the world we made — finchpaw

Sep 22, 2023
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
For the first time in a while, Fogbound was unsure, staring idly at his apprentice with inquisitive ruby hues, although one blinded, but that wouldn’t stop him. Finchpaw would be his first official apprentice since he finished Mothmoon’s apprenticeship after her previous mentor died. He cared little for formalities with the soon-to-be warrior then.

How troublesome. He mused with dark lips puckered in a subtle pout despite the corners curling upward, ruby crinkling with mirth. He had seen Rabbitclaw’s face during the meeting when his name was called out instead. Jealousy does not look good on you, my love. He dared not say that out loud, not in fear of being chastised but simply because he just didn’t want to, nor care, but that didn’t mean he would deny Rabbitclaw a peek into Finchpaw’s progress. He wasn’t that barbaric. A gentleman with a devilishly handsome face, or lack thereof. He sighed, tsking lightly at the subtle pull of healing flesh, sightly hue narrowing.

Turning to his apprentice, just shy of kittenhood, Fogbound beckoned the wiggle worm closer with a flick of his tail. “Come along now. It’d be a shame if you’d gotten lost on your first day.” He called in amusement. “Despite our rather … peculiar predicament before, what do you know about moor runners?” I should find a nickname for her. I couldn’t possibly call her a wiggle worm. He tutted, flicking a well-groomed tail, turning to stare at the small fry with an inquisitive hum.

“On other matters, I’ll be giving you a tour of the moors. Isn’t that exciting? Be sure to remember this.” He called before turning around, putting one paw in front of the other. “Our first stop is the abandoned badger set.” He called from over his shoulder, careful to use his only working eye, staring at the apprentice with a curl of his lips. “Then we’ll begin working on that stamina of yours. One cannot hope to be a moor runner without stamina.” He chuffed, veering toward their first location.

“Questions, my dear?” Finchpaw was a curious wiggle worm, annoying, but welcoming.

thought speech
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It would be an understatement to say Finchpaw is excited for this - she's practically bursting with anticipation, energy thrumming all the way from her twitching tail tip to her impatiently-shuffling paws. She's ready to go, to see WindClan in all of its glory on her own two paws, and though her grin is wide enough to reveal fangs that just poke through, she's quickly growing tired of all this waiting. Sure, she'd been waiting for moons anyways, ever since she and her siblings first stumbled out of the nursery, but she's Finchpaw now - that should mean she doesn't have to wait anymore! What are they even waiting for, anyways? Seconds tick by like minutes, and she's about to just run off and feel the breeze through her fur (really feel it, not just like in camp!) or at least say something, maybe a complaint, when Fogbound finally turns, drawing her forward.

All-too eager to get this show on the road, Finchpaw bounds closer with perhaps too much enthusiasm, but really, you can hardly blame her on account of just how much energy she's got right now. Been saving it up, from the moment she knew her name would one day be called in front of everyone else, when she knew she'd finally be allowed to spend it on something worthwhile as roaming the moors. "I won't get lost unless you get lost first!" she chirps, bouncing along beside his shoulder, as though she doesn't have a care in the world. Perhaps she doesn't, now that it looks like they're heading out.

The first question hardly puts a dent in her cheerful skipping, the apprentice pausing only to tilt her head towards Fogbound, humming thoughtfully. "Wellll, I know moor runners don't go down in the tunnels! And, I guess that means we don't dig up worms, either - probably no worms." Could a moor runner turn into a worm like a tunneler? Huh, maybe she'd have to ask one of her siblings after they've been digging around in the dirt longer. "We, uh, patrol around the moors! Chase off evil rogues 'n stuff - oh! And chase rabbits! That's gotta be the best part, right? I bet it's really fun to chase one down." Punctuated with what she believes to be a meaningful glance, Finchpaw hopes her message strikes home - not that she doesn't wanna do the other things, but imagine coming home to the rest of her family with a rabbit on her very first day! Or her second day, or her third - she's not that picky, really.

As they walk, her attention is divided pretty equally between Fogbound's narration and the seemingly endless world stretching out before her - okay, actually, maybe it's a little bit more weighted towards the sights, but it's hard not to be completely enraptured at the crunch of the grass beneath her paws, or the sort of whistle the wind makes. Every time he speaks, Finchpaw has to pull herself back to attention, though it also gives her a chance to fire off any questions she's formulated as they go, especially when he prompts her. "Of course I'll remember - I'm gonna know everything there is to know about our territory! Like, every blade of grass and everything, one day. Or, the important ones, at least. The cool ones, y'know," she gestures almost casually, a paw waving towards the sea stretching out before and all around them.

"Wait - wait, if the abandoned badger sett is abandoned, how come we're going there? Wouldn't that make it, like, not abandoned anymore? Is it just the badger sett while we're there? Oh, have you ever fought a badger before? I heard they're pretty scary, but I bet I could beat one, so I'm sure that you could, too!" Badgers are probably scarier than giant worms, but then again, it's not like she's actually seen either of them - they could be super not scary, for all she knows. "Are we gonna run around to train - uhm, stamina? 'Cause I vote we do that - I like running around. Plus, it just feels like you're supposed to run around out here, since it's so flat and the wind is kinda cold but also still nice, and, y'know, we're moor runners and all that."
  • OOC: --​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit Finchpaw
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 4 moons
    - Loner Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​