private THEN JUST DON'T LET GO [ assessment ]

Jan 3, 2024

Today was the day. It was the culmination of her training, one that she would be seeing through to the end. Ears were perked as Howlingstar led the both of them privately out into the depths of Thunderclan's forest, weaving through underbrush before they came upon a small clearing. Antlerpaw's head turned, ears twitching and nose lifted before her vision looking back to her leader, her mentor. The maternal figure she had found to place unquestioned trust in, the she-cat who had accepted her and her siblings into Thunderclan.

And how it had uplifted them. Doepaw caught her first catch the other day, despite how her eyes were. Fallowpaw had progressed strongly as well, and all of them had been accepted into the throes of apprentice social life. And that wasn't all- Antlerpaw herself had been watched by a good population of cats make a climb halfway up the sycamore and descend near-perfectly, something she thinks she is proud of.

But assessment day? It had her slightly nervous. Could she truly hold up to everything Howlingstar had taught her? Orange eyes focused on her mentor as she waited to hear the tasking.
  • "speech"

  • GealYnG.png
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Truthfully, Howlingstar couldn't be prouder of the cat her apprentice had become. She knew she'd seen something in her from the very beginning. From the moment she hesitantly accepted Fallowpaw's sisters into her clan, something about the chestnut she-cat caught her attention. It was her kindness, or perhaps her pure spirit that drew the leader to her. Now, turning to stand in front of her within a small grassy clearing, she regards Antlerpaw with a gaze full of warmth and pride. She's watched her grow all these moons, observed her transformation from a nervous rogue child to a capable apprentice. After a long moment, her reassuring voice breaks the silence.

"Antlerpaw, you've come a long way since the day you set paw in ThunderClan territory. I've seen you face challenges with determination, and watched you grow in ways that make me so proud to be your mentor. I know you're nervous, but remember - the skills and strength you've developed are a testament to all the effort you've put in, all of the dedication you've shown from the beginning." She steps closer, tabby fur blowing gently in the breeze. She looks to the young she-cat encouragingly with a smile, but her gentle gaze grows firmer. "Your task today is to show me how you use what you've learned. You will spend the entire day hunting alone. You will not return to camp. And the entire time, I will be watching, even if you can't see me. Are you ready?" She awaits the apprentice's confirmation before giving her a confident nod. "I will see you later, then. I believe in you." With that, the old she-cat disappears into the undergrowth, paws as silent as the wind itself.

Howlingstar's gaze isn't one she shrinks under- but rather, she simmers, she lifts her head. Ears perk gently and eyes widen slightly as Howlingstar speaks, listening intently to what her mentor has to say. She thinks to herself, this time next moon, she wouldn't be her mentor any longer- she'd be a warrior, one of the few that had trained under Howlingstar's tutelage. Not a star-given right, but a privilege, one she had not shirked in the moons she had been taken in by Thunderclan.

Her mentor's eyes grew firmer, and she nodded once to show she was indeed listening, not just trapped in her head. Hunting alone, for an entire day? She'd have to see how many she could catch- the variety, the efficiency of her kills. Orange eyes glinted as she looked on. "I am ready." She meowed in confirmation, her voice stronger then she could have imagined, the confidence in her words not just a bluff, but true.

Howlingstar's visage, and body, disappear into the underground. She inhaled slowly, orange eyes sweeping over the territory beyond, further from camp. It took her but a brief moment to decide which direct to move in, and as she started moving, Antlerpaw's own paws were swift, quiet. She avoided any dead twigs or crunchy undergrowth, her ears perked and mouth slightly parted to catch any scent she could. It wasn't long before she caught indication of rustling in the underbrush.

Antlerpaw's paws came to a slow, then a stop, pressing down silently on the duff, orange eyes widening as she searched for the source. There. She surmised, vision honing in on a vole that hadn't caught scent of her- she was surprised, but careful, at being downwind. Antlerpaw was decisive, quick, her teeth flashing into the vole and ending it before it could make too much noise. A long breath left her as she picked the kill up, moving to tuck it against the roots of a tree and covering gently with leaf litter. She'd be back for it, mentally marking where she had made her first kill.

Her head angled backwards, lifting towards the sky. It was nearing sunhigh, the heat at it's worse. Was this how hot it was when I was born? She thinks to herself. A dangerous thing too, her eyes clouding gently with emotion she didn't know how to handle. Mother.. Briefly, she wonders if her blood-heritage was okay, if she was eating enough, but something inside of her snapped that idea in half. Orange eyes slid closed, brows drawn together as she breathed through the memory.

It took minutes before Antlerpaw was moving again, shedding any bit of loyalty she may have had left to Baying Hound as she moved. Minutes after beginning to stalk through underbrush and around knotted and gnarled trees did her paws lose any kind of shake that she owed to the scars across his face, which stung when she closed her eyes too hard. The sun was starting it's downward travel when she caught sight of what would be her second piece of prey. Far from the skill of Stormywing or Batwing does she take to a tree, scaling it.

Even here she was quiet, eyes pinned to the bright red cardinal. The one thing she could thank her mother for was the similar pelt- it blended her into the trees, the undergrowth, so well. Antlerpaw flashes across the branch before the bird has a chance to see her, or take off. Claws dig into bark as her teeth bit down, breaking the small thing's neck and ending it's life. A slow exhale leaves her, taking a moment to regain her balance. Her tail shifts, just as Howlingstar had reminded her at the climbing tree. Scampering down the tree with the cardinal in her jaws, Antlerpaw made the quick trek back to the vole to add it to the pile.

Vision lifted to the sky once more- halfway to sundown, and she had two pieces of prey. That was enough, right? But the sun was still high, and she had every opportunity to make good on the time remaining. Determination filled her as she turned, heading in a direction she hadn't yet thought of moving towards. The Windclan border- she had watched a rabbit escape the paws of her mentor, and she wondered... She wondered if she could catch one. A hint of competition found her, rare as it was. Could she do that? Trap a rabbit and it's bigger size for Thunderclan?

Antlerpaw's heart soared as she grew near the border, and the scent of rabbit was thick in the air. She shifted, waiting, with ears perked as her vision searched the undergrowth. Mottled brown soon poked through, and she exhaled slowly, eyes wide and ears perked. And she was off, running after the rabbit. Rather then it running towards the border directly, it ran near diagonal- then switched it's track. Antlerpaw didn't stumble, her teeth grit and body stretching as she twisted and ran after it.

She grunted as she leapt, her hindquarters bunching before she powered forward. Windclanners might have been fast- but Antlerpaw had some serious muscle in her hind legs from training. Teeth secured around the rabbit's neck, and while she tumbled over at the end of her catch, she had done it. Her chest heaved for a moment, before rolling onto her paws and standing. Dusty, dirty- but she had done it. Orange eyes blinked, and a grin spread on her muzzle around the dead rabbit's neck.

Perhaps a hint more egotistical then before- though it was never much with Antlerpaw- she trekked back towards her first two catches, a satisfied smile on her lips, orange eyes twinkling with amusement and pride. Pride, in her own abilities. Dusk was just slipping through the trees as she made it to her pile, laying the rabbit down and uncovering the leaf litter. The she-cat's head lifted, turning to survey the darkening woods. Still, Howlingstar is as good as ever. I never scented her once. Antlerpaw mused to herself, not even as she crisscrossed her own paths.

Sundown had come, and Antlerpaw had hunted her heart out. Three pieces of prey in just over a half-day was something to be prideful for, right?
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Keen eyes had watched her apprentice's progress throughout the entire day, unheard, unscented, unseen. She is like one of the shadows as she stays downwind, careful and experienced paws steping silently as a mouse's after Antlerpaw. She doesn't miss a single step of the she-cat's assessment, not even a whisker. The tabby's heart swells with pride as she watches the skills she's taught her over the last six moons come to fruition now. She hunts like a true warrior, with the perseverance of one, too. And as the sun dips below the horizon and twilight begins to settle over the forest, Howlingstar finally emerges from her concealed position and strides forward with her head high.

On gentle paws, she approaches the pile of prey Antlerpaw had collected. A bird, a vole, and an impressive rabbit. Piercing eyes move from the fresh-kill to her apprentice and she grants her a nod of approval. "You have done well today," She tells her with a smile, tone genuine, proud. "Each of these," She touches the pile with her paw, "is evidence of your effort. You've proven your skill." Verdant eyes shine with warmth, her tail curling over her back. "You've grown into a strong and capable hunter, Antlerpaw. This day has confirmed what I've believed for some time: you are ready to be named a warrior."

She takes a step closer and touches her nose affectionately to the girl's ear, a purr rumbling in her throat. A proud flick of her tail is cast towards the prey again and she mews, "Let me help you take this back to camp. You can eat when you arrive, give the rest to whoever you want. And then rest. You've earned it. Well done." When she finishes, she brushes past her with a glimmer in her eyes and scoops up the rabbit in her jaws, leaving the other two for Antlerpaw to take. No longer is she the rogue youngster who joined her clan all those moons ago. Soon, she will bear her warrior name - a ThunderClanner for life.

Antlerpaw is a hint surprised to see her mentor prowl out of the undergrowth. She had been tailed all day, else, Howlingstar wouldn't have figured out where she was so easily. Shoulders squared a bit and her head lifted, standing as her mentor approached. Despite her weary paws, and the small ache in the back of her brain from the continuous effort in the heat, there was pride flourishing.

And Howlingstar's nod of approval almost has her legs going out from underneath of her. Each sentence causes another waive of relief, of accomplishment, to pass through her, and she refuses to let her eyes burn, to let tears of... relief, joy? slip from her optics. You are ready to be named a warrior. This, she cannot hold her tongue at, a small noise leaving her. One made of mirth and warmth and stars, I've made it. She's risen above the curses her mother had enacted upon her, the staining across her visage.

Her cheek leans in against Howlingstar's throat, and takes a small moment to settle there. When she pulls back, her eyes are wide with awe as she peeks up at her mentor. "Okay." She says, voice impossibly soft, warm in tone. ".. Thank you, Howlingstar. For everything." She says, head dipping before she's turning to pick up the vole and cardinal, locking them in weary jaws- but ones that held promise of future, that were turning towards the light.

As she walks flank-to-flank with her mentor, no longer flagging a step behind, she lets the smile curl onto her muzzle. I've done it.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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