shiningsun. He and Kindleheart found a lot of prey the last time, so perhaps Shiningsun can give us some pointers on where to hunt."

"Blizzard Fang, would you be open to holding a training session today? We have a few new apprentices that might benefit from a group session of learning the basics."

"And with that, you are all dismissed."
Flycatcher gave a curt nod and went looking for his niece and Owlear to see if they were ready to head out.

ooc / threads to make!
dawn sky: @Flamewhisker @Badgerstrike @STORMYPAW
dawn wind: @OWLEAR @Cloudyfur
training: @BLIZZARD FANG

Warriorhood still did not feel real, it was like an illusion that threatened to wear off at any moment, a game that everyone was playing but he was not clued in on. But, no one had kicked him out of his new den yet, and Howlingstar's promise of being proud of him still lingered enough to the point where he didn't feel completely paranoid. It took Pebblestep a moment to even realise he had been called for patrol, only when it was apparent that there were no other Pebbles in ThunderClan did he blink vigorously and take heed of what patrol he was being sent on. A dusk patrol to target both WindClan and ShadowClan's borders, he did a full-body shudder at the prospect of meeting either of them again. WindClan was as friendly as a viper who'd just finished a meal, and ShadowClan was.... ShadowClan. Hopefully, both would behave themselves and not leave him jumping at thin air once more. "Oh, ok!" He offered a waning smile to his uncle before setting his attention onto Wolfwind, waiting to see if the she-cat had any words of wisdom to offer before they inevitably rested up for the night patrol.

Raccoonstripe still walks in a haze of sorrow, but the broad-shouldered tabby does not neglect his duties. If anything, he’s rarely seen in camp, unable to face his thoughts alone. Life without his brother is easier to cope with if he’s constantly patrolling, hunting, or taking his apprentices out. His dreams remain troubled, and so he does his best to avoid sleep.

Flycatcher announces he will take the dusk patrol to RiverClan’s border. He flicks an ear. “Remain civil, he says,” he mutters, but he only dips his head and gazes around for his patrolmates. “Finchcatcher, Spotflare, meet me by the gorse tunnel once the sun begins to set.” He sighs, remembering his newest obligation. “ @Moonpaw and @Brackenpaw , ensure you’ve eaten and are prepared for the patrol. Moonpaw knows this, but I do not tolerate tardiness, Brackenpaw.

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Blizzard Fang’s heart drops upon hearing his name not called for a patrol, what on StarClan’s hunting grounds will he do all day then? In his age, he couldn’t stand just lazing about, he always had to be doing something, proving that he still had the strength to do it. He felt the moment he started lazing about cats would try to shove him to the elders den… no good that would be.

Yet his faith heightens when Flycatcher asks that he hosts a training session. What wonderful news! With Lichenpaw, he had recently found a passion for teaching the youth. This would be a good opportunity for him and the apprentices, ”I’ll round some up into the training hollow after they’re finished with patrols, Flycatcher.” He informs, dipping his gray-masked head.
The wind feels at its angriest yet when she rises for the day. Rising for patrol assignments is nothing new, but what certainly is, is the feeling of practically being lifted into the air as she trots toward the center of camp. She certainly isn't the biggest cat in ThunderClan– even with Raccoonstripes slumped shoulders, he stands above her. Blizzardfang all but dwarfs her, in turn; but she'd thought she was well past the risk of being literally blown away, still.

Worldlessly, Wolfwind stands before Flycatcher, doin' her best to ground herself both literally and mentally. Business as usual felt strange with the threat of wild beasts, and the death caused by them not too long ago.

She wouldn't bog herself down with it.

Wolfwind nods along with the warning. The new recruits get their first patrol spots as warriors this time around. It's exciting, she knows. She lets a smile quirk upon her lips as they pass her by. No clue if they really see her or not, though. It was better to smile, anyways.

And smile she does as her name is called to lead a patrol, complete with pert ears and moon - wide eyes. Leading a patrol's bound do be twice as hard in this wind. Not to mention she'd have to wrangle Wildheart alongside her. (Thinking like that makes it sound like a downgrade, but being able to boss him around totally makes her smile. Flycatcher's finally earned some cool points.) The blue warrior puffs out her chest, genuine grin pasting her features despite the cloud that loomed overhead. " I won't let you down. " She'd make Graystorm proud, too.

" Pebblestep, Wildheart! " She says the latter name extra - annoyingly, for good measure. " Remember this face, cause you'll need to find it, later! " She lets herself stretch, before trodding off to find her apprentice.
Greeeaaaat! Stuck on a patrol led by Wolfwind. The young tom scowled bitterly in the she-cat's direction as he heard his name being said though he managed to bite back any itching remark that he wished to give. After giving a roll of his shoulders he then strolled his way over to Pebblestep. "We should get something to eat and a quick snooze before skunk-face drags us out for the evening."