————— ☾ —————

Swankit has always been a drowsy child, prone to sleeping when he should be playing. A child with a vivid imagination, too. Vivid dreams. He often found them more interesting than his waking life, preferring the wondrous unreality that they brought.

One thing that Swankit is not is an early riser. So it is strange, when his family awakens to find the cream kitten already gone.

The sun is just peeking its head over the horizon. The birds have not yet awakened, and neither has Swankit. His dreams have grown strange as of late. Frightful. Memories of bears, of thundering ground and cowering in a fox den twist his nighttime escapades. The nightmare of a couple nights ago lingers, his pure conviction of the bears' return still not fully assuaged. There is no longer peace for Swankit in rest.

Instead, there is movement.

Restless movement, tossing and turning, twitching and mumbling, just as with his nightmare. Perhaps his actions now should be a natural conclusion. Dream kept inward, he acts upon it himself rather than seeking help from the waking cats. He moves in his sleep, brow furrowed over closed eyes as he sways and wanders, paws stumbling across unfamiliar ground. His mind swims with images of bears and storms and damp tunnels, submerged deep in his slumber.

He's been walking for a while; his limbs will be sore when he aches. Out of ShadowClan's temporary home and into the territory of those who've granted them refuge, lost in ThunderClan territory and fully unaware of it, nor the dangers it carries. Fully asleep, caught in a nightmare, restless limbs moving of their own volition.
————— ☾ —————

  • // family tags @Halfshade @smogmaw @APPLEKIT @valeriankit @Garlickit
    no need to wait! this is open to both shadow & thunder cats :]

    as a small note note: your character will likely not know what is happening is unless they have witnessed sleepwalking before! for the purposes of swan's development i'd prefer to keep it somewhat mysterious <3
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png

There was just something truly beautiful about watching the dawn's light filter in through the trees, illuminating the route he intended to take as part of his stroll. His mind was elsewhere as he revelled in the solitude whilst it lasted, and perhaps for the first time in a long time his mind wasn't trapped within the quagmire of grim thoughts. Today they were fairly mundane in nature.

The scent of ShadowClan soon reached his nose and it brought with it thoughts of Sabletuft. Was the tom doing well these days given the recent troubles that ShadowClan had been facing? The temptation to see the tom again was strong, especially with the other clan now residing temporarily on the edge of ThunderClan's territory. But... it seemed risky, too risky. Until things returned to normal he would have to resist temptation.

The scent only seemed to grow stronger and it gave the tom pause. It really shouldn't be so, it was too early for any ShadowClan patrols, right? Though if it was a patrol the scent wasn't overly strong. No, it seemed to be that of a single individual. Confusion danced on his mind as he pushed through the remaining gloom until he spied a small form moving through the forest alone. "A kit? What's a ShadowClan kit doing out here alone?" It certainly wasn't good, nor safe for the youth. Sunnyday made his approach as he tried to get in front of the youth. "Woah there kit, what are you doing out here? Where are your parents?" He queried, but something seemed... off. His brow furrowed as he crouched himself down a little in order to have a closer look at Swankit. "Kit? Are you okay?"
With Sunnyday's somewhat ostracized position in the Clan, Stormpaw felt no guilt about potentially overstepping the warrior. As headstrong as the tricolor kitten was, she still would accept the guidance of her elders. Therefore, she felt a little burst of protectiveness surge within her chest at the sight of the kit—ShadowClan kit though it was. Stormpaw broke away from Owlear's side to rush up toward the strange kit and the ThunderClan warrior.

"They walk funny." She remarked, wrinkling her nose. The young cat's fur bristled up and she stalked over closer to Swankit, one paw outreached as if she thought to block him from Sunnyday. "And I don't think he knows." She said with her head raised and matter-of-factly. "We should just bring him back to the others." ShadowClan were still an other, despite Howlingstar's help.


WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
If Lightpaw had a mouse for every time he was dragged out at the crack of dawn for one thing or another, he would have too many. He didn't care if the boars were asleep, and he didn't care if the prey was asleep. He wanted to be asleep too, damn it!

They were somewhat near where the ShadowClan cats were holed up by the thunderpath, he noted at least, and if the breeze shifted in the right direction he could catch a whiff of their sour scent through the trees. What he didn't expect, however, was to smell it so soon.

Suddenly a bit more alert, the golden tom raised his head a little higher, ears perked and mouth parted to scent. It was fresh. Ever so slightly dampened from time spent on ThunderClan land, but undoubtedly ShadowClan. Firing a glance between Nightbird and Duskpaw, he quickened his pace and switched course to follow.

Fortunately or not, other cats seemed to have caught on to the scent as well, and green eyes fell upon Stormpaw and... Sunnyday. What he didn't immediately see, however, was the source of the scent. The gawking crowd shifted, and there stumbling along was a kit, eyes screwed shut and seemingly unhappy.

"Is this what ShadowClan kits do for fun?" he asked dumbly. He shook his head at the kit. "Hey. Kit. You don't belong here. Go back to your Clan." Either that, or he would scoop the scrap up and carry him back himself.

// @nightbird @DUSKPAW

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Garlickit awoke to find her brother not at her side.... Everyone was still asleep around her. And Swankit was always sleeping. Yet, he was not here.

This was a mystery.

She quietly rose from her mother's side and followed his scent. When it reached past their temporary camp in the oak forest, she paused and frowned. Why had he gone out there?? She hopped back to Halfshade and tried to shake her awake.

"Mama, Swankit went into the forest!!" She squeaked. "I'm gonna go get him!!"

And so, she hopped off after Swankit, following his scent into the oak forest. The trees were big and scary and the undergrowth tugged at her fur, leaving bits of twigs and leaves behind.

She catches up with her brother, and feels a sense of pride for successfully following his trail.

"Swankit! Where are you going, you can't be out here!!" She calls to him.

She realizes he has company. She trots up next to her brother.... Something was different. She wasn't sure, but something was a little off. "Swanny...?"

She looks up at the Thunderclan cats. "Hello!! I'm here to take my brother back!!" She says.

She doesn't realize the potential danger she's in, Thunderclan has been nothing but nice to Shadowclan in the short time she's known them.​
can we leave it behind? The kittens had only just returned, and of course they were already rushing to get into trouble. Not only was Swankit missing from his nest, but Garlickit was absent as well. Tiredly the Lead sighed as he set off to look for them, gritting his teeth the further their trail led into ThunderClan. As he nears them, he can hear the unfamiliar voices of the forests inhabitants.

"What have we told you about staying in sight of a warrior-" Sabletuft's jaws snapped shut as he recognized the golden warrior ahead. Conflicting feelings rose once again. Desperately wanting to be as far away from him as possible while his Clan recovered, and missing the gentle company he provided. It was hard not to think about how much he missed resting beside him.

His voice grumbled coldly, "Good morning, ThunderClan." The sharp pang in his chest was hard to ignore. He did not meet Sunnyday's eyes. "You really want to make everyone think you've disappeared again? C'mon, the both of you, don't make me drag you back." Swankit doesn't appear to be responsive whatsoever, making Sabletuft believe he was lost in some daydream. Might've been what got him lost out here in the first place. — tags
When the ShadowClan cats had been allowed to stay within ThunderClan territory, the one thing Leopordtongue was worried about was them straying too far away from their own little section that they were allowed to stay in. Of course, she expected a couple to stray a little bit past where they were allowed - it was only expected when you were in a new area- but not as far as the kit had made it, and definately not while asleep. With the boars going further and further away Leopardtongue had wanted to go through the forest without worry, something she hadn't been able to do for a while, when she came across the kitten and the growing group of other cats within the territory. It was only natural for the ShadowClanners to be worried about their kin - especially one so young that happened to wonder away - but she couldn't help but be a little bit annoyed that they were there.

"Is he okay?" The first and only words that would come from the warriors mouth as she came over, looking towards Swankit in concern. She wasn't judging, and her voice didn't give that away, it was just a question from worry. What if the kitten had something happen while the ShadowClan cats had been trapped with that water? Or, even if that wasn't the case, what if he had gotten hurt somehow in the territory while not being able to pay attention?

