the words mostly noises | roepaw

Part of him was happy to be back on border patrols, the other part of him was tired of them already. It was the same old thing, back to back, especially here at the ThunderClan border where they had not a lot to worry about. ThunderClan and SkyClan were as close as you could get to allies without outright declaring it, probably had to do with Blazestar having kits with one of their warriors.
Snowpaw wasn't going to claim he knew anything about politics but he could only see this being a disasterous affair, but fortunately he didn't like any of his leader's little furballs and one of them had almost gotten him killed; so the stakes for him, at least, were nonexistent. ThunderClan could disappear overnight and he wouldn't care.
The dappled tom gave a sigh as he trailed along after the older cats on the patrol, looking around for any prey nearby he could chase down to distract from the tedium that was scent marking. He left that job to the warriors and was only there because he had missed his chance to join Deersong on a hunting patrol. It wouldn't be too much longer before his mentor had to move into the nursery and he was already anxious about it. Not many cats tolerated him the way she did, not many cats gave him kindnness when he deserved none. Who was going to end up being his mentor while she was busy having kits or whatever? 'Better not be Crimsonbite.' If that cat was made to train him he'd accomplish nothing cause he would be too focused on not biting the bastard every five seconds. If he tried to pull the same stunt on him he did on Butterflypaw then he was going to make the top of his head flat to match his face and rip both ears right off.
Snowpaw's tail lashed and he looked up from his grouchy thoughts to find he had fallen behind the patrol. Ugh, whatever. It's not like anything was going to happen anyways. ThunderClan was boring and he'd catch up eventually.

@. Roepaw .

When one strayed from a patrol as much as Roepaw tended to, one would think a closer eye would be kept on her.
Well, she had many eyes on her, she always did , but her stealth skills were unmatched, and she was always able to slip away.
This time, it’d be when her border patrol would come face to face with Skyclans- she found their idle conversations boring and repetitive.
She began to stray, walking in between the border line heel to toe to practice her balance. She wasn’t too far from the others, but far enough to where their full chatter was out of earshot.
A twig snapped from the pine-scented side of the border, and Roepaw’s attention was immediately caught.
The other stuck out like a sore thumb against the withered and warm-hued scenery, the scowl scrunching up on his features even harder to miss.
"Wake up on the wrong side of the nest this morning?" Roepaw chimed from where she stood, her head tilted curiously towards the other apprentice. Her tone wasn’t exactly a mocking one, but Roepaw struggled with asking
questions normally- or making any sort of small talk for that matter.


A ThunderClan patrol had moved near them and he watched them converge with the SkyClanners further ahead to chat at the border, his golden eyes narrowing as he slowed to a stop to observe. They seemed real friendly, no surprise there, it was nothing like the tension when WindClan had stood at their border but then again part of that was that they didn't share a border with WindClan. The moorland cats probably stomped across ThunderClan's territory at some point to reach them, he wondered how they felt about it but didn't want to bring the ordeal up. It was still heavy on his mind.
A light voice rose up near him and he turned, frowning at his own distraction because if she'd been some rogue she could've easily gotten the jump on him.

Snowpaw stared back at the cream apprentice with a furrowed brow and look of heavy cynicism across his maw; she didn't look to impressive for a ThunderClan cat, weren't they all supposed to be pretty big and bulky? SkyClanners were more sleek and adapted to treeclimbing than they were but he could easily imagine this cat making her way up a tree with how limber she looked. His immediate next thought was he could totally take her in a fight, but that was how he gauged most cats at a glance; whether or not he could win.
"There's a right side of the nest? No one told me that, I guess that's why I wake up in a bad mood all the time." Was it a joke? Maybe, or it could have just been sarcasm, Snowpaw didn't have much of a skill when it came to line delivery. He debated telling her to leave him alone, but when he looked back at the patrol neither side seemed too eager to hurry along so he imagined he'd be stuck here for a while waiting. Might as well have something to amuse himself with. He'd play nice. Besides, he just got done being in trouble anyways; needed to pace himself. "I'm Snowpaw. They drag you out on this boring parade too?" Or was she a weirdo who liked border patrols.


As the others attention is diverted to her, Roepaw watches with a quirked brow bone as his scowl morphs into something akin to skepticism.
Roepaw takes a step forward, before taking a seat just over Skyclans border- to listen better, of course.
A small ‘hmph’ noise is her only reply to Snowpaws first reply, accompanied by a subtle shrug. She couldn’t imagine always being grumpy, but to each their own.
Finally, he introduces himself. Snowpaw, a fitting name for both a frosty appearance and demeanor. "I’m Roepaw, and unfortunately" she introduces back, gaze flitting over to the two groups still chatting each other up. "Aren’t all Skyclanners supposed to be nicety-nice? You don’t seem the type, more… frosty I’d say" Roepaw comments honestly, turning back to look at Snowpaw while suppressing the urge to smirk at her subtle pun. She fails when the side of her lip upturns slightly- she was just too creative!
While she supposed she couldn’t speak much on being apart of an objectively over-friendly clan, she found herself curious on the mysterious grouch. She couldn’t trust someone who wasn’t a fan of puns, either.



"Oh, that's hilarious. Haven't heard THAT one before." The apprentice drolls out, unamused smirk still plastered across his maw but she has already proven to be more interesting than the other ThunderClanners he had come across, too loud or annoying or focused on their duties to be much conversationalists.
"But I guess you're right, we're supposed to be nice! Blazestar makes us take paw holding lessons when we're apprenticed and we sit in a circle talking about our feelings~" Which was not true but if Blazestar could make the call to do it he might, the guy didn't like fighting and wanted no part in conflict usually; but he was getting a little better. His face when he told them of Centipedepaw dying was something different. But Snowpaw was still angry they hadn't fought to keep Coyotepaw. Was it fear of death? Knowing his warriors were outmatched? He didn't know, it might be something way above his own understanding at his age but he was still inwardly furious about it.
"What the hell is a roe anyways?"


Her subtle smirk evolves into a lopsided grin at the others rather unamused reply to her pun- at least he could take a joke.
"Oh really? Now I see how you guys turn out all high and mighty!" Roepaw hums out in response, her sarcasm is more sickly sweet than blunt.
Her brow bone creases slightly as a brief pause of silence fills between them, and she caught herself wondering what the other was thinking about.
That pause is quickly over, though.
"It’s a type of deer, how do cats not know that?" Roepaw answers with a small but light-hearted scoff. Truthfully, she got that question way too often.
She skips forward, taking a seat only a rabbit-length away from Snowpaw, and now a good chunk in Skyclan’s territory.
"Is it true you guys sleep in the trees?" Roepaw prompted now, genuine curiosity lacing her tone.