THE WORK THAT STIRRED YOUR SOUL ✧ strange object ⭒✧ - ⭒ prompt

Mar 3, 2023

⭒✧ The sun simmered the morning mist, the horizon line smoothly sketched from the haze as the day grew denser. It was a no-lesson day at the Learningplace and Chalk had chosen to join the clan for the early patrols. The daylight warrior typically hunted in smaller groups near nightfall but with sickness circulating the ranks he left the twolegplace before sunhigh more often. Admittedly, Blazestar’s call for clan laws to be respected was sharp in his mind too.

Light seemed to crack the forest into corridors, the gloom tight behind pine trunks in strengthening shadows. Chalk followed their furrows diligently, pausing only when a needle of refracted light pierced the corner of his eye. Something metal? Beams of steel protruded from the white lump. The quiet tom fished a paw beneath the contraption, tail curled in question. It was weighty, rocking to its base atop a slant stone. It was clearly twoleg made- in a very familiar way. Chemical scent hit Chalk’s nose. Recognition scratched through his uncertainty, like the shrill sing of a bell and scores of chairs lurching back at once. It was an item of study, one of the many the Learningplace had tucked away in it's cupboards.

The twoleg apprentices would settle the bar against their sunken eyes and fiddle with the side. Despite their absorption in the task, they’d always be aware enough to bat him off if he tried to get a look himself. It was frustrating. Now unattended, Chalk tried to mimic the pose. Rearing back a little awarded him with a pin-dot of light, the edges warped. Nothing.

Limestone ears were ground flat in irritation. Their studies were so inaccessible. He'd long held the assumption twoleg vision was different from their own- they were blind in the dark, whiskerless. All disadvantages. Clearly, their knack for tailoring the world for their convenience applied here too. If only he could understand-

A stale rustle recalled wandering attention and the daylight warrior was reminded that he was supposed to be patrolling. "It’s safe." Sighed reassurance might suggest the tom had been worried, but at its core, his tone was inlaid with disappointment. "I'm not certain what it's used for. They stare closely into them... potentially it helps their eyesight?"

/the object he's found is a small microscope!
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ii. frequenting a school, chalk is very familiar with twoleg objects, and has had a fair amount of time to build memories. he finds an uncommon twoleg item by the border that holds with it a particular memory; plus, he is the only cat who knows what two legs use this item for. does he share his memory, or simply the use of this item?

The last patrol with Chalk had gone well enough. He and Bobbie had carried themselves well, and she was pleased that there had been no drama on the border with them and that it had been an almost perfect first time patrol for her to lead. Ignoring of course Skypaw stomping off after seeing her.

Howlfire had been quite focused on her hunt and hadn't noticed Chalk slip away. It is one when another of the cats on patrol asks where his, that Howlfire snaps to attention, rising from the hunting crouch she was in, and a frown forming on her face. Although she trusted Chalk a bit more than Yukio, she couldn't help but fear she was about to have a repeat situation where the tom had accidentally wandered into ThunderClan's territory. Mercifully, Chalk hadn't crossed the border, but he had come across a bit of a strange twoleg object. When Chalk confirmed it was safe, she stepped forward gingerly and sniffed it. It had a strange smell to it, definitely twoleg, but with a chemical note to it that reminded her of the Shelter. She flicks an ear and turns to listen when Chalk explains what he believed it was for. "To help their eyesight?" She echoes, repeating his words with more of a questioning tone. "Their eyesight must be terrible if they need such an object to see."

Out of all the cats in SkyClan, Chalk was one of those who worried him the least. The tom was ceaselessly curious and Twitchbolt didn't think he'd ever caught him without a question on his lips, but he was at least not prone to flinging himself at trespassers like some apprentices. Doompaw at his tail, he hoped his apprentice would not notice the buzz of discomfort across Twitchbolt's fur being so close to this border; he could not help his instinctual caution. It had always slumbered within him, but was exacerbated with past experiences in mind.