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


Orange and blue fur is bristling, a whirlwind of colors contrasting and rising up around her like a spiky shroud; the torbie queen has been in an absolute panic the moment she realized Swankit had once again vanished from her nest; she needed Starlingheart to look at him, she needed to know what was wrong right now because she couldn't handle another anxiety filled night waking up to find her son missing. Once Garlickit had woken her and run off she called after her to stay at the nest but the little fool had already ambled away-GROUNDED, all of them! Voices mutter in the distance, drawing her ever further onto the ThunderClan side and she can not help but move with caution and worry; after all an enemy clan was still an enemy clan, despite how hospitable their leader had been when she approached them about camping within the territory. It is only the image of cream tabby fur laced with Smogmaw's intricate spirals that she is sprinting forward with earnest to stoop over the kit and block him from the prying eyes of the stranger cats prodding him for information.
"Swankit! Darling, there you are-you have to stop doing this..." Her fur was turning GRAY by the minute. Mismatched eyes glanced around warily to the ThunderClanner's first and then Sabletuft who she gave a snort and a dismissive tail flick to his callousness.
When the cream kit didn't respond to her she crouched down further over him, hovering like a protective shield and flicking her tail to guide Garlickit next to him as well, "....sorry for trespassing. We're going..."

Sunnyday honestly wished that the apprentices would have held back rather than rushing over. A lost kit from another clan hardly seemed like the sort of thing they should be dealing with, and he certainly didn't trust Lightpaw in the slightest when it came to such a situation. As submissive as he had been trying to be he couldn't stop himself from fixing Lightpaw and Stormpaw with a stern stare as he held his ground.

However, before he could even begin to address the pair another young kit arrived on the scene claiming to be the sibling to the first one. Well, things were certainly getting... stranger. "Oh, hello there little one. Glad you came along because I think your brother could certainly use your help returning home." With luck they could get a hold of a medicine cat or something because he truly did feel that something was wrong with Swankit. Again the undergrowth revealed another face, but this one had his heart taking a leap. In an instant Sunnyday froze up and he gawked at Sabletuft in surprise and subdued joy. Though not wishing to rouse suspicion he forced himself to take on a neutral expression and stance as he straightened up in front of the lead warrior. "And good morning to you, ShadowClanner." His tone was level, maintaining a disconnect from the deeper feelings that he held for the other tom.

More faces came, and he found himself focusing on Halfshade in particular as she apologised for the trespassing. The leggy tom took a few steps back as he offered her some space whilst she tended to the kits, and where most ThunderClanners might have been cold or hostile he simply couldn't bring himself to be anything but empathetic. "It's alright, it's understandable when it comes to wayward kits. Though, if you don't mind me asking, will he be okay?" He gestured towards Swankit with a look of genuine concern.​
————— ☾ —————

There is little fanfare in Swankit's waking. It is his mother's voice that draws him from his strange slumber, a voice not unaccustomed to calling him to wakefulness when he sleeps too far past the sun's slow rising. The other voices do little to wake him; he is used to ignoring Garlickit's loud antics, and the sound of ThunderClanners, of Sabletuft, falls into background chatter.

"Swankit!" Halfshade calls, and he startles, eyes blinking open in surprise before he relaxes back into his usual placid drowsiness. A yawn parts his maw. "You have to stop doing this..." Halfshade says, and a softly sleepy voice responds before his mind catches up. "M'kay mama..." He's not really sure what he needs to stop doing.

It takes a moment for Swankit to register where he is. Or rather, that he doesn't know where he is.

Swankit's face screws up again as he surveys the cats around him... Those aren't cats he knows. This isn't ShadowClan. The fear is slow to come, creeping beneath his skin. His mother is apologizing for trespassing, the big golden cat who was far too close is moving away, and Swankit doesn't know how he got here. The only cats he recognizes are his mother, his sister, and mister Sabletuft, and he glances between them in confusion, searching for some kind of answer. "Will he be okay?" asks the golden tom, after speaking of wayward kits. Is... Is the strange cat talking about him? Why wouldn't he be okay?

"Um," Swankit's voice comes more lucid now, less mumbled. He taps at his mother's leg to get her attention, lowers his voice in a poor attempt at secrecy. "Doing what...? Where... um, where are we? Why..." he trails off. There's too many questions he could ask. Did she bring him here? Did Garlickit? Why would either of them do that?

"I fell asleep, mama, I was sleeping... I don't... I don't remember..." What he was dreaming about (beyond the vague memory of monsters), how he got here (beyond the fading feeling of fleeing). He's shaking a little bit, looking between the unfamiliar cats. His words run dry, too many questions, not enough explanations. Maybe the golden cat was right to ask after him. Will he be okay? He doesn't feel very okay. He feels small, and uncertain, and scared, surrounded by a crowd of strange cats and with no idea why.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 3 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
She knows that things have been rough for everyone lately. She knows that she should let herself grow more accustomed to ShadowClan scent closer to the borders. What she doesn't expect is to be greeted by a half - pint with closed eyes. Beside Leopardtongue, Wolfwind would drift a curious eye to the little thing, far paler than most ShadowClan cats she knew. Wolfwind looked more a ShadowClanner than this little thing did. Maybe hunting wasn't their forte, 'specially if they liked walkin' with closed eyes. Wolfwind would hum in agreement with Stormpaw's remark. That they walk funny. Damn right.

A second kit would soon trot beside the first as Sunnyday (predictably) fusses over them. " Ya know you're supposed to walk with your eyes open, right? " Wolfwind tells them, smiling as eyes scan the horizon for any ShadowClanners that might follow. Surely a kit would not be able to disappear without a soul noticing. And sure enough, Two of 'em come runnin', one of them, Wolfwind knows from the gathering is a lead warrior, speaking cooly to the ThunderClan patrol. The second, with striking fur an eyes, is someone she thinks her brain vaguely recognizes from her days in the marsh. Or maybe she doesn't. She can tell this cat is the mama, though. Poor miss. Wolfwind doesn't think she could ever do the kitten thing. Call her in for babysittin' any time, but damn, imagine your entire job being to look after scraps that barely had a brain to their name (no offense).

Wolfwind waves a paw, " You guys were invited here, rember'? No one'll claw your ears off for a wanderin' kit. Stars know I would've bolted if I weren't surrounded by walls at all times, but alas...! "

The kit finally opens their eyes, pale blues snapping out of his trance... before fallin' right back into it. " You're in ThunderClan, fella, " Wolfwind explains with a smile, though it'd drop into a frown when she notices the little dude shaking. Were they that scary? " Hey, relax, we're not gonna eat'cha. " Wolfwind cocks her head, considering Sunnyday's statement, for once. " Yeah, maybe he should get a check up. " She blinks. " Take care, though. "
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
The look that Sunnyday of all cats gave him was not lost on Lightpaw, and he met it with a stare of indignant offense. Who did he think he was, standing between him and the kit as if he would hurt him? Real ironic. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

One by one ShadowClan cats began to filter through the undergrowth, the first of which being another kit. He nearly sank to the earth with exasperation, but actual warriors weren't far behind, so he settled for a sigh. He didn't blame the kits, although they seemed plenty stupid for running off into places they didn't belong. One with his eyes closed, no less.

While the warriors exchanged polite talk, Lightpaw seemed to remain fixated on the kits, who were now herded together by who he could only assume was their mother. He hummed softly in thought. At least the strange one had his eyes open now, although his brows furrowed when he mentioned having been asleep.

"Sleeping cats don't walk, you little goof," he commented. Daydreaming, maybe. He sure did seem clueless, though, trembling as he gazed up at their patrol. Odd. Wolfwind tried to calm the kit's nerves, and he offered a brief smile. "Stuff happens. Just don't stray away from your mom like that, 'kay? Seems like she was worried sick about you."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

another kitten had wandered into their territory. the thing was a ghostly white, even with the morning light dim he stuck out against the shadows of the forest. luckily, this time it had a home to return to. he reeked of the thunderpath, hints of the camp past it. her nose threatened to wrinkle. at least now they knew that this was an innate thing instilled into all marsh rats. from their earliest to their oldest moons, no matter the age, they all enjoyed crossing into thunderclan territory.

she mostly hangs back. this was far from her area of expertise, everyone else was handling it well enough. her expression remains passive, that is until sunnyday decides to bestow a glare onto her apprentice. although lightpaw counters him with one of his own, a silver gaze still bores into the golden tom, ignited, full of ire. he had been minding his tongue recently, but would do well to keep his looks and comments off of either of her trainees.

the kitten speaks at last, confused, discombobulated. nightbird blinks, eyes trailing to who appeared to be the child's mother. the distraction had ended, yet some still chose to speak to the kitten. "we should get going now," she comments, ears twitching almost irritably. there were things to be done and yet they all decided to waste the daylight fawning over a runaway baby. "shadowclan," the lead warrior hums a disinterested goodbye to their neighbors, before moving onwards.