pafp The world is strange || o. Weird questions


So many ways to see the sunrise
Apr 10, 2024

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Kits had strange names, at least some of them did, Deerkit for sure did because what exactly was a deer in the first place? And... of course there was a few others whose name made no sense to Fadingkit but the molly push those aside, after all she too had a weird name. Sure, her flame fur faded to a paler color as it went inward but the reasoning for her name was because the moon had swallowed the Sun. She didn't believe it of course, the molly believed the moon just missed its friend and wanted to come over and visit the sun. But that aside the girl did not allow her "accursed" birth (as her mama had explain it) get the best of her.

Blue gaze spotted Deerkit in the clearing and the she-kit trotted over, looming over the older kit and casting her shadow over him with a soft giggle. "Deerkit, you have a strange name! What even is a deer?" she asked, perking her ears as best she could, her right flopped over while the other stood straight. Her stumpy tail wiggled abit before sitting front of the tom as she awaited to hear his answer

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Still not used to being near any of the newer kits in the nursery, Deerkit opted to stay outside these days to avoid the whiny children. He laid there and stayed pretty still.. where he belonged. Soaking up the cool ground below him through his longfurred coat. He was sleepy.. But he doesn't wanna go to the nursery with his loud, annoying denmates. He lets out a small huff.

A feathered ear rotated towards the sound of small pawsteps. Oh nooo.. Leave me alone.. He thought to himself, if it's one of the annoying kits, he's getting up and moving somewhere else! He twists a frown on his face. He feels someone staring at him.. He cracks open an eye, looking up at the looming individual.

Oh, it's just Fadingkit. That's not sooo bad, he likes Fadingkit! He just doesn't talk to the flame point much, but he likes her company. "H-hi, Fadingkit.. Umm, W-what, b-brings you here?" He questions his only tolerable denmate he claims. Hearing the young kit giggle, he scrunches his nose a little at the sound. What's so funny…?

"Deerkit, you have a strange name! What even is a deer?"

He tilts his head to side at the question, he… hasn't really thought about how strange his name is. "Uh.. I d-dunno…?" He answers with a shrug. He doesn't know what a deer was, all he knows is that Ms.Howlingstar named him after one. "S-should we ask o-one of t-the adults, w-what a deer is?" He proposed to his denmate, with a flick of his plumed tail. He's.. also curious on what or who a deer is too. They should ask one of the older cats what a deer is, then they'll get an answer for sure! Right?

  • ooc. mobile post!
  • no ref yet
  • ( i can't handle it… ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ♰ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ DEERKIT.
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 4 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    kitten of thunderclan | formerly a loner
    undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, ff7844" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like fresh caramelized apples & faint damp earth musk
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
“A deer is an animal,” Tybalt rumbled as he padded up beside them. “You’ll see them one day once you’ve been apprenticed. They’re tall and lean, usually brown, with long legs and short tails. They mostly eat grass and the males have antlers, which kind of look like big branches growing out of their heads.”

"The deer are pretty nervous and they usually run away from danger, but they have powerful legs and could really hurt a cat if they were to get a good kick in."

He wondered if any of this was making sense to them. It wouldn’t have made much sense to him at their age, and the first time he had even heard of deer he had been much older than the two of them. “The first part of my warrior name is stag,” he told them. “It’s another word for a male deer.” He made no mention of his real name, with it being nothing he could describe to them.
⊱⊰ The dusty little tom does his best to avoid th either kits in the nursery, especially the ones who talk too much. Today, though, he is in a pleasant mood, curiosity driving him to trail after Fadingkit as the red-pointed kit accosts Deerkit about his confusing name. Of course, Fadingkit has an odd name, too; he thinks that a few of his denmates have weird names with uncertain meanings. At least Littlekit, Dovekit, Beetlekit, and Coalkit all have normal names.

Thankfully, they don’t have to wait long for an answer to Fadingkit’s question. A brown-furred warrior, one who Hopekit has seen a few older cats look at with frowns, steps closer and explains that they’ll see these deer when they’re apprentices. He also describes what they look like, which is… even weirder than he expected. "Branches? Out of their heads?" He snorts, fluffy tail lashing. "That’s… that’s absurd." He’d only learned the word yesterday—a funny comment made by a warrior led to a new phrase added to the kit’s vocabulary. Absurd… it’s funny sounding, and totally fitting for this situation. He looks at Deerkit, and then at Stagstrike, studying them closely. They don’t have hooves or branches, and their brown-ness doesn’t make them deer. There are plenty of brown things—like the squirrels and mice that warriors bring back from they’re hunting patrols! "Neither of you looks like a deer."

He’d never thought to hard on what Deerkit’s name represented - he’d never thought to think on what a deer was. It sounded cool that’s what mattered but today he finally gets to learn about his namesake, his ears perk from where he lays all loafed up and comfortable a fox length or so from the nursery. Fadingkit had posed the question and Deerkit didn’t have an answer, he’d never asked that was odd to him, one of his earliest memories was learning what a tornado was and being in awe that such a thing existed. A whirling dangerous embodiment of the skies fury, it was a powerful thing to be named after though it annoyed him a little when the queen had further explained he’d been named for how messy he was and not for the power he knows he has!

He unloafs himself clumsily before padding over to the other two kits as Stagstrike; the egg finder comes up to them with an explanation. He looks up at the warrior curiously as he explains, he’d never be able to imagine a creature like that! He wishes he had branches growing out of his head! That’d be pretty cool! Hopekit thinks it’s absurd but he doesn’t agree, the world was so big outside the camp he can’t imagine what sort of creatures and things he’ll see in a moon. He’s right though about neither of them looking like deer but he doesn’t look like a tornado (whatever they looked like in actuality) and most cats only barely resembled what they were named after.

There’s a pause before he blurts out a quick question "Do you think it’s possible to catch them? Like to eat?" Tybalt would know, he seemed like a deer expert.

A smile cracked at the edge of Tybalt's maw as Hopekit spoke up. Absurd, that was one word for it. "You're telling' me, kid," he agreed. "I'm sure I look like a lot of things, but I'd put deer pretty low on the list." He paused and looked at Deerkit for a moment. "Mm...Deerkit's kinda tall, but definitely not a deer." He yawned and leaned down to lick his rumpled chest fur.

"My mother named me Tybalt," he said. "Which isn't really a thing to describe, it's just a name. She always told me it meant 'brave.' I always liked it, so I never really stopped using it. My mother's name was Violetta. I imagine she was named after violets--the flower, but I never asked her. Suppose she could've been named after the color."

He shrugged his shoulders, turning his attention to Tornadokit as the kit padded up and asked about catching them. "I doubt it," he answered. "Maybe if a lot of cats tried at once, but they're pretty big and move around in groups so it's probably more likely its herdmates would trample an attacking cat while trying to get away. When the wolves were still here they used to hunt them to eat, and I guess maybe if something else killed one maybe we could eat it too, but usually anything that catches a deer tends to eat most of it. If I found a deer dead and not at least partly eaten I'd probably think there was something wrong with it." He shuddered at the thought of diseased meat, but didn't elaborate further.