THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER // deputy announcement

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!” Her call rings through the ravine, drawing her clanmates from the shelter of their dry dens. While the air still bears the chill of leaf-bare, today is warmer than past dawns, and the last snow has already almost completely melted. It leaves the camp a muddy, mucky mess; she can see the way it stains the paws of warriors and apprentices alike as they approach to sit. It’ll certainly be a day of grooming for each of them.

When everyone has gathered, she draws herself up to her full height and scans the crowd. “I have decided who will be my deputy. I hope Flycatcher will approve of my choice,” She announces, her gentle gaze falling momentarily on her gray-furred friend where he sits with the other lead warriors. There is a glint of something in her eyes - amusement, perhaps? Amusement, because of course she knows he will approve. He sleeps curled around her chosen deputy nightly, and shares the same respect for her that the rest of the clan does. She mothered his kits, who are now warriors of the clan he helped lead for so long. “Flamewhisker will be the deputy of ThunderClan.”

Her eyes flick from Flycatcher to the ginger warrior at his side. She’d been a front runner from the beginning, one of Howlingstar’s top choices when she had first stepped up. But she had been in the nursery back then, nursing kits while her mate took the title instead. Protective, compassionate, and loyal, she seemed the clear choice despite many who came to mind. Raccoonstripe had been one choice, her son being a courageous and proud lead warrior already. Wolfwind would have made an energetic leader someday, but she now had so much to adjust to with her missing eye, it just wouldn’t be the right time. Batwing would have been kind and compassionate, and Burnstorm fierce and fiery. Nightbird certainly had the intellect for such a position, and Roeflame, despite how new she was to the council, had so much potential in her young paws. All been options that flew to her mind when she had been deciding, all deserving in their own right, but none had held their spot on her council for as long as Flamewhisker had. She had the experience needed to pick up where her mate had left off, and she is sure and certain in her choice as she gazes down at her. The she-cat who had once been found at the border, a mauled and broken loner with nowhere to go. Oh, how she has burned bright since.


”Last one there is crow-food!” Foxpaw giggles, shoving past the gaggle of apprentices she had been hanging out with and sprinting for the Highrock. Howlingstar perched upon it, her long fur gently swaying back and forth in the leaf-bare wind. The red apprentice wonders what it must be like sitting up there watching the entire clan gather, she sat so high she must even be able to see out of camp!

Black paws knead at the snow before she sits herself down, laughing and chuckling as the rest of the apprentices hastily settle beside her, ”Haha! You’re CROW-FOOD!” She jeers in a playful, mocking tone to the last apprentice to sit down.

A senior warrior gives her a sharp hush and Foxpaw shuts herself up. She knows full well one more scene of public insubordination would not settle well with Roeflame. Instead they opt to fix their amber eyes on Howlingstar, doing her best not to chuckle as the apprentices cackle at her for being scolded.

I have decided who will be my deputy, Foxpaw’s eyes grow wide and her mouth drops in suspense, she doesn’t even realized she’s leaned forward. Flamewhisker will be the deputy of ThunderClan. ”Roeflame didn’t get it then?” There is a thwack against her ear from the senior warrior, ”Ow- ow- I didn’t- Okay!” She waves a paw as if to plead not to receive another rough cuff on the ear from the tabby, the NPC grunts and averts their gaze onto Flamewhisker, cheering the she-cats name.

The ginger she-cat had been a prominent and well respected figure of ThunderClan far before she was born. Foxpaw had heard she had attended the journey into the mountains to save the five clans, bringing honor to ThunderClan. Even if it wasn’t her mentor, or her dad, even youthful Foxpaw could see the great wisdom in Howlingstar’s choice. ”Flamewhisker! Flamewhisker!” She joins in on the celebratory chanting, her voice ringing loud and obnoxiously alongside her clan-mates.
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
𓍊𓋼 His father stepping down from his position still doesn't feel real. Flycatcher has always been deputy, and to have someone else take his place seems horribly wrong. But as Howlingstar calls for a meeting, the young tom cautiously strides over to listen anyway. He knows what this meeting must be for; the clan needs a deputy, and surely Howlingstar won't leave the deputy's duties spread between the lead warriors for too long. Just as expected, the leader announces that she has chosen a deputy, and her choice shocks Falconheart all over again.

His mom is taking his dad's place? She's... replacing him? Just like that? He isn't sure how to feel about this. On one paw, he's happy for Flamewhisker's new role, but on the other, she's going to be even more busy now. She's already been spending less time with him since Flycatcher ordered her to, and now he fears that she'll become absent entirely. It doesn't feel like a good thing. It feels like he's trading one parent's presence for another, and Falconheart doesn't like it. He wants them both. But still, he's happy for his mother. So when chanting begins from the crowd, he joins in with as much cheer as he can muster. "Flamewhisker!"

His decision to step one had come as a shock to most of ThunderClan. Flycatcher was glad that despite the words of surprise and gossip over who would take his place, his decision to step down and take a step back was met with acceptance. Besides, he wouldn't be going far at any rate, having been invited to remain in Howlingstar's council.

Some time had passed since he had stepped down and things went on. When Howlingstar calls a meeting, announcing she has decided on a deputy, Flycatcher is quick to assemble with his clanmates, eager to see who she has picked. His eyes went with surprise when Howlingstar made a comment about him hopefully being pleased by her choice. The shock quickly fades to understanding, and his eyes land on Flamewhisker, knowing her name is about to be called before Howlingstar announces it herself. He hears Roeflame's young apprentice make a comment about how it wasn't her, only to get a small smack from a nearby senior warrior. As other cats begin to pick up the cheers of celebration, Flycatcher turns to his mate and bumps his head against hers. "Congratulations, love," He purrs happily.
Howlingstar's call rang throughout the camp. Another meeting...she must have chosen who her successor would be. Since Flycatcher had stepped down, the lead warriors had been distributing his former duties. She had helped fill in for both Howlingstar when she was deputy, and Flycatcher, so she had a decent idea of how to keep the clan going. It had been many, many moons since a deputy was chosen. As she waited for Howlingstar to speak, she felt that same feeling from that day creeping back into her gut. The new deputy of Thunderclan will be Flycatcher. The feeling of disappointment for not being chosen had followed her for moons, but she had swallowed it back, not wanting to be unsupportive of her mate. It had been a tricky line she had walked along...wanting to serve her clan, and wanting nothing but the best for her mate.

This time however...her mate would not be chosen, and there were more candidates. As she sat beside Flycatcher, she pressed against his side. She was fairly certain Howlingstar would not be choosing her. It would be weird for her to take his former position...besides, Raccoonstripe was looking up at his mother as if he already had the position. Perhaps she had already spoke to him about it. Any of those on Howlingstar's council would make formidable deputies.

Flamewhisker will be the deputy of Thunderclan.

She stiffened, her eyes widening in surprise. Me? she almost said, but no words came. Surely she didn't say must have heard wrong. But when the voices of her clanmates began to cheer her name, she knew it was not a mistake. The camp around her felt fuzzy, and even though mere seconds had passed, she felt as though she had been sitting there quietly for hours. Flycatcher bumps his head against hers, and she returns the same gesture.

After a few moments, she looked up to Howlingstar. Behind the initial surprise, her gaze burned with determination. "Thank you. I will serve Thunderclan to the best of my ability." I wish you could see me now mother...
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

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Reactions: Lightflower

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Snow dipped paws bring him forth after Howlingstar calls for everyone to join her at Highrock and he wonders if it's to announce a new deputy, his whiskers twitch in curiosity before settling down in the crowd and blinks when the black tabby says that she hopes that Flycatcher approves of her choice. Flamewhisker will be the deputy of Thunderclan. A large grin present on his face as the announcement is made and he turns to his friend hoping that she knows that he's happy for her, they would work alongside each other and he's excited about it. He doesn't care how the mud bleeds into his snowy coat as he cheers with the rest of his clan "Flamewhisker! Flamewhisker!"

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Everyone had to think about themselves- what they wanted to do, and how they wanted to do it. Being a deputy was a lot of work, it had to be! Because Batwing was a lead warrior, and he was always soooo busy! Flycatcher chose that he did not want to be a deputy any longer, and instead, he would step down- it wasn't disappointing to anyone, they still seemed happy with him. And she was happy with him too.

She was lost in her own world, unaware of the fact Foxpaw had wanted her and some others to race to the high stone, wondering and guessing in her head who was to be the next deputy as soon as she heard the call. She could only assume it was to announce who, right?

"Wait! Wh- no fair! I demand a rematch!" She said in a low tone at being called crow-food. "I got distracted!" A scoff escaped the chocolate and red chimera before grinning with bright green eyes.

And then the fiery molly was called, one of the ones that took her in, that she considered her friend. Tigerpaw looked up to Flame catcher! So it would be absolutely wonderful to see her leading the clan!

Though... She was a bit saddened. It was so hard to spend time with the molly, and she was sure if Batwing wasn't her mentor, it would be hard all around to spend time with either of them. But as loud as she could, with as much spirit as she could, the apprentices voice echoed the crowds. "FLAMEWHISKER! FLAMEWHISKER!"

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Reactions: FOXPAW

[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] Soon enough there was a call to a meeting from Howlingstar, and Icepaw had wondered what it could of been exactly. With recent events such as Flycatcher sadly stepping down, it was only right that this meeting would be announcing the next deputy of Thunderclan, and so he wondered who possibly could be chosen next by their leader. Eyes scanning from the lead warriors, trying to see who could replace Flycatcher's spot...and then...Flamewhisker was called to be the next deputy of Thunderclan and his orange eyes blinked in surprise. Of course, that should not be a surprise, Flamewhisker made sense of course it should! She was a lead warrior and from what he could tell, made an excellent one at best. "FLAMEWHISKER" his voice will also rise in chants with the rest of the clan's voices as they call Flamewhisker's name.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The cry of Howlingstar stirs the busy molly from her task, and with curious eyes, she glances to the gathering crowd. Oh! Abandoning her work, she sets off to the familiar clearing of camp and towards her leader's familiar tabby coat. Spotting her friend within the flurry of pelts, she eagerly trots to Hailstorms free side. Bemusement falls over her as two apprentices banter within the crowd, and she shakes her head at the silly interaction. Taking a seat and wrapping her tail over pale paws, patiently, she waits for the announcements, giving the sepia tom a quick look-over before her attention is easily grasped by the mention of 'deputy.' Her heart squeezes a touch, recalling the sound reason behind Flycatcher's decision. Honeydapple only ever held high regards for the other, as he had risked his life for her in the rogue battle and for many others throughout her time in ThunderClan.

Always to the point, the revelation of Flamewhisker smacks a beaming smile across her dark muzzle. Looking out into the crowd, she easily picks the fiery-colored cat, bathing in the praises and a hardened expression of determination as she takes the role. Relief and admiration blossom in Honeydapple's chest at the happy conclusion. The decision was an excellent one in her mind, and they held little doubt Flamewhisker would be an exceptional deputy to ThunderClan. "FLAMEWHISKER! FLAMEWHISKER!" Adding her voice to the chants, she yowls to the skies. Times were changing for the better; she just knew it.

She'd never liked Flycatcher really, he was complacently boring and foolish in her opinion. A deputy with no real ambition or strong opinions who merely went through the motion of duties and she couldn't help but think she would have been a much more competent one than him even at such a young age. Racconstripe had not trained her to be lenient in her diligence, she was able to make herself heard even with her tone softspoken and she would not hesitate to defend her clan viciously with tooth and claw, yet somehow this placid gray stone of a tom had been given power. It was almost insulting when she looked to the other lead warriors like her uncle and Nightbird who were so skilled and admirable in their methods. But at least now that could be rectified...


Whatever relief she felt at losing what she viewed as an incompetent deputy did not last longer than a few moments as another stepped into his place. Moonwhisper feels her fur prickle with annoyance as she stares at the fire-branded molly named Howlingstar's successor. Flamewhisker, who swore she would return to them with all their cats who left on the journey and then let her mother die cold and alone on a desolate mountain. Flamewhisker, who made sure her wounded daughter made it back but not Little Wolf. It was clear where her allegiances were - to her own selfish motives. Her and Hailstorm both had been rewarded for their failure like paragons and she turns hastily to leave the meeting without so much as a mewl of congratulations. The ginger she-cat could have it when she actually earned it.


  • dgk9va7-e404f34c-d42a-4934-8360-235d0834d2d4.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes