private therefore you and me . mottledove

Soft tufts of fur were deftly picked through by white paws, poised fangs, and sorted carefully from the tangled mass that was Dog's nest. It was his usual routine to remove the clumps of fur that had snagged on small sticks and nettles during his wild sleep. They hadn't quite mastered the art of nest-making yet, but he believed it was achievable with patience. Rotating the nest by gently swatting it, Dog triple-checked all parts of his bed and felt triumphant not to find any more clumps. Twisting around, he batted the puffballs toward himself and pushed them together, forming one massive furball. A smirk crept onto his crooked face before he bent down to pick it up, being careful not to get too much in his mouth. Tilting his tattered ears around, he was relieved to note that no one was awake yet to witness his peculiar routine. It was a strange habit he had picked up from his mother as a kit and never really outgrew.

Wandering out of the warrior's den, Dog hastened toward the bramble exit, pushing a way through its thickets, and smoothly rounding the corner outside of camp. Slowing to a comfortable stroll, they eagerly absorbed the welcoming sounds of bugs and prey, even though the usual vibrancy of the new leaf had faded, giving way to the approach of leaf-fall. When all creatures rushed to fatten up before the harshness of leaf-bare. The best time to hunt. He thought brazenly, never have experienced leaf-bare in the clan territories. From his own experience, it was pretty brutal, but thankfully, many two-legs took pity during the colder months and provided handmade shelter and food.

Still, nothing beat the memories softened with time about his little old two-leg that his family briefly lived with. Her raspy voice and playful chortles that once echoed off the pale, tree-scented walls. He didn't think of her often, but it was only natural for a tradition the old two-leg created to conjure up memories of the past. Finally, he found himself deep within the nettled thickets of Skyclan's territory, frame haloed by tree litter and bare branches, as he placed the ball of fluff on the ground and silently stepped away.

Their favorite part was fixing to begin, as long as he remained perfectly still and quiet. Patience rewarded him with the familiar flapping of wings and soft pecking. Suppressing predatory instincts, his single eye savored the sight of two little birds sorting through the clumps and selecting what they deemed the best pieces of Dog's fur. Their earlier grin returned, and a forgotten comfort enveloped the bedraggled feline. Hope you're enjoying this too, Mom. It was a bittersweet sentiment