pafp Then He Does the Pong Dance || Mud Mishap


The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before
Nov 20, 2023
//this thread is retro to Shellkit's kidnapping and the war thread! please wait for @BRONZESHINE to post <3

It was nice to be on patrol with her fellows. The reason they were forced to stick together was ominous, but Feathergaze didn't mind that company was easier to come by. It helped take her mind off of... well, everything. The not-so-distant horrors of yellowcough, the lives the sickness had stolen, and even the Red Water rogues themselves. Did you know they would come, Icebloom? Did you know they were watching us, hating us? Do you see them now from your place in the stars? She forced her walk to a trot, trying not to let her tail droop. We're doing a quick scout of the territory, not tearing up over the past. Icebloom would not have wanted her to hold her memory with such sadness. Grief the old molly had understood, but wallowing? Feathergaze shook her head, a ghost of a smile fading onto her features. She'd say there's no time for that. Especially not with rogues all over-

Streams of sunlight had been filtering through RiverClan's territory all morning, giving a pleasant warmth to the afternoon. The snow had even seeped away in some of the more open spots of the territory. Feathergaze had grown quite used to treading on hidden ice throughout leafbare, and could keep her balance nearly all the time. As her paws slid out from under her with a squelch, too late she realized she'd forgotten just how slick fresh mud could be. With a heavy 'oomph Feathergaze went down, silvery pelt immediately spattered with viscous earth.
"Oh, fishbones," she huffed, murmuring further curses under her breath as she scrambled to her feet. Her fur was caked with dark ooze, which both clung to her skin yet managed to slide uncomfortably down her chest. Gross, gross. How am I to get all this off? I'll have to bathe in the freezing cold for an hour, at least! Sure, she adored the river, but for StarClan's sake-

Oh. Oh dear.

As Feathergaze drew her head up expecting to sheepishly meet the eyes of her chuckling clanmates, she realized not everyone watching was unscathed. Bronzeshine had been heading the patrol and had spotted the mud easily, opting to nimbly hop around it. But as Feathergaze had been plowing ahead lost in her own thoughts, she'd ended up on Bronzeshine's heels, and... well, the mud patch turned out to be more of a mud puddle, with Bronzeshine standing right in the splash zone.
"Oh, Bronzeshine I'm, I'm really sorry! I didn't, I-I was lost in my thoughts and, w-well I didn't see where I was stepping, and I slipped, and..." She trailed off, feathery tail whisking back and forth as she fumbled out her apology.​
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine herself was no stranger to having a spiral of overthinking, though it usually was a little more shallow than anything. She kept circling around and around in her mind, thinking about the best way to be everything. Beautiful, smart, skilled, witty. Truly, in her soul, she might've wanted to be a deeper cat. But she wasn't about to go down that rabbit hole any time soon. She hopped over the mud puddle without even much of a thought.

Then, disaster struck.

Mud splatter covered her left flank, leaving her sticky and cold. She froze in her steps, rage flaring in her chest and heating up her face. Shoulders tense, tail stiff, she slowly turned to look at Feathergaze. The fumbling apology and borderline fear from the other femme made her anger falter for a moment. I-I was lost in my thoughts and, w-well... Great StarClan, Feathergaze seemed to be a mess. Through gritted teeth, she grumbled a restrained, "It's... whatever. You'd better help me clean this off when we get back,"

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Hawkcloud, too, finds it easy for her mind to wander while the patrol picks their way through the damp territory. For the young warrior, however, her thoughts linger on lighthearted matters — such as the welcome sunlight warming her fur, or what she might be able to eat from the fresh-kill pile later on, should their hunting patrols prove successful with the easing of leaf-bare's harshness. When the she-cat's mind drifts towards the worries of the Clan, Hawkcloud shakes her head easily as though ridding it of droplets of water. The optimistic warrior isn't like Feathergaze, and almost never dwells on anything serious.

Therefore, it's merely the airy thoughts of the young she-cat that are interrupted by the sight of her Clanmates up ahead, Feathergaze landing in a puddle of mud with a splash that coats the nearby Bronzeshine as well. With a growing smile, Hawkcloud bounces her way towards the two, and lets out a stream of giggles at the sight of Bronzeshine's angry expression. "How disgusting! Feathergaze, I can't believe you," the tabby meows teasingly, reaching out and swiping a glob of the wet earth from the she-cat's fur. Eyes bright with amusement, Hawkcloud flicks the mud from her paw — and a bit of it lands on Bronzeshine again, making her devolve into even more laughter.
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♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Hawkcloud's light mocking did not help her bubbling anger. Listen, she knew it was a fatal flaw of hers. That doesn't mean there was much she could do about it at the moment. Another bit of mud landing on her fur made her let out an indignant half growl, half shriek.

"Ugh! How dare you-," she spat, before a devilish idea appeared in her mind. Bronzeshine shook out her fur, sending little bits of mud around to the other cats as well. "See how you like it," she sneered. Even she, however, was starting to see the humor in the situation.

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  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

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⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

It would be hard to tell for about half of his coat if the mud actually got on him... and honestly, he would be just as frustrated as Bronzeshine if the roles were reversed. Feathergaze's lack of attention had created a mess... and one that did not roll off the tongue nicely (no one enjoyed the taste of dirt). Scanning the group of warriors with a look of mild discomfort, Valepaw isn't sure he sees how this could be very funny... and opts to stand a small distance aside them before looking towards his mentor. Would Redpath condone this colossal waste of time and resources? Fooling around in the muck wasn't going to catch any prey... wasn't going to get any borders marked.

There were dangers out here that weren't being attended to for every giggle they prioritized. "Don't... get me dirty," he complains, stepping away as Hawkcloud's fling splatters at the originally sour warrior. "Apprentices... just changed the nests...." he mumbles, dismayed that their may be more chores to attend to now than there would've been had anyone acted like grown ups.

-- mentor tag !! @Redpath
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The silver molly stared at the ground, head drooping. You're embarrassing. You can't even walk without making a mess of things. By the graces of StarClan Bronzeshine didn't claw her ears off, though Feathergaze would've taken it gladly if she had. In what was likely a massive display of self-control she simply huffed that Feathergaze had better help her clean up later.
"O-Of course! Yeah of course, um, thank you, a-and sorry, er, yeah." Her lungs shivered, drawing in as much air as she could until her heart began to still. You're lucky she's being kind. Pull yourself together.

Sunshine incarnate skipped up behind her, every giggle a soft beam of light. Timidly Feathergaze brought her gaze up to watch Hawkcloud, and despite herself she smiled just a bit. Negativity edged her mind, but the thoughts that tried to come forward shriveled up hissing and squealing as they were bathed in Hawkcloud's nonchalance. In the next moment her pale eyes grew wide as she followed a glob of mud travel from the warrior's paw to Bronzeshine's pelt. Her paralysis was not blood freezing, it felt more like time itself had frozen. Oh.

Bronzeshine's screech set time into motion once more, and cortisol flooded the silver molly's veins again. Oh dear, fishbones, she's going to have your pelt, Hawkcloud! As her limbs grew cold and tense, prepared for disaster, a fresh spatter of mud attacked her face. Feathergaze could only blink, her breaths coming quick and shallow. The situation was flip-flopping faster than a stranded minnow, and the silver molly felt just as dizzy. I think... We're okay? Are we okay? She noted that Bronzeshine no longer looked murderous. That's a good sign. Poor Valepaw had backed away and was watching on with a grimace. He voices his complaints in the lull, and Feathergaze finally straightens up.
"Of course, I-I'm sorry Valepaw we don't want to make more work for you. I'll swim in the river before I even think about sleeping tonight, promise."​
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♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine huffed. "Well, let's go already," It was all fun and games, but she still was covered in mud and she wasn't having it. She could feel it crusting into her fur as they spoke. "The territory sweep shouldn't take too much longer," she added. She chose to ignore Valepaw's quiet complaint other than for a sidelong glance that probably said something like 'get over it,' and stood beside Feathergaze.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

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  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
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