camp THE WORLD REVOLVING ✧ Luckypaw [Intro]


Am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad?
Mar 25, 2024
𓆗 . Β° ✦ Lying belly-up on the warm grass of ThunderClan's camp, Luckypaw could feel himself almost slipping back into sleep; the comfortable and quiet environment very much welcome after the wolves had raided their home. Paranoia constantly gnawed at him - the thought the wolves might come back was enough of a stressor that relaxing like this seemed so unlikely. But the canines were gone, his fear irrational but still present.

Luckypaw lied to himself that all was fine, however; even with tensions high around camp.

Sage-green eyes welcomed the New Leaf skies with hope for the future, wishing good fortune upon ThunderClan. His controlled chaos was welcome, the unpredictableness of the woodlands was not.
  • ooc: β€”
  • 79674252_94adcIvL60WFoCn.png
    brown & black chimera tabby tom with sage-green eyes.
Though the wolves' attack on ThunderClan had been harrowing, Softpaw was confident that they would not return - not after Batwing and their own Clanmates sacrificed themselves to see to it that they were gone for good. That didn't mean she still didn't have nightmares of the attack, nights spent awake rather than dreaming because staring into the darkness was better than the terrors of being ripped apart by a wolf in her head. She just didn't want it to be seen that it got to her.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Softpaw commented as she came up beside Luckypaw, glancing down at the tom with a wide-eyed look. "Do you think that this Newleaf will bring in much prey?" Hunting had been on Softpaw's mind for the past few days, and she had been meaning to bother her mentor for advice on what the best stances were for different kinds of prey. Now that she was able to leave the camp, she could properly practice on real prey, not just leaves and bugs as she'd been forced to practice with while she'd been stuck in camp for two moons.​

The howls of the wolves still kept him up at night. Even though they weren't really there, he could still hear them. It was an eerie sound that turned his blood to ice. Batwing's sacrifice had ensured that the horrid canines would never kill another clanmate, but it was impossible to erase the mental wounds they had inflicted. The forest still felt off, the shadows still seemed to lurk behind him. He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Being the one hunted was not a feeling he enjoyed...he would much rather be the hunter.

The chimera had just returned from a training session with his mentor, when he spotted Luckypaw laying in a clump of grass, with Softpaw standing beside him. His eyes narrowed curiously, and he padded over to join the pair. "What are you doing?" the tom asked bluntly. There were plenty of other things to be doing than laying around. His mentor always kept him on his toes. His yellow gaze then shifted to the alabaster apprentice, nodding slightly. "Of course it will...well, if the wolves left any that is. My mentor said those mangy mutts ate most of the prey that the deer didn't scare off."

even though she personally saw their demise, she had her own doubts. some nights she dreams of them clawing their way up the ravine, cartoon-ish lighting crackling overhead as they heaved over the edge. even though it is an extremely ridiculous movie to play every time she sleeps, it's enough to make her nervous around the windclan border.

the overworked schedule made her feel so much older. sadly, not wiser in any sense, only uptight- something similar to that. noticing the apprentices lazing about, she approaches, flicking her tail. "do you all need something to do?" she sounds stern, but uncertain towards the end, having caught her attitude mid syllables.

ugh, stars. she sounds so old.​
Hunting was something that was essential for the circle of life- just as they had been temporarily prey, and the wolves the hunters. He had heard of Batwing's legacy, and something strange twitched inside each time he considered it. He hadn't been there to witness the tumble off the edge, but the stories regardless... A heroic act. The smaller of the two brothers drew close to Smokepaw, orange eyes shifting over the situation at hand.

"That's so pessimistic, Smokepaw." Darkpaw spoke in a languid tone, stretching his body out. Ear twitched as he moved to speak again, but Leafhusk was interjecting her statement. Vision shifted towards her, an eyebrow gently lifted before a tiny grin found his face, falling away as soon as he began speaking. "I don't, and I don't think Smokepaw does either- but Luckypaw sure looks lazy." His head turned towards the sun-lounging apprentice, studying him briefly.

"After all, we can't afford to laze around if we ever want to stay fed." Darkpaw spoke, turning to spot his mentor- they were around here somewhere, he was sure of it.​
Nature had never been frightening to the young observer, from a young age already garnering a passion for the smaller lowlife that surrounded them above and below their level of sight. Only rodents deterred Adderpaw, and that was lucky enough for him to at least be able to sink his canines into something that didn't rack him with guilt. However, he hadn't thought much before of the bigger threats at hand -- thinking for most of his life that cats were some of the biggest in the food chain in these forests. The wolves easily put that thought to shame as he recollected the night of the attack with harbored breaths and an aching heart, pumping so violently he half expected it to explode from his chest. He would be absolutely lying if he told anyone that the wolves hadn't scared him -- but everyone probably knows from his reaction the night of the attack when he reached the top of the ravine.

Carrying back a very small and limp mouse from his secured teeth, he passed through the bramble tunnel that was beginning to look more like, well, a tunnel and into clearing with a heave of his chest exhaling a sigh. The exposure to the light overhead made him draw back his head, blinking until his vision regained with eyes on some apprentices with Leafhusk. Overhearing her comment, Adderpaw couldn't help but roll his eyes and be thankful he had brought back something to show her. Despite its size, he was still proud that he managed to catch this one without accidentally tearing it open a bit too much. "Leafhusk, I caught a mouse," his usual monotone voice was laced with glee as he looked over to Luckypaw, Smokepaw and Softpaw -- only one of which he had at least spoken to. "Yeah, you guys should make yourselves useful like me. Look what I just caught!" Pride swelled into his chest as he boasted, placing his pitiful catch on the soil with a flash of his teeth in a smile. The mouse was nothing but a small snack, but a catch was a catch to Adderpaw and it didn't matter the size to him. Shifting his vision over to Darkpaw, the tabby groaned to himself at his words and shuffled away from the dark colored tom. Sometimes people just didn't understand the importance of relaxation and the wonders it can do to an overworked body.​
𓆗 . Β° ✦ His peace interrupted by an approaching Softpaw, her purplish-pink gaze boring into him. "I'd sure hope Newleaf brings in more prey!" The mottled tom comments, stretching out his limbs. Smokepaw and Darkpaw approached, and their usual rudeness doesn't go unnoticed, much less with the latter throwing him under the monster with finding something to do as suggested by Leafhusk.

"I'm doing super fine, Leafhusk! Relaxing is important after everything we have been through, wouldn't you agree?" He purred, eyes narrowing mischievously. "You sure have a lot of time to lecture me, Darkpaw. So much for keeping ourselves fed." Luckypaw taunts, meeting the stygian apprentice's orange eyes with glee.

"Nice going with that catch, Adderpaw." The sarcasm is evident in the chimera's tone as he looks at the measly piece of prey the brown-tabby apprentice was showing to his mentor.
  • ooc: β€”
  • 79674252_94adcIvL60WFoCn.png
    brown & black chimera tabby tom with sage-green eyes.