The odd scent caused his blood to prickle, and the look of that... thing made Twitchbolt's eyelids spasm more frantically in distress. He'd never seen anything that looked quite so unnatural before. It was cursed-looking, with what looked like a stag-beetle horn with an eye on the end of it. Though he knew Chalk was a daylight warrior, and thus understood Twoleg items to much more of an extent than he did, Twitchbolt hesitated to trust the sandy tom's assertion that it was safe. Pointedly, he kept his distance, back a nest of thistles, eyes moon-wide.

Helps their eyesight. Again, he couldn't fathom it- this wasn't a herb, something to be consumed- simply something to be held, or- or stared into, like the sun itself. Twitchbolt shuddered. "And- and how do they even... even hold it?" his voice cracked, confusion splaying his calmness like split hairs. "It looks so... so... so awkward."

penned by pin ✧

⭒✧ Howlfire was the first to wade into the undergrowth beside him, salmon nose lowered to confirm his discovery. "Yes," Chalk confirmed with a bow of his head. "I think it’s to make it even sharper than normal. they slide shards of glass into the machine and look over them. I don’t entirely understand, their results are strange. Bubbled textures, patterns…" The pictures cast to the front of the den were always deeply puzzling. So superficially bland- they could emulate it with a scratch of pigment in moments. "It must be linked to their proficiency with materials." A conclusion spoken with perhaps an irresponsible level of certainty. There was so much he didn’t know.

The tessellation of Twitchbolt’s two-tone pelt dented the smooth arc of Chalk’s tail. Clancats were right to be afraid of twoleg objects, the presented significant risk. It was a relief to see his patrolmates trust his word on this particular one’s safety but was it really right of him to have declared it begin with? The oat furred tom had more to gain than lose pursuing his curiosity. The thought of another cat doing the same and being injured, or even taken to the Shelter, clung like a burr to his thoughts.

The lead warrior's voice was a sharp groove through musing on dissonant ideals, thankfully, and Chalk recovered, composed as ever. ‘How do they even... even hold it?’ He might not have volunteered the showcase but, well- Twitchbolt had asked and Chalk was not one to deny a question. The daylight warrior settled a paw to the ribbed protrusion on one side carefully as he did his best to emulate the twoleg’s posture above the eyepiece. Once more he got nothing from the action, only the discomfort of his whiskers on the metal and a blurred glint of glass. "Something like this. Their long limbs make better work of it though." Eyes snapped from the object to return to the lead warrior, curious to see if his anxiety was fed or fettered by the information.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒

Though wariness still buzzed around him like static electricity, Twitchbolt near-subconsciously took another step closer as Chalk demonstrated, arcing his neck in a strange way and angling himself in a position that looked pretty uncomfortable. Twitchbolt couldn't help but chuckle a little at Chalk's assurance that Twolegs, spindled and strange as they were, had better grasp of the positioning. "Huh... all that, for patterns?" There lay an odd sort of amusement in Twitchbolt's tone, temperament teetering on the edge of nervous and amused. His fur had flattened, at least.

"I've not... been around many twolegs, you know. But this looks like... nothing I've ever seen," and he shuddered as he said it, sparing a glance behind him as if another one of these spyglass-things was going to come sailing through the air to strike him in the skull. "Where do you even find these...? Other than... on the floor..." So he could avoid them, perhaps. No, definitely.
penned by pin ✧
He’s not been given any freedom since he and Plaguepaw had bolted across the Thunderpath and met a monster face to face. The young tom follows Twitchbolt with a bored scowl; he wants to do more battle training, wants to soar through the trees, but his mentor has him doing menial things like look at Twoleg items. Chalk, one of the daylight warriors, and Howlfire are clustered around the… the thing. His ears flick dismissively as they ponder its uses. “Who cares? Looks boring to me.” He yawns, showing a full set of teeth. “Unless Twolegs are usin’ it to kill stuff, why are we worried about it?

Doompaw, decidedly low on intellectual curiosity, sniffs and turns away. “Twitchbolt, can we hunt? I’m starvin’.

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette