the winner takes it all | sunningrocks hunting

It was not so long ago that the battle for these rocks had taken place here. If one looked hard enough you would see speckles of blood or traces of disturbed mud that had not yet been washed away by the rain. Flycatcher tried to ignore the pain that had gone into claiming these rocks for the time being, merely enjoying the fact that ThunderClan could enjoy some good hunting for the first time in moons, and it seemed as though every cat could go to sleep with their bellies full.

"Look out!" Flycatcher called out to a warrior hunting nearby. A mouse skittered away from him and was unknowingly running in the direction of another ThunderClan warrior. "Catch it quickly before it slips between the rocks!"

@Silverlightning @Mothpaw! since you guys asked to be join :)
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Politics was a two way street. When opposing forces failed to see eye to eye, blood was bound to be drawn. That much was a given. Thunderclan's negotiations were peaceful, fair, given the circumstances. Riverclan saw fit to unnecessarily wage war, much to their own demise. Nevertheless, thunderclan came out victorious and that's all that mattered to the ticked tabby tom. Long limbs carry him fluidly up the haphazardly placed rocks, large ears swivelling at the sound of tiny claws scraping upon the rough surface. Flycatcher's shout bolsters erratic movement from the rodent as Silverlightning leaps into action, intercepting its path with a hard stare. Hunting upon these rocks almost made him feel like he was in the mountains again. Slamming a paw down on the end of the mouse's tail he secured their prey before taking it out in a swift bite to end its squirming. "Prey here seems to be exceedingly plentiful." He murmurs, lifting his head again.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

”Good! I want to be fat when leaf-bare rolls around again.” Heartily the Tom declares to his patrol-mates, a friendly grin spreading across his face. Leaping onto one of the stones he opens his maw to taste the air… when he hears something scurrying underneath him. He looks around in complete bewilderment, and after a couple minutes pass it finally hits him!

There’s something scurrying in between the cracks… With a quick swipe Blizzard Fang burns his paw into an opening where the rock split. His claws search for flesh, yet when he retracts his leg he comes out with no mouse. With a frustrated wrinkle of his nose he peers back into the crack wondering if he could spot the critter.

When Crowflower heard that a few cats planned on journeying to Sunningrocks for a hunt, she was eager to join them. This would not be her first time visiting this place, but it would be the first time since the battle. It had not rained since the battle and the metallic tang of blood still hung in the air. She could see smudges of rust where blood was spilled, gouges in the rocks from claws and deep marks where the mud was churned during the fighting. Suddenly uncomfortable, Crow redirected her attention to Blizzardfang's fumbled attempt at catching a mouse. She could hear the rustle of small critters scampering somewhere within the crags of the rocks. Swiveling her ears, she tried to track the mouse's path through the precariously stacked boulders before leaping backwards in surprise. "Ahh!" Crowflower yelped. A large water snake was sunning itself on the rocks by the water and seemed to be just as startled as she was, hissing dramatically before diving into the river and disappearing from view. "It isn't just the clans that enjoy the place," she observed once her heart rate slowed to its normal pace. Truly, this was the perfect place to find reptiles and other creatures who enjoyed the warmth and shelter provided by the large stones.

She turned to glance at her clanmates. Flycatcher, in particular. "Why don't we swim and fish like Riverclan? They don't own the whole river..." It was a question that has been burning inside her for as long as Sunningrocks had been a hot topic. Though Crowflower was no master hunter herself, she could see value in expanding her hunting skills to include the water's plentiful resources. Eaglestump used to tell her that it was simply how things were. But that explanation never satisfied her. Thunderclan was full of brave and strong warriors--surely they could learn to fish just as well as the Riverclan cats.​

"Yeeeah... I'd rather not be soaking wet and puddling about after slippery fish, Crowflower. But hey, if you wanna jump in and give it a go by all means go for it." The apprentice voiced with a chuckle as he bounced on past the she-cat in favour of climbing up the rocks and exploring the recesses and cracks for potential prey. He wouldn't lie though, he was pretty excited to be getting a chance to explore it all at his own leisure, given that his NPC mentor was more interested in sitting down and doing nothing. It was rather unfortunate that he had been cursed with having such a lazy mentor, but he got on by regardless. "By the grace of StarClan, this place is rich with critters!" He cooed before lowering his head in order to peer into the gloom of a gap between the rocks. Quick as lightning Shiningpaw plunged a paw into it and pulled free a mouse, which he promptly dispatched.

"I have to agree with Shiningpaw, I would rather stay out of the water," Flycatcher chuckled, glancing in Crowfeather's direction. He supposed she had a fair point with her question; though he doubted many ThunderClan cats - himself included - would be keen to take up swimming since acquiring their new territory.

Remaining silent for a moment, Flycatcher watched as his clanmates hunted and enjoyed themselves on their new territory. He doubted that this land would belong to them forever, but for now, it was good to enjoy what they had. After everything that had struggled with and everything they had lost ThunderClan deserved this.