Dec 3, 2022
With the newleaf sun beating down on their pelts, Dewfang led his apprentice through the undergrowth. He had told Basilpaw they would be heading to the Owl Tree for some practice, but he had not specified which. He had elected not to take Skypaw with them—the tortoiseshell was given instructions to complete some duties in camp. Dewfang wanted a moment alone with Basilpaw.

The senior warrior hummed as he brushed past a leafy fern, his tail lifting it up for Basilpaw to pass under. Soon they were in sight of the Owl Tree and Dewfang allowed a purr to rumble from his throat. He sat down at the base of it, tail curled over his paws.

"Basilpaw," He nodded, looking back for his apprentice. "This is a different sort of training today. Why do you think I did not let you lie to take the fall for Lichenpaw?" His eyes twinkled. Yes, a lie. Not honor as he had said so during the confrontation.

@B A S I L P A W

Basilpaw had found a sort of appreciation in Dewfang for always giving a semi-thorough plan of what was about to happen in their day together. It allowed him to prepare and keep himself on schedule in case something caused a diversion from it. Not that his training was often interrupted, if at all, but it was a habit Basilpaw had developed at a very early age. He only recalled going to the Owl Tree one other time before now, but the path Dewfang led him through was bringing back the memories of the first time.

His ears twitched as he ducked underneath the ferns and nodded politely to his mentor. He quietly sat across from Dewfang, his gaze looking over the roots of the Owl Tree curiously. Were his climbing skills being put to the test? He wasn't going to be as good as any SkyClanner that was for sure.

Ahh. This was not a physical training today. "It would look bad on you." Basilpaw answered honestly. Dewfang already knew he was a liar now. "And lying is considered bad. I lied to a deputy, which makes you look even worse. So I can't do that again."