private There’s a Smile On My Face || Florabreeze || For The Whole Human Race


Cheeto-Dusted and Sopping Wet
Dec 16, 2023

As amber eyes opened, wincing slightly at the morning rays penetrating the warriors’ den, Eggshellbloom once again shifted in his nest as an annoyed huff left him. Already prone to bouts of insomnia, the boy wasn’t helped any by the sad sate of his bedding. Everywhere errant twigs stabbed into the Scottish Fold, finding their mark no matter what position he took. The cushions were well overdue for replacement also, moss now feeling like slabs of stone against his fur.

It was his own fault, really. Eggshellbloom had started staying in camp at Orangestar’s request, and an anxious mind had assumed the accommodations would be temporary, even after the incident between him and his housefolk. Once it had been beaten into the boy that the past wouldn’t be returning, he still did nothing. Like removing his collar, part of the coward thought of the act as a final burial of the past; so he’d put it off. A buttery paw briefly passed over his neck, amber eyes flicking to the strap of leather safely stored in his subpar nest.

Setting the band gingerly outside, the skittish Scottish Fold began to dismantle his bedding, trying to not block the other warriors starting their days while he worked.

// @Florabreeze
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Half awake yet somehow still full of life Florabreeze wandered into camp with a yawn, the rise of the sun providing an excellent guide on her path there. She enjoyed the peace of the mornings these days, warm enough to be pleasant but not unbearable. The daylight warrior was greeted by the sight of her clan mates preparing for the day ahead. Rather they be just waking up or have been up for hours, relaxing, playing, preparing for patrols or eating. The maine coon liked to indulge in cat watching sometimes, it was a fleeting activity but it was one that she liked.

Today has her glancing over at the warriors den, she liked to be nosy and see who was a late sleeper today. Who was sleeping in the same nest or rather who wasn't sleeping in the same nest that day. That was when she noticed the yolk ball of fur that was Eggshellbloom dismantling his bed. That caused her to hum to herself as she theory crafted what he could possibly be doing. Maybe he had a secret lover that she didn't know about and they had an awful breakup. Or rather someone had been cruel and dismantled it for him, that seemed unlikely since not even the meaner cats of SkyClan would probably do that. Maybe it was as simple as the nest was just poor, Florabreeze couldn't say that she particularly knew how to craft a nice nest. She was more than happy with her nest at her twolegsnest, the ones her housefolk had supplied her.

Still, colour her curious because she walked towards him with a bounce in her step. The idea of learning something new, rather it be gossip or just getting to know Eggshellbloom better had motivated her. “Hi Eggshellbloom! Lovely morning” She sang as she ducked her head in greeting. It was rare for her to step foot in this den, she couldn't help but look around the space around her.

Whistling to herself as she took note of the amount of nests in here, wow there sure was a lot of warriors here. Her gaze falling back on the dismantled nest as she finished peeking around. “Watcha doing? Looks like a storm hit your nest and only your nest” she laughed at her own joke, even if the observation wasn't particularly funny. With a satisfied sigh she grinned “would you like a paw with rebuilding it? Moss is used yeah? Do you need moss?”Anything for the excuse of a conversation, she rocked on her paws as she waited for a reply.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


The best way to approach Eggshellbloom was not too unlike a baby deer. Don't make any sudden moves or loud noises, don't approach from an unseen angle, and above all, make the milksop feel safe. All that said, it was no wonder a butter-stained pelt spiked up in shock as Florabreeze made herself known. A million thoughts began racing through an anxious mind upon hearing her voice, each hypothetical more malicious (and absurd) than the last. In fact, the whelp was so preoccupied thinking of the many ways he was surely in trouble that it took a few moments to actually register her words.

"G-Good morning" Eggshell stammered out, forcing fur to lie flat as he turned around. dinner-plate eyes squinted slightly, trying to read Florabreeze's face to find any hint of disdain. so quick to assume the worst, yolk-stained features briefly showed confusion as he realized there was no anger in her words or face. "Oh, um - I'm s-sorry. am I in your way?" Her comment about his nest made everything crystal clear, and the coward was about to sweep the whole thing to the side before she continued. "Um, yeah...m-moss would be nice, if it's not t-too much trouble." A buttery head bowed in gratitude, thankful to have someone else helping him. Florabreeze may not have known how to make a nest, but the former kittypet wasn't exactly an expert either.​

A loud but twinkling laugh filled the warriors den at Eggshellbloom’s question, there was a look of genuine confusion on her face. She subconsciously glanced down to where her collar is then tilts his head at him with a soft headshake. “Why would you be in my way? I don’t really have anything to do here!” She didn’t particularly notice how weird the statement made her out to be. Who lingers around a den that they have no business in? The Maine Coon practically bulldozes past that subject she briefly touched on.

“Of course! It’s not too much trouble at all” she doesn’t think twice before further extending her olive branch. She grinned at him and glanced around the den once more, then glanced once more at the Scottish Fold, tail swaying as she thought about where to collect the moss. “Would you like to come with me? Get you out of this stuffy den for a bit” her words were gentle, she wanted to try and talk to him. Get him away from the den for a while, the daylight warrior noticed that he was no longer wearing a collar and she wouldn’t press him on it but she couldn’t deny that she wasn't curious.

Assuming that he would agree to an extent she pads away towards the entrance of the den, glancing over her shoulder back at the tom. “So what’s it like to stay the night?” She asked with a curious head tilt, that smile never fading. There was always a curiosity about what the SkyClan camp was like at night, she hadn’t stayed over before but she had seen glimpses of it during the night time, there was always a beauty to it but she was curious if that beauty remained when staying for more than a few hours past dusk.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


The shrill, cheerful laugh causes Eggshell to shrink somewhat, contracting like a coiled spring while inwardly chastising himself for making such a simple mistake. The coward is always too hard on himself when it comes to social faux pas (of which he makes many), but the boy’s peers are always quick to pull him out of dramatized despair.

It doesn’t take long for Florabreeze’s friendly words to calm down the over-anxious cat, egg-drenched fur stretching back to size as he ponders her offer. “Uh-“ Amber eyes glance at her collar before shifting to his own, laying on the ground where any cat could step on it. Buttery paws are suddenly alight with action, scrambling to lay the trinket safely inside the half-built nest before quickly moving to catch up with the she-cat. “S-Sure, sounds nice. Let’s go.”

Eggshellbloom gives the band of leather one last look before the duo departed camp, as if the whelp was worried it would be hit by a meteor. He was so nervous that he initially ignored Florabreeze’s question, eventually accepting it as a welcome distraction from worrying so much. “It was - It was s-scary at first” The crybaby muttered, his confession surprising absolutely no one. “I never - er - I d-didn’t realize how much t-twoleg sounds helped me fall asleep before I spent the night. The hum of their b-boxes, the way the walls creak sometimes - I g-guess I missed it. It’s a lot easier now - e-except my nest, obviously. The wind, the rain - Sometimes I hear birds up past their bedtimes. All that helps me drift off now, s-so…”

Amber eyes flashed for a moment, releasing the boy from his rambling trance. “S-So, yeah..If you ever sleep over, make sure you bring something from home to snuggle with. It would help - I think. I used - s-still use, sometimes - my collar, b-but some soft twoleg bedding wouldn’t hurt.” Eggshellbloom’s strange advice set a question into his mind, and the boy turns to Florabreeze with curiosity in his gaze. “Would you ever spend the night? Er - like - do you think it’d be hard for you?” It was an odd hypothetical, but the boy was earnest. He wondered just how far apart he was from a current kittypet, how much of his old life was still in him.​

Olive eyes peer with interest glistening in them as she watches Eggshellbloom's own call to action. Taking note of the speed and the care of which he places his collar within the presumably safe confines of his steadily coming along work in progress nest. He doesn't decline her offer and there's relief there, no matter the confidence she tried to carry herself with it would always sting if rejected. She looks back towards camp after being satisfied that he was following, looking absolutely delighted as they left camp.

It's always so thrilling to be out of camp when the weather was good like this, the company was pleasant as well which was a good bonus. She hums in understanding as he mutters his confession. As a kittypet Florabreeze was biased but if asked for her honest opinion she didn’t think of him as lesser or as a crybaby for admitting that it was scary at first. The daylight warrior was willing to bet that half the warriors at camp would be shaking at the thought of staying in a twolegnest for a night, even if there were no twolegs around!

A chocolate ear flicks towards him as she nods in acknowledgement. Now that Eggshellbloom had mentioned it she can't quite say that she's thought about how the twoleg sounds most likely help her sleep at night. She can't help but idly wonder what else that he may notice now that he was sleeping at camp in comparison to his old nest. “That's cute that the birds stay up past their bedtime, I bet they wake you up real early too huh?” The few that nested in her neighbourhood were quite loud in the dawn so she imagined that was the same if not worse when surrounded by them.

Her beaming expression softened at the mention that the buttery tom sleeps with his collar as a form of comfort from his old life. “If I can figure out a way to bring you some twoleg bedding I could bring it over? Would that even be allowed?” She mused outloud with a thoughtful hum, large feathery flicking at an invisible force as she contemplated this potential venture. It would probably be ruled as a no, she doubted that many would be thrilled if more twoleg items found their way into camp.

The mention of the collar opens a window of opportunity for a question regardless and she decides to pounce on it. “Does it feel weird to not be wearing your collar? Or are you used to it right now?” the she-cat cocks her head to the side as she throws an inquisitive glance as she waited for his answer. Florabreeze personally thought she would be much too exposed without it, it would feel weird to feel the air against that part of her flesh and pelt, too used to the weight of it too she guessed.

“Would I ever spend the night…” she trails off as she glances around idly at the scattered pine trees around her. “If I had to I would, I mean for the vigil I had to. I wasn't… too thrilled over it I guess? Mainly because I have a sibling at home and I don't like to keep him waiting up at night” she rolls her shoulder as a makeshift shrug while there's a lapse in travel. “Apart from that I don't think it would be too hard, I think I'd adjust” she decided on with a nod, sure it would be weird but she prided herself on being pretty flexible and adaptable about most things.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


Even though she’d asked the question, Eggshellbloom was worried Florabreeze would be bored by his answer. Of course the anxious tomcat was always scared of such things, but the way he’d delved into the minutia comparing camp to the comfort of his housefolks made the whelp half-expect to find Florabreeze asleep. Thankfully, as before, his fears were unfounded. The she-cat’s comment brought him out of the small pit he’d dug himself, and the Scottish Fold was able to once again focus on the conversation.

“Y-Yea, they do, sometimes. I’m - y’know - I’m a light sleeper so it gets annoying w-when the loud ones come out.” Eggshellbloom was no bird expert. Some clanmates seemed to know every type under the sun, but the crybaby had taken to splitting them into three simple categories: quiet, loud, and pretty.

An anxious mind began to wander, wondering if the cardinals and bluejays found the constant mews and purrs below them annoying when Florabreeze made an unexpected offer. Eggshell paused for a moment, before folded ears gingerly shook side to side. “Um, t-thank you - but - that’s r-really thoughtful, y’know - b-but - I’d prefer not to.” Getting the whelp to turn someone down was like pulling teeth. “I - It’s hard to explain, but I think I w-want to get used to this life, y’know? I k-keep my collar because it’s special to me, b-but beyond that…I w-want to try living as a w-wild cat.” The coward left the second part of his rejection unsaid, but he also didn’t want to risk Florabreeze to get in trouble with her twolegs, No matter how nice they may be.

Eggshell had mentioned his collar, and it seemed the she-cat had noticed the care he gave it. “Y-Yeah, it’s pretty strange” The anxious tom admitted, buttery paw instinctively moving to brush the spot where the leather once sat. “It f-feels - y’know - it’s kinda like when your milk teeth fall out, I guess, and there’s j-just that hole until the new ones grow in. D-Does that make sense?”

The skittish Scottish Fold was silently relieved to move on from his strange comparison, amber eyes lighting with something akin to envy as Florabreeze announced her feelings about spending the night. “Y-You’re a lot different than me, I g-guess…” The coward mumbled before picking up on something she said. “I - s-sorry, I didn’t know you had a sibling. What’s, uh, what’s that like?” Eggshellbloom had always been a little curious about family. The former kittypet saw his housefolk as family, but never knew anyone he was biologically related to.​

“Oh a light sleeper? I tend to snore so good thing we don’t share a den huh?” She jokes with a laugh, trying to bring Eggshellbloom out of his well shell a little bit more. The promise of a friendly conversation is there, she liked to view herself as friendly anyways. “Do the loud birds at least wait until it’s a little later in the morning before waking you up?” She knew the answer was probably not, birds don’t seem all that considerate for others in their lives, especially not cats which she thought was fair enough now that she thought about it. Maybe they could make an effort to hunt the louder birds when on patrol? That seemed a little mean spirited though, and frankly none of her business since these loud birds don’t wake her up personally.

Secretly she was a little thankful that Eggshellbloom had rejected her offer to find and bring back twoleg bedding for him. The more she thought about it she actually had no idea how the logistics of that may work. It would probably be destroyed on the way back to camp, much less how would she even get it out of her twolegs nest. “Of course, that makes sense!” Her chipper demeanour never diminishes, completely unaware of how hard it was for him to turn her down; she rolls with it without a second thought. “I think you’ll be a great wild cat! Not everyone would be able to turn down something like that. Obviously they’re not fans of twoleg items but you know, whatever a SkyClan equivalent of that kinda comfort would be” She moves on from the statement without a second thought, mainly since it was kind of hurting her head to try and wrap her brain around what a SkyClan equivalent would be.

She can’t help but brush her paw against her collar as she thought about it, touch lingering there as he describes what it feels like to not wear his collar anymore. She thoughtfully hums, mind distracted as she tries to experience that feeling. Deciding in the end that she didn’t like it and drops it “I think I get it, it’s still strange without seeing you wearing it. It’s a good change though, a new you. It’s nice to meet this new you." The sincerity in her voice could be seen as saccharine, it was genuine though in this moment of seriousness from the daylight warrior. Her head perks up at the question about her sibling “to have a sibling? It probably depends on the one, I have two. Sfogliatella, who you may have seen around camp? That’s my sibling by blood.” It was still weird to consider having biological kin in her life, she never thought that was something that was out there for her. “I’m still getting to know her, so I can’t really say what that’s like. It’s strange but not in a bad way” she concludes with a delayed nod, there was guilt that she couldn’t answer the question to it’s full potential but she wanted to be honest.

“Ditto though, my twolegs brought him in and I’ve known him for what feels like forever. It’s like having a friend that you live with? I trust him more than anyone I’ve ever met in my life. So I think that having a sibling is good? Not the end all and be all of relationships but it’s something you learn to cherish” she shrugs and continues walking. “Did your twolegs ever bring in any other cats?” She asks curiously before ducking her head around a fallen tree branch to see if any moss had grown on the underside.

  • so sorry for the delay!! It feels so weird to not write Chickbloom rn haha
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}