
♰—— wolfears' characteristically sharp grin is bloodstained when she returns to camp. crimson streaks jutting fangs as she steps into the muddy hollow with a familiar squish under her paws, veins still warm with the thrill of the hunt. she'd been out looking for a frog or some other juicy prey when she'd caught sight - or rather, caught scent - of her rare prize: a marsh rabbit, its dingy brownish pelt barely distinguishable against shadowclan's perpetually dull landscape. a swift and exhilarating chase later and she'd been rewarded with the fat swamp-rabbit to carry triumphantly back to camp, its plump body swaying and dotting blood against her pale chest.

the warrior's teeth are still solidly hooked into its throat until she sets it down at her paws with a bloody smile, gaze flicking around camp to see if anyone particularly easy on the eyes is watching her slink in with her prize. typical for shadowclan, skinny hips jut from her pale fur despite the fruitful greenleaf just past as she takes a seat, functional ears flicking with pleasure. the prey still rests at her paws and the first age-appropriate cat to approach will receive the unfortunate reward of wolfears' lazy grin as she offers, "you wanna lay claim to the catch of the day, darlin'?"


  • ooc: she's being a little flirty so please do not be the cat she's talking to if your character is below warrior age 💀
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 0bRmkFo.png
    — wolfears
    — she/her ; warrior of shadowclan ; tbd ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu

Last edited by a moderator:
Moonspire lays sprawled out by herself, recovering from her earlier hunt and jog back. She finds herself disappearing more and more often now, escaping from camp with nothing but frustration on her mind and running was the best way to clear it. Even if... The marsh trees blocked most of her path. Theres a squelch near the entrance and she looks up. Wolfears had returned with a rabbit.

A rabbit... She had caught a rabbit, once, with Skunktails help. She still remembers the thrill of it, dodging around trees to keep up, jerking the opposite way to cut off an escape- Darlin, pale eyes widen, scarlet heat blooming beneath her pelt as she looks up. Embarrassment and a flutter in her heart... She's subconsciously drawn herself closer, almost too close to Wolfears. "...What?" the normally calm and collected woman would squeak, losing her voice for just a minute as the word repeats itself over and over in her head. She has to collect herself with a sharp breath in, trying not to let this other she-cat get the better of her. Needle already occupies my thoughts, she thinks with a twitch of her eye, I don't need another. "Not hungry... Impressive, though." her voice becomes hushed now, the words catching in her throat again.

She isn't normally this weird, what was going on? She blames in on the yellowcough thats running rampant, perhaps thats ruining her whole flow. It must be that and not any external thing, she decides. Nothing else at all. "Where did you find this one?" she finally is able to speak normally now after she clears her throat, looking at the odd woman before her with a curious glance.

  • 67689245_bhAhZljUtXWvgpU.png
    -> oleander, moonspire
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 32 months
    -> warrior of shadowclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> tall, regal black & lilac chimera with piercing blue eyes
    -> “speech, A2D8F4
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like pine needles & pressed flowers
    -> image by @ darlings (toyhouse)
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
The scent of marsh rabbit was not one that she missed. Her nose lifted in the air, a small noise starting in the back of her throat. A rumble followed, and slowly silenced itself after Wolfears arrived with her prize. Her vision shifted towards Moonspire, the older warriors tail swaying behind her. The grin that settled on her muzzle was akin to a shark's- sharp teeth glimmering in wide amusement. And as Moonspire flushed and stuttered, Scalejaw pushed to her paws, padding over to compliment Wolfears.

"A fine catch." She hummed, vision shifting over the piece of prey. And, well, Moonspire had already spoken upon the next question, so she sank to a sitting position, her muscled body peering towards Wolfears for the answer.


Lilacfur had not had the proper time or moment to tend to courting someone. Romance was merely not on the forefront of her mind like it was for several of her Clanmates. It was hard to make room in her full schedule to even ponder her beside someone else in such a way, her time often filled with taking care of her Clan as much as she could. Especially now with so much to worry for, keeping everyone fed with so few of them to hunt, protecting their territory with minimal fighters.

Wolfears' brash words ring for her attention and she watched as her cheesy pick-up was met with exasperation from Moonspire. The black-and-white she-cats gentle rejection is still enough to make her cringe in secondhand embarrassment. Ouch. Though she doubted it would truly hurt Wolfears' ego, knowing that girl.

"Yeah, so I can have Ghostpaw catch something better." She teased the other warrior playfully at Moonspire's question, quick to move on and listen to something else than someone preen about themselves.

-- @GHOSTKIT appie tag
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]
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Reactions: GHOSTMASK
sweet like honey
———— ( ) ————
Honeypaw's pelt prickles with jealousy when Wolfears returns to camp dragging a rabbit in tow. Leaf-fall was being kind to them, it seemed, since quite a few hares had found their way onto the freshkill pile. Honeypaw didn't care for them all too much; too stringy, too lean. Honeypaw greatly preferred plump frogs, especially since they didn't require the work of defeathering. Even if she didn't care for eating them, it was impossible to deny that she was growing envious over the catches happening around her - when would it be her turn to bring back something impressive, instead of crawling back with fur caked in mud? Ugh, whatever.

Honeypaw pads over to the pile where warriors were slowly gathering around Wolfears' catch, suppressing a smug snicker at Moonspire fumbling the compliment. Copper eyes flick to Lilacfur and her posture straightens, moving in alongside the rosetted warrior. She clears her throat and tosses her nose toward the other end of camp. "Warriors aren't supposed to eat first. 'Catch of the day' should go to Frostbite and the kits," Especially Chervilkit, though she wouldn't immediately voice such a thought, "or to -" Oh, yeah... It couldn't go to Heavybranch anymore. Honeypaw stalls awkwardly, quickly moving her gaze away from the elder's den. "Um... Starlingheart's den." Well... she wasn't much more graceful than Moonspire! That sucks! Honeypaw sneaks another quick glance at Lilacfur, gauging the sleek warrior's reactions to her words. If someone was gonna like this sudden moral code, it'd be Lilacfur or Clearheart, and the latter was gone on the journey.

/girl fr said 🤓☝ and im SORRY

He never realized that he ate before everyone else. It was new information to him. Maybe not to everyone else, but Ptarmigankit wasn't very observant. He had fluff for brains and his biggest priority was what kind of pebbles he could find in the dirt. His apprenticeship was quickly coming and while he had it on his mind, he figured he should enjoy his time left as a kit while mentally preparing. He wanted to be a good warrior.... Kind and compassionate but strong and fierce.

What better way to do this than to GIVE HIS SHARE OF FOOD TO THE HUNGRY MASSES. Yes. He will let the warriors gathered have their bunny.

He bounces over to them on paws that seem too big for him. "You...You can have my share!" He squeaks. "If you're.... If you want!" He adds. He didn't want to seem too forceful.​
Nightswarm approaches next with both of their ears perked forward and their attention focuses on Wolfears who seems like a rather interesting individual with very smooth honey-coated words. She was like a venus flytrap offering sweetness who knew what would happen if someone fell for it or was attracted to her like a moth to a flame. Would the flytrap snap her jaws? Only time would tell. They can't help but wince at the rejection that the four eared warrior had received but simply rolled their shoulders not caring much for it. Much like their littermate, Lilacfur, Nightswarm was not necessarily looking for a mate knowing it would take a lot out of their own schedule and duties.

Not to mention, they had Nettlepaw to train and they would not take it lightly. Despite the rejection, Wolfears is praised for her catch and the dark furred feline decides to refrain from adding to it only offering a curt nod of their head in greeting. Honeypaw steps forth mentioning the new law to the warrior code and Ptarmigankit approaches next saying that the warriors could have his share. A low chuckle escaping Nightswarm and says with a shake of their head "That's very kind of you, Ptarmignkit. But you need your share to keep your strength," Their short tail flicking to the sides before focusing his gaze on the rabbit then Wolfears.

  • beez2.png
    ➼ 34 moons old
    ➼ shadowclan warrior
    ➼ child of briarstar & amber
    ➼ asexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ➼ semi-difficult in combat; relies on stealth, their agility, and strategy
    ➼ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ➼ penned by bosstaurus