there’s a new sheriff in town ; intro


I got caught up in your affliction
Nov 11, 2023
With leafbare nearly here, no one had time to sit around and dawdle. Not with so many mouths to feed within the camp walls. It seemed that one cat in particular was taking it too far. His hardworking nature masked under his intimidating stare. Coyotetooth was a solitary creature and one of habit. Without fail he rose before the sun and went to sleep long after the moon was high in the night sky. Today was no different for him.

The fanged feline’s head hung low as he trekked from the safety of camp and towards the sycamore groves. His eyes narrowed, his brows furrowing as he scanned the terrain for any sign of prey. Noticing a large plump snipe, the tom resumed his warriors’ stalk. His chest low to the ground without touching, his tail countering his weight as he moved. His mismatched colored paws kissed the ground gently as he moved forward towards the bird, hoping not to spook it.

As he approached, he stopped for a moment. He rolled his shoulders, preparing himself and calculating his pounce. The snipe spooked and Coyotetooth couldn’t let it go. He leapt into the air, his claws outstretched as he grabbed hold of the creature and brought it down. He crashed into the ground on his paws and pulled the bird close to his body as he grabbed its neck and bared down with his extended fangs.

One more piece of prey for the pile. Coyotetooth had it hanging from his maw, stalking back to camp. Hearing a snap behind him, the tom stopped and looked behind him. His ears perked, his molten gaze scanned to see where the sound came from. When he couldn’t see anything, he changed his path slightly. He zigzagged through the territory, making sure his path could not be followed easily.

As he approached camp, the tom placed the snipe on the pile. The chocolate hued feline sighed as he licked his lips, taking on last look at the pile. It was dwindling. Coyotetooth turned to head out of camp once more. Maybe another warrior would want to come with him. Speaking as loud as he could, he spoke loudly. “Uh. Anyone wanna come with me to stock up the freshkill pile?” His words were drawn, a Southern accent heavy. The tabby hoped someone would volunteer, wanting to make sure the clan was feed.


the leader is quick to jump up at the idea of doing something. they're running themselves and the rest of their clan ragged with the search of the kits. it's coming up futile and they're slowly descending into a madness that they can't climb out of. at least if they distracted themself, they could slow the progression of the slip of their own sanity.

"i'll come."

chilledstar's voice is colder than the air, and their gaze doesn't even land on coyotetooth. they do not spare the tom cat a glance, only eager to leave camp again. maybe they'd find the kits during the hunt. maybe they'd be able to do something right.
Chilledstar was the one to approach and offer to go with him. “I suppose there ain’t no harm in letting ya come along.” He started, seeming distant himself. Coyotetooth felt odd with the other coming with him, just because he had always assumed that leaders were too above taking patrols with their warriors. But that had never really been the case with the tuxedo feline. They always seemed to want to do things, go on patrols. However, this felt…different. There was a coldness to this. He knew the kits were weighing on the leader’s mind.

The missing kits were proving difficult to find. He sent up a prayer to StarClan every night, asking for their safe return. They all wanted it to happen. But when was the question…or if they would. That scared Coyotetooth too. But there was something else bothering Chilledstar. Something that Coyotetooth couldn’t put his paw on. It would pester him like a thorn caught in his fur, poking at his side. Begging him to find out so that he could help fix the problem.

“We should head up towards the Sycamore grove. That’s were I found that there snipe.” His words drawled, still able to be understood however. “If we’re lucky, we’ll find some more prey like that for ‘em kits when they return.”

Coyotetooth looked ahead and began walking. He fought back his tongue, knowing it would get him in trouble if he all but lectured Chilledstar. The chocolate hued felidae looked to Chilledstar as they began their trek towards the hunting grounds. The words eluded him, unable to find the right thing to say. After all, this really was his one chance to speak with the leader. His brows furrowed, making him look even more angry. However, he was just thinking for now.


Cats of Coyotetooth's calibre came as a rose amongst the thorns. Headstrong, hardy, not one to balk at the notion of taking initiative. It warms the heart (in a tropological sense) to witness how modest he is in depositing his catch. No conceited invitations for praise, nor any jabs at his clanmates over the matter. He merely relinquishes his catch, a portly snipe that crowns the meagre pile, before playing host to another hunting patrol. Benumbed eyes watch on as the leader themselves heeds the summons, and as swiftly as a passing thought, the deputy elects to expand the patrol by one.

"They better," he remarks mildly, plodding up alongside the younger warrior. Slipping back into his flawed brand of stoicism has proven oddly seamless, in light of the grisly circumstances. He cannot conjure up faces to fit the missing kits' names, and perhaps that lends a light ease to the nerves during this search process. "Can't wrap my mind around how easily they'd gotten taken. If fortune favours us, we'll find them before the first snowfall." For his sake, for his family's sake, he dearly hopes so. For Birdkit to grow up as the sole relic to Halfshade's last breaths would only add another layer to this gratuitous tragedy.

Dark smirched limbs jostle aside lesser-height reeds as the ground beneath his paws takes on a more solid form. They're verging on the Sycamore. "Lotta snipes, lately," he whispers, recalling Flintpaw's catch during their dual outing to the same location. "Far more filling than frogs, eh? If we eat enough of 'em, and fatten ourselves up like bears, maybe we can sleep through the Leaf-bare."

As Smogmaw joined them, Coyotetooth felt rather small compared to them. He wasn’t a well known warrior or one to revel in the fame of it all. The two of them were sharp and dedicated, wanting to ensure the clans survival and success. The younger would work until he collapsed if needed, regardless of the task. A certain poetry to the way of a warrior. The stoic deputy spoke, his words holding back from what the felidae could sense. However, he doesn’t dare speak as if he was familiar with the other. It wasn’t his place after all.

“Fortune has been less than kind to us previously. So, let’s hope that turns around for their sakes.” His words are like a prayer he utters to the stars above, a soft gentle truth masked in the darkest Southern tone.The unknown status of these kits carried a toll not just on Chilledstar, but also Smogmaw as they were his kin from what he had heard. Coyotetooth hoped for the gray tabby’s sake that they were not taken by another. He had his suspicions, but accusing another would get them nowhere. “Our hopes must remain strong during these times. I reckon they’re out there bein cared for. They’ll find their way home. They’re ShadowClan kits. Strong and resilient like the rest of us.”

As they begin their approach towards the grove, Smogmaw speaks of the snipes. “Yup. Seems like they’ve had a good season. Plenty fat too. They’ll be some good meals for elders, kits, and queens come mid-leafbare. Now, we gotta make sure we got ourselves enough for the rest of the clan. Ain’t something we should wait on.” Coyotetooth words at the end seem bitter. Cats seem to be slacking off, sharing tongues and sitting on their laurels as he would say. It irked the chocolate hued tabby. He didn’t see himself resting like the deputy stated. Work would never be done. It’s gotta be done. “Catch us some more and we’ll survive.” His voice begins to crack and fade, talking had never been much of his strong suit and here he was chatting up a storm.

As they stopped at the grove, Coyotetooth looked to the other two. “Any particular direction y’all wanna go or do we wanna split up and see what we can’t find?”