private There are thieves, who rob us blind - Bloodpaw


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "Siltcloud is totally dead, y'know what that means?" his voice could barely constitute a whisper, the intensity of his tone making it obvious that he would be screaming if he could. But the name of the game was secrecy as he approached his brother-in-arms - Bloodpaw! Brother being sister, arms being righteous indignation over stolen tutelage that was rightfully theirs, as per their fucking name change!
A whole moon has gone by and nothing! No stretching their grown legs through the marshlands, no digging their teeth into live prey, themselves as capable, respectable cats to their clan! More than that though, a whole moon where Snowpaw got more and more in the lead. He could still taste the dirt she'd shoved his nose in. The memory made the fur along his spine spike up (more than it always did, anyway). Pressing up close to Bloodpaw so no one else could hear their conversation, Singepaw would whisper - thankfully a little bit more quietly than before - "There's no danger in the territory"

Boiling blue eyes glow with mischief as he meets his friend's, knowing he doesn't need to connect the dots for her. This stupid rule change was enacted because some dumb Skyclan brats had gotten their asses handed to them by loners - which, frankly, since Sky was so busy playing Squirrel all the time, was that really a shock? Shadowclanners were naturally stronger, save for the fact that Siltcloud had already almost taken down one apprentice and...killed another. Now SHE was a worthy opponent worth fearing adventure over...but now she was dead! Dead and gone and that meant...

The territory ought to be fair game now.

"I'm going to go" he tells her, eyes flashing, "and I'm gonna show Chilledstar that the rule is stupid! When I bring them back a plant way out in the borders of the territory and come back safe and sound, they'll HAVE to take back the stupid rule!" he lashed his tail with excitement, the plan dancing in his mind as he pictures Chilledstar and the rest of Shadowclan praising him for proving them all wrong! He'll probably get his warrior name then and there!

"And I figured you'd want to come with me"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


Cinnamon ears pricked upwards as a whisper warmed them, the reminder of Siltcloud's death something uninspired to the she-cat. Cautionary tales from older apprentices and grown-ups felt silly in hindsight - some nightmare she turned out to be if she was dead! Since the news, orange eyes had watched the camp's exit like a caged animal, waiting for the opportunity to leave and take ShadowClan by the shorthairs as she'd once promised her mentor. Having a Deputy mentor had turned out lamer than she'd ever imagined, with his attention on his older apprentice and the clan affairs, she might as well be stuck in the Nursery again! It was a righteous anger that burned within the large kitten, but with her siblings looking back instead of forwards (she didn't blame them, she missed seeing her mamas as often too), she'd only had Singepaw around to fuel that rage. His words cause her to hiss like steam from a kettle, as quiet as she could be. "Thassa lie, it's still dangerous."

For a moment, it looked like common sense had saved the cinnamon tabby: her birth had proven there were horrors beyond their understanding, her name was a reminder of what would be shed if they weren't careful. Then, she revealed a toothy grin. "We are the danger." He was thinking what she was thinking, before the other spitfire had even declared his intentions, Bloodpaw knew what he was going to say. She nodded along, humming as he revealed the extent of his plan. Her eyes widen in realisation. "Ca'mint." Catmint. "Mama was a hero that got some ca'mint and saved the clans, we could find some too! We could be hero-warriors, Bloodmoon and Singefang." She didn't know how catmint had saved them, or what it looked like, but it must've been important - important enough for Needledrift to have left for a long, long time. "I'm in, I wanna be a proper apprentice, I wanna understand all the jokes the others make about our terrytory." It wasn't the hero-warrior she'd declared them as moments before, but it was a start - even hero-warriors needed to learn how to hunt first! Her chest puffed out in pride as she waited for her friend to explain the plan further. Whatever was out there, she wouldn't let Singepaw face it alone - no enemy was a match for the fire and blood combo.

*+:。.。 Singepaw didn't believe for a second that Bloodpaw spoke those leading words out of fear. Although the two hadn't been particularly close in their much younger days, in the time since getting to know her he saw the ruthless molly she was - someone deserving of that frightening name of hers. Nothing could scare her! So of course she made for the perfect escape partner, especially when her show of comradarier with Singepaw of all cats stoked a fire of confidence he rarely felt in the presence of his peers.
"We are the danger."
A devilish grin would reveal each glittering fang, the teeth of a dragon with the sudden urge to cough a belly full of flame! Paws thrumming with renewed energy, keeping himself from leaping to his paws and racing out of camp then and there didn't feel easy! Because she was right - they were the danger! And they'd prove it! Before they hit their sixth moon they'd taste freedom for themselves and they alone - the great Singefang and Bloodmoon - would abolish the tyrannical rule and go down in history as the saviors of apprentice rights everywhere!
"You bet your flea-bitten tail we are" he sneered, flexing his claws into the ground to keep himself grounded. He nods in agreement - catmint, sure. "Dunno what that looks like but sure! With new-leaf comin' in they'll surely thank us for grabbin' the first mouthful, we'll be the heroes of apprentices AND warriors!" and a danger to all who oppose them! Another sneer coated his teeth as he agreed with a laugh, "Yeah! And smash their noses in the dirt for thinkin' they're better than us!" When they returned to camp with catmint reeking of adventure and bravery, Snowpaw would surely wail with envy! Then it'd be HER apologizing for...for...ahg fuck for whatever Singepaw wanted, shut up!

"Alright here's the plan" Shooting a conspiratory glance around, ensuring they were clear of any eyes or ears on them, he'd begin;
"I made sure to leave a gap in the brambles when I helped reinforce them. Tomorrow, I'm gonna get Slugkit to play hide and seek. She's pretty gullible so I'll make sure she doesn't reveal herself for anything! Then ill get the whole camp to think she's gone missin', just like Halfpaw and Laurelpaw did" Aquatic blue eyes glow brighter and brighter as he explains, the moon-long plot he'd been planning taking shape right before his eyes making him feel almost proud. As he spoke, he couldn't help but watch Bloodpaw in the corner of his eye, oddly curious what she thought about it. He hoped it sounded as impressive as he thought it did. He hoped he sounded as impressive as he thought he did. Puffing out his chest and ignoring the sudden spike of insecurity, the boy pressed onwards, refocusing, "Then, while everyone's distracted runnin' around like they always do when a kit's in danger, you and I are gonna sneak out and head straight for the catmint! An' if Slugkit hasn't revealed herself by the time we get back then we can be heroes at finding her, too!"
Lifting his head up, the boy would grin up at his taller friend, "You up for it?"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


A thrum of excitement buzzed her heart into a frantic state. The realisation that this was real, the realisation that they were about to become heroes, felt nothing short of a dream come true for the cinnamon tabby. If there was anything their home needed, it was a hero, and two little warriors brave enough to show them how dumb the rules were. Her grin only broadened at Singepaws agreement with her part of the plan. "Me neither! It's a flower, that's all I got." How many flowers could there be on ShadowClan's land? She'd heard tales of cats sinking to mud up to their necks and mires that stretched so far that her grandparents called it the greylands - a beautiful, rare flower should be easy to spot... right? "Bet even your wonky eyes'll know 'em when they see 'em," a paw aimed to teasingly slam into his side, harsher than it may have been with a sibling. She knew Singepaw could take it, and if it caused a playfight, then all the better. A sneering cheer came, only mellowed as the flame point spoke of his idea. Eyes widened in appreciation at first, then, she blinked incredulously as it continued.

"Ooooh that's clever, but... Slugkit?" Brows knit together in a hesitant disapproval. That didn't seem... right. Or, maybe it was right... in the path of good, there might have to be some trickery. The whiplike tail of Bloodpaw's began to wag as she wrestled the thought. Right and wrong hadn't been taught by Ferndance, or picked up from her clanmates, it was something more instinctive, a desire to be something that would put her in stories until the end of time. Sending the clan into a panic certainly would be a story... not one she wanted to be in, but if they were successful in their mission, would it even be told? Bloodpaw chewed the side of her maw before giving a nod, hesitant at first. Then, she nodded again with a renewed vigour. "Alright hero-warrior, I'll trust ya. Sluggy it is! If she's really good at hide and seek, you can find her." It felt too pretend to take credit for a situation they had caused, even as she saw the benefits in distracting the grown-ups, expecting praise for finding one you made missing felt like a step too far for the more moral of the to apprentices.

Still, now that she'd said it aloud, she shook it off quickly. "You'll need it anyways, I'll carry so many Long-warts that I'll have loads more than you!" she teased before tilting her head. "But uh... do we need to plan more? Can I help?"