sensitive topics There is nowhere for you to hide || Panic attack + development


It's not work. Not if it's you.
Oct 23, 2023
𓆝 . ° ✦

OF course. Of course. Of course. i'm fine. Totally fine.
It's chill. It's okay. I'm a warrior now. I'm fine. it's okay. it's alright. They can't hurt me now.

Ground. Leaves. Crunch.

She'd been just a kit. She'd been so small. She had no control. Taken from her family. Her known. Her reality. It was only normal to be so egar to fit in. So willing to do... anything. That's fine. It's okay. No one knows. No one can hold it against her. Circe. Circe. The one that had always tried to make it better. Where had her light gone? Was it somewhere in the fur she'd shed long ago?

Ground. Leaves. Crunch.
Move. Move! move.

Her paws remained frozen. They ached of a cold that was banished by the new leaf sun. Her ears rang. Her breath short. Ants. Under her pelt. Lots of them. Not real. Pin pricks of pain shot up and down her spine, racing each other, tracing the outline of her body in flames.

Eyes. She was visiable. To her clan mates. To the twolegs. She had to be stronger. They couldn't hurt her. She was a clan cat now. One of them. They would never let something like that happen to her again. The ground shook. Eyes. Naked, pink fleshy hands. Eyes. Those eyes.
not real.

She itched. Oh did she itch. The ants. have to get them out. The ants.

Panic thawed the ice holding her. Her tongue scratched all itches. And if her tongue didn't, her paws did.
Twigs snapped underneath her as she pounded her tail, squishing the ants she couldn't pick out.

finally. It stopped. Gulping down air, Sorrelsong commands her chest to open, hold, then close. Her breath slowly comes under control, hiccuping here and there as blue eyes clear.

✧ ° . ✶ . ° ✧
  • ooc: continuation of this thread. This is done purley for development of her character and I can take it down if requested! No need to respond to this at all
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang