camp THEN ALL THE COLORS WILL BLEED INTO ONE // visiting thunderclanners

// This takes place one day after Sunnyday was brought back to camp! To save time, they've already been escorted to camp by ShadowClanners
@RACCOONSTRIPE is with he, and also leader tag @CHILLEDSTAR. !

Waiting at the border had been more to be courteous and respectful than not knowing the way. This marsh had been her home for countless seasons before the clans, and as she and her son are escorted through the land, she feels familiarity comfort her. In her jaws she holds a folded ivy leaf containing the herbs she had promised to bring. Marigold flowers sit in hers, while Racoonstripe's leaf holds poppy seeds. Both should help to replenish would ShadowClan used on Sunnyday, if not more, according to Berryheart.

When the two cats enter camp, she can feel all eyes on them. Some hostile, others curious. She looks around, dipping her head to show her respect to those who live here, but she will not cower. It would be unbecoming of a clan leader. So, she remains standing tall, nobility in her body language. Briefly, she lowers her head to set down her ivy leaf and waits for either Starlingheart or Chilledstar to approach. She is eager to see her warrior, and she looks around to try and decipher where the medicine den may be. The camp is familiar to her, but back when she lived within these walls there had been no healer, so she has no idea where he might be. She wants to tell him of Basilwhisker's fate immediately.
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Ferndance was distraught to have missed the drama on the Thunderpath. She reminded herself she would have to speak to one of the witnesses later to garner all she could from the situation, from what had caused the little spat to how Sunnyday looked when he had been facing a Monster. No one seemed keen to tell her about Briarstar's death, whether it be the weight of it or the aspects of respect lost to Fern's curiosity. Hopefully, her clan would be more forthcoming when it was a ThunderClanner who'd been smashed. Bad blood had not completely left the two groups since the leafbare raids, she believed, despite the sanctuary that Howlingstar had offered for hunting on their side of the border. She didn't doubt that there were ShadowClanners who would offer glares just as chilly as that winter towards the tabby, seeing how she was now in the heart of her home. The Lead Warrior's ears slowly swivel back, her maw parted in shock. "Oh my Stars, is that the real Howlingstar?" She gasped, loud enough to hopefully grab the attention of others in her clan. Her eyes grew wider than fruits as she swayed closer, movements similar to a feather on the wind.

Maybe they would react negatively, Ferndance was just keen to use this rare opportunity. Fearlessly, she sauntered right up near the other's faces, head tilting in every which direction as if assessing each angle of the ThunderClanner's face. A smile adorned her muzzle, that of an adoring fan, but there was a glint in her eye that suggested her mirth may not have been entirely honest. Left and right she moved like a particularly confused snake. "I'm sure you've heard the rumours about our mire... those blessed with nine lives quickly find themselves with none." she breathed heavily, voice absent of any threat associated with such a sentence. As funny as it may have been causing a war when everyone seemed to be sick, she didn't want to hurt the faith her clanmates put in her to behave (as best as she could). The whiplike tail of the Lead Warrior fell to her haunches in a dramatic display of sorrow. "You're visiting the clanmate your warriors betrayed, aren't you?" She didn't know it'd been a traitor who pushed him, that detail had been surprisingly absent from any conversation she'd had. "Do you have enough lives to visit him without succumbing to the curse?"

Another leader. He only has ever gotten to see them at gatherings at a distance, looming above the rabble and peering downward like the very stars of which they were named. He has no real opinion on any of them but from what he has heard at the gathering Howlingstar is far from the spectacle maker many of the others are, his own leader is often crass and rude, the spider-limbed tom from RiverClan is loud and flaunts about like he is often putting on a show, Sootstar is nothing-the stars have already judged her and he refuses to acknowledge her existence. He supposes the SkyClan leader is also often calm and put together as the ThunderClan one is, rarely does he see either cause such a ruckus among the gathered cats on the night of peace and discussion.
For this reason alone Magpiepaw has no fear of her, boldly strutting forward with his uneven and awkward steps to regard her and her escort with a quick, sweeping glance.
His ear flicks to Ferndance's words, lighthearted as they were even he couldn't help but look in her direction in confusion as to why it was necessary to say such a thing; the jester continues to jingle but he ignores her presence entirely to toddle towards Raccoonstripe in particular because he sees what looks like a plant he is not familiar with - or what he assumes to be a plant; tiny red specks just visible in the loop of a leaf bundle. His desire to know, to understand, to see what it is, has outweighted his caution or concern.
"Ignore her-I do. You are here for the cream tom, yes? I am Magpiepaw, apprentice medicine cat, our den is this way." The black and white apprentice turns to gesture with a nod of his head. Hopefully they would take this bothersome lump from the den and be on their way so he could resume feeling comfortable in there once more.

━━ι═══════ ShadowClan has done a great kindness by providing aid to the ThunderClan cat— their medicine cat and apprentice, more specifically. Though his presence here has sown some discontent among his clanmates, Clearheart holds firm to the act of compassion as a decision with principle. Of course, he is not unaware of the...dubious circumstances surrounding his injury, but that is a matter for Howlingstar, blessed by StarClan with wisdom and authority over her people. Clearheart's curiosity can wait.

His gaze shifts from the tall, upright figure of a leader to Ferndance, heavily disapproving. She is in a position of Chilledstar's trust, a model of decorum— which she often lacks, and today is no exception, but it is far more egregious than other incidents. Magpiepaw is quick to dismiss her and invite the two ThunderClanners along, but he does not know that he can so easily overlook the commentary. "She is our guest and no harm will befall her," he says severely. "You demean only yourself by making light of such things." His dark, unblinking stare returns to Howlingstar, to whom he inclines his head, as well as the warrior with her.

"May StarClan smile upon you both."

  • CLEARHEART / / 40 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns but will also accept the use of neutral terms.
    — a warrior of shadowclan / / currently mentoring dragonflypaw / / excels greatly in combat above most all other skills.
    — former loner who wandered great distances & rarely remained in one place for long / / arrived after the great battle.
    — devoted to starclan above all else (aside from his idea of the common good) / / not prone to enter battle mindlessly.

    — of a height slightly above average / / trim and athletic with a sense of immovability about his posture/stance & size.
    — chocolate sepia w/ low white / / fur is quite short for the most part / / tail is naturally bobbed // full-body reference.
    — fairly warm demeanor much of the time; there is a "softness" about his features so that neutrality doesn't seem surly.

    — lawful good, in the sense that he likes to maintain order and work toward bettering lives around him without cruelty.
    — often misunderstands figures of speech and may interpret them literally. as such, can seem to lack a sense of humor.
    — deeply genuine; dislikes lying immensely, and so (most of the time) he is wholly earnest, especially with compliments.

can we leave it behind? Just as had been planned, the matriarch had arrived to their camp. A rise and fall of anxiety spiked beneath his pelt like something was trying to flee, something agonizing building in his chest. It was selfish, it was vaguely compassionate but most of all greed that held his motivations to stay in camp that day. He had found some work for Swanpaw to do, carefully avoiding any patrols he hadn't been assigned to in case they asked him to accompany them. He had to say, had to see how this would play so he could act accordingly.

He was desperately close to having the cream tabby's future beside him, and Sabletuft found himself needing nothing more. They had to have this, they needed this to be successful, and the Lead could only rationalize it as it being for Sunnyday's own good. Even if the ThunderClanner didn't think so (he hoped, though they hadn't spoken a single word to one another since he woke), Sabletuft was ready to make that decision for him.

"Swanpaw," Burning amber sights searched for his apprentice, flicking his tail to beckon the young tom closer. "Stay close, but know that she-cat there is Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan. And the tom beside her..." He paused as he recognized him as the leaders son. Raccoonstripe, a former marsh colony cat. Another that had left his home behind for another. "That is Raccoonstripe, one of her Lead Warriors, like me." His tone is respectful all the same despite the grudge he harbored. Had the times still been so close to the Clans creation he may have even been friendlier to other tom, but he only held a distant regard. — tags

-- @swanpaw
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Raccoonstripe, too, had grown up within these camp walls, but as he follows his leader and ShadowClan’s to the heart of their territory, he cannot say he’s missed it much. The marshy ground, the skim of slime peeling away from surfaces of stagnant water, the mosquitos and swamp flies—he finds himself yearning for the thick, glorious undergrowth of ThunderClan. This place means nothing to him, but it does bring back memories he cannot push away. Near one of the dens—it had once been the nursery, though he does not know if it still is—he can almost envision a tabby kitten and a dark gray tumbling.

He grimaces, turning away. His brother would not want to be remembered here of all places, he’s near certain.

Following his mother’s lead, he gently places the leaf curled about the precious poppy seeds between his paws. A sandy-furred she-cat approaches them, one he recognizes as one of the lead warriors. His lip curls. “Does Chilledstar’s council presume to threaten us when we are guests in their camp?” His eyes flash with warning. “How many lives Howlingstar has is none of your business.

Thankfully, the other ShadowClanners seem to have more sense. The medicine cat apprentice approaches, and Raccoonstripe dips his head to the mild-mannered young tomcat. “Thank you.” He shoots the raven-furred apprentice and the warrior who greets them a look full of gratitude, and briefly his eyes meet the amber glow of another tom across camp. Heavily battle-scarred, grim in comparison to his flighty co-lead warrior—Raccoonstripe recognizes him. They’d fought side by side in the Great Battle, after all. “Sabletuft,” he greets the other coolly, bending to pick his parcel up once more so he and Howlingstar can follow Magpiepaw to the medicine cat’s den.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

"magpiepaw's correct. it is simply best to ignore the words that come from her mouth."

they muttered, casting a glance at her with a huff. they did wonder what the meaning for all of this was. sunnyday had nearly been murdered by one of his own, and now was sitting in the medicine cat's den. even if he could go home, which he was not in the best position to move at the moment, they somehow doubt he would want to. they only sighed, following magpiepaw and falling in step beside howlingstar.

"you said you wished to visit him yet I still cannot figure out what else would drag you to our lovely swamp."

they wouldn't admit that ferndance's words unnerved them in their own way. these lands did seem cursed sometimes and they're still reeling from their first death. who knows how long it would be before all of their lives are ripped from them like briarstar and pitchstar? for a moment, their memory goes back to each death and they feel sick but they only straighten themself. how inconvenient that would be for this clan.
The first to approach them is a brown she-cat Howlingstar recognizes as Ferndance, one of ShadowClan's lead warriors. She narrowed her eyes slightly at the suspicious words that leave her. Is she insinuating that she would die here? She says nothing, not amused, while Raccoonstripe warns her off. It doesn't take long for a lanky black tom who smells of herbs to approach. She pricks her ears - Magpiepaw. She knew Starlingheart had taken on an apprentice, but hadn't had the opportunity to meet him. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name," She comments, voice kind. A pointed tom approaches next and she finds herself relieved that Ferndance is chastised by more than one cat here. Thank goodness not all of them are like this, She can't help but think, dipping her head gratefully to Clearheart.

Sabletuft arrives next and she nods to him in greeting, remembering when they once shared a camp. And finally, the arrival of Chilledstar. "I will try to do that," She responds to them with a hint of amusement in her voice, whiskers twitching in greeting. She wants good relations with the black and white leader, despite how some of their followers may act. She's always felt some bit of loyalty to the marshes after living here for so long. "Yes, you should know the traitor who did this to him has been banished. All of ThunderClan was horrified when they heard the truth of what happened," She mews before picking up her herb bundle. She dips her head before following Magpiepaw to the den.

When inside, her eyes immediately fall upon the wounded form of @Sunnyday . She falters, brow tenting. Some might call this deserved for all he has done, all of the dishonor he brought upon himself and his clan. But all she can do is worry now for a clanmate who nearly met his death. Carefully, she places the ivy leaf holding the blooms upon the ground and tentatively picks her way forward. "Sunnyday." The murmur is soft, cautious. She settles beside his nest, ears pressing forward. "How are you feeling?" She waits, unsure of how to word what she's trying to say, before deciding to just come on our with it. "Basilwhisker is gone. He was sentenced to exile and driven from our territory for what he did. To shove you into the thunderpath and leave you there after a monster attacked you...not a single cat backed up his actions."

Sunnyday was a little more aware of himself though he still felt the effects of his injuries. The pounding in his head came and went, sometimes making him sleepy and sometimes making him dizzy. He soldiered through it the best he could. Though when a visitor entered the den he momentarily brightened, that is until the seeds of paranoia hounded at his mind. The tom looked frail and he carried with him the strong scent of herbs. "Sore." He replied as he looked at Howlingstar with a tired expression. Though his eyes widened as the information was shared about Basilwhisker. So he had been sentenced already? "I see. I... I thank you for exacting justice, I know it couldn't have been easy." Though the whisper in the back of his head made him tense up. "I bet no one would verbally back up such actions, but I bet they secretly did. They were probably hoping that I had died."
Chilledstar’s voice is dry and cool as they encourage Howlingstar and Raccoonstripe not to heed their lead warrior. He flicks an ear. He would not dream of Clanmates showing him such disrespect—that thrice-damned she-cat Killdeercry had done so over Sunnyday, and it had caused him to nearly lose his cool—but then again, Ferndance seems not to care about the blatant distaste her Clanmates show for her quips. He shrugs and follows the ShadowClan leader and his mother to what he learns is the medicine cat’s den. Golden fur is crouched in a makeshift nest, much like the one Berryheart would have made for him.

He watches impassively as Howlingstar lays beside Sunnyday’s nest. Her tone is gentle, but careful. “He was sentenced to exile and driven from our territory for what he did to you.” His dark eyes flick to the older warrior, to the way he composes himself. He is wary, too, and though he seems surprised, he does not immediately say he is ready to return to ThunderClan. “So you’re ready to come back with us, yes?” He tilts his head. “Are you able to walk yet? We can help you get to camp.” He sits, eyes wandering over the herbs and patient nests in Starlingheart’s den.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

"Return?" Sunnyday lingered on the thought longer than he should have. Where most would have likely jumped at such a prospect with eagerness and excitement he instead looked afraid, and the first waves of panic were beginning to grip him. The tom's rate of breathing quickened and his claws sank into the soft moss of his nest in a desperate bid to ground him as the tendrils of the panic attack set in. He wasn't looking at Howlingstar or Raccoonstripe now as his gaze locked on the ground instead, but his blue eyes were wide and shone with terror as the distorted memories flooded his mind and held him prisoner at the hands of his worsening paranoia.

His mind was dragged back to the day of the incident when he had been faced with the furious eyes of his clanmates all around him. The anger, the outrage, the hatred; it weighed down upon him like a crushing blanket. "I would have killed you." It was Flamewhisker's words that rang the loudest in his head, like the roar of thunder itself. Memories of being hounded by the apprentices in the med den followed after that, and he could not forget how a number of them were now warriors. The mere idea of sleeping in the same den as them now terrified him. Basilwhisker wouldn't be there anymore, but the lingering ghost of fear would remain like a legacy that craved to be completed. It would always remain until he lay dead! Which of his peers would strike next? And he couldn't forget how Lichenpaw was the current medicine apprentice. "He'll end me the first chance he gets! Poison! He'll likely use poison!"

Or maybe Raccoonstripe would drop him on the thunderpath and make it look like an accident on the way back.

A choked gasp for breath spluttered from him as his chest tightened and robbed him of air. Wild panic radiated from him as the first of the tears fell, and in an instant he frantically began to shake his head whilst trying to squirm away from the pair of ThunderClanners. "N-No... NO! P-please don't make me go back! PLEASE! I don't want to die! Another will try to finish what Basilwhisker started! I-I just know it! Please! No..." The tom was hysterical in that moment as he descended deeper into his panic attack where he was gripped by the vivid details that his imagination conjured of how other clanmates might go about ending him. They all hated him, they wouldn't hesitate!

Fear scent filled the air as he curled up tight on the ground just beyond the nest itself with his forepaws clasped tightly over his head as he whimpered and wept. He truly believed that he would never be safe in ThunderClan ever again. The floodgates were open now with Basilwhisker's actions, others would be emboldened to make their own tries. Next time he wouldn't be so lucky...
  • Wow
Reactions: Thorny
sweet like honey
———— ( ) ————
Honeypaw had been lazing about camp when a patrol rolled back in, causing the apprentice to snap up onto her paws and put on a false display of productiveness. ShadowClanners coming home was nothing new, and Honeypaw was not unfamiliar with circling the elders den to look like she was putting herself to work tidying up. The red tabby nearly tripped over her paws at an unfamiliar smell that rolled in with her Clanmates, two strange faces among the throng. She pauses her busywork to follow the cluster with her eyes. Those two brown tabbies looked awfully similar, she noted as they were being escorted to Starlingheart's den. They must've been ThunderClanners, here for their almost-a-thunderpath-stain warrior. They disappear into the den, and Honeypaw's fur burns with curiosity. With her ears straining forward she can hear a light commotion. Starlingheart probably won't have much pushback, but Magpiepaw... well, she'd never really interacted with him much, but she'd heard about his irritability when the injured ShadowClanner was first dragged in. Honeypaw was willing to get snapped at to go get an inside scoop, she decided.

Honeypaw steps inside just as Sunnyday begins melting down, and her curiosity is swiftly replaced with a stifling awkwardness. Sheesh, she chose a really poor time to nose in. Maybe she would've been better off just waiting for the news to reach her. Honeypaw's eyes narrow slightly as she watches Sunnyday in his nest, tilting her head toward Raccoonstripe and Howlingstar. "I don't want to die!", he'd said. What was ThunderClan up to that made one of their own warriors quiver in a nest so far from home, terrified to return? Maybe she could pry Chilledstar later and try to get anything they knew about ThunderClan out of them. "Well we don't want you here, either." Honeypaw pipes up, realizing in hindsight she'd probably get cuffed on the ear for stepping out of line in what was probably a pretty serious situation.

Magpiepaw gently takes the folded leaf bundles from the two ThunderClanners if they permitted him to do so and places them to the side for Starlingheart to examine later; a lesson was going to come of these, he still can not tel what the tiny red specks are and is eager to learn but that is a situation for another time.
A look of approval, a curt nod, is given to Honeypaw in response to her quip-the medicine cat apprentice can not help but agree. He does not want this vagrant here and he does not care about his sob stories; the moment it left his mouth he'd harmed his friend that was the end for Sunnyday in his mind.
Any other apprentice of ThunderClan, whoever this Sandpaw was, he didn't care - but Lichenpaw was different and certainly Chilledstar would not permit an apprentice beating skeleton of a cat to live within their clan. Just a glance told him this fool only consumed resources and no else. Or perhaps his temper had changed considerably on learning the story.
"You do not cry so desperately over what you said was a simple accident, what other crimes have you committed that your blood is the only payment adequate?" He scoffs, shakes his head and shifts his paws where he stands next to Honeypaw. This time he does not shoo other cats out as this will hopefully be quick. "If you are truly sorry for being too rough then you apologize, but Honeypaw is right-we do not want you here."
Had he not said sorry? All kits were taught that. Was this where this Basilwhisker had gotten it in his head to get rid of him? What was the issue then if this cat was exiled as the leader said he was? Would he also get to see a cat exiled one day? Did he want to?

"Oh I won't harm her, oh no," the ticked tabby mewed, eyes widening as if perturbed by the very suggestion. She gave an indignant little huff as yet another series of questioning went unanswered by a stranger, a pouty, withering look offered to Raccoonstripe as she moved away to clean her claws. "Guests should have the decency to treat their hosts, well... decent." Her clanmate's own insults slid off of her like water off of a duck's back, so used to them that they sounded more like background noise than true points of consideration. She had not lived this long catering to the whims of others: some days she was funny, and some days she needed to shut up, they would never be the best judges if they couldn't treat her consistently. Her eyes squinted to the point where the world was a blurred line, ears oscillating when she allowed herself to focus on the conversation instead. Louder and louder it got until she was forced to angle her head towards Sunnyday, his protests causing her to blink incredulously out of her half-hearted stupor. Basilwhisker was gone, exiled, why in StarClan's name was he still acting like the heavens themselves would smite him for his past?

ShadowClanners acted indignant, and she couldn't blame them. No matter what ThunderClan had granted the mire, time and effort had been wasted treating the cat on another's behalf, only for it to be thrown in their faces. Whatever he'd done or didn't do, she didn't care, but her home deserved a bit of fairness. Her brow crinkled, tail giving a little lash in thought. "I wouldn't worry about that... they're not very good at killing," she admitted earnestly to Sunnyday, voice scarcely above a whisper. Even beyond the situation, she had to remember the night raids on them, how despite the tucked tails of her clanmates, no blood had been permanently spilled. It was perhaps the only reason she was alive now, ready to admonish the mercy. "You're still here, aren't you?" There was a click of her tongue, a happy trill where it shouldn't belong. The Lead Warrior pranced closer to Chilledstar, emerald gaze falling upon them with a reckless suggestion on her mouth. "Can we keep him?" She pleaded like a Twoleg kit looking at a puppy. Adults were scarce in the swamplands, doubly so with a spreading sickness, there was a thin veil of pragmatism to the idea, even if it'd aggravate the neighbours.

It almost seemed beneficial to aggravate them, she didn't like how seriously they took everything. They were as compatible as fire and ice, she didn't consider that the rest of the clan would suffer for it. "He's pathetic and kinda stinky, but... it seems kinda a waste to just let him get himself killed someplace else."


When the group of cats enter her den she eyes them with a suspicious glance. Outsiders were not a thing that they frequently had in ShadowClan and silently; she finds herself glad that her kits are safely tucked away in the nursery with her dear friend. She doesn't say anything but if they were to look her way she would dip her head in a polite greeting. Howlingstar did not scare her, she had always thought the she-cat a kind figure, motherly and sweet. It is the cat next to her who made her shift her feet nervously. He bore the scars of many battles and, by the look in his eyes he was ready for more.

Ferndance follows the rest of the troop in and Starlingheart cannot help but shoot her a look. Her den was not open to those who did not have an injury or ailment and she was particularly fond of the brown-furred lead. She often times found herself wondering how she had ever found herself ascending in the ranks when all she did was run her mouth. She watches quietly as the ThunderClanners ask of the golden furred tom is ready to go home. Then she watches him flip about on the floor, exclaiming that he didn't want to go home. "You remind me of my kits" she says with a snort. But certainly Nettlekit Ghostkit and Flintkit were more well behaved then this….

Her green eyes flick upwards at Ferndance as she asks if they can keep him. Keep him? After the things that he had confessed to in the medicine cats den earlier she personally wants him as far away from ShadowClan as possible. He had hurt his apprentice in a way that was unforgivable in her mind and that kind of cat was not one she wanted here. Besides, it was not their duty to take in strays. Not when they were struggling so much as it is. "He is- is not ours to- to keep" she offers quietly, but her gaze settles on Chilledstar, they are the deciding factor here, after all. "it would be un-unwise to uh to allow him to stay" with the sickness coming about and her wariness for a cat who dislocated his own apprentices leg she is not keen on the idea. What if Chilledstar allowed him to take on an apprentice when he was better? What if it was one of her kits? The idea was unacceptable in her mind.

When Sunnyday thanks her, she only nods, an earnestness shining in her eyes. "What he did was unforgivable. You should have seen the look on everyone's faces when the truth came out. A cat like him cannot be allowed to stay in ThunderClan." Her ears swivel back as Raccoonstripe asks if he's ready to return home, offering the aid of himself and the tabby leader. But Sunnyday's response is one that causes Howlingstar's pelt to ruffle. She leans back in surprise as he begins to flail and screech.

"Sunnyday, get a hold of yourself!" She can't help but bark, skittering backwards to avoid his paws. When she stands by her son again, she stares at the golden tom with wide eyes beneath a furrowed brow. "No one would dare do what Basilwhisker had done. He is gone! You are a ThunderClan warrior. You must return home where you belong." There is a pleading in her voice, but also a demand. She understands he has just undergone something awful, something terrifying. But he is a warrior, nearly of senior age, not a kit - this is no way for a cat his age to behave especially in the camp of another clan. She feels her fur spike with embarrassment and she must lick the fur on her chest down while she waits for his response.

The brown she-cat from earlier has found herself inside the den in all of her irritating glory. While the medicine cat and two apprentices voice their distaste for the tom staying, she jollily asks her leader if they can...keep him. Howlingstar shoots a narrow-eyed look over her shoulder, aggravated, but says nothing. It is not her warrior to reprimand, after all. This is a situation that does not concern her, or any of them. This is a matter between ThunderClanners, and ShadowClan's leader and medicine cat.
can we leave it behind? The cats make their line for the medicine den, and noticing others tag along began to filter unease. His fur prickled as more filled the herb-filled den that weren't supposed to. With a silent gesture for Swanpaw to stay he would prowl forward, curious to hear what was being said. He lingered beside Chilledstar, head low as he witnessed the complete panic from the other tom. His eyes narrow into slits, assessing the reactions from each of them.

His maw lifted closer to the icy-eyed leaders ear, his words only for them to hear, "She's hiding something, can't you tell?" Bait for the leader to follow. If they weren't suspicious, he hoped his words would begin to stir. "They've done something to him over there." When Sabletuft speaks again, this time loud enough for the others to catch.

"Wouldn't dare, that you know of." He spoke rather dismissively of Howlingstar's reassurance. — tags

The voices around him were that of a blur as he continued to remain in the grip of his panic attack. Jests were made, remarks about kicking him out, and he's of course told to get a hold of himself. But how could he when he knew what would happen if he returned? Just an endless stream of days of being walked all over by apprentices, mocked and glared at by the other ThunderClanners, reminded every time of all his faults and mistakes over and over again, having others commit similar actions to his own without consequence, and no doubt having what had occurred at the thunderpath dangled over his head as a constant reminder. Then of course the fear of death at the paws of the next cat. He had once been a kind and noble feline, but ThunderClan had destroyed that over time. Whatever false honour and status the clan believed it held was an utter farce! If they ever paused to look at their own reflection in the waters then maybe they would see the monsters staring back.

"It'll be poison... I bet it will be..." Sunnyday whispered as he remained curled up tightly with his paws over his head. Inside some prey, in herbs given to him to ease pain from injuries earned from his duties, maybe even as he slept... it could happen at any point and at any time. It's not like anyone would check either, just like how no one had come to check for him at the thunderpath. If they had come searching then perhaps he wouldn't have ended up here. "They don't want me back... Tell them that they've won because I won't return. The message was loud and clear the moment I woke up here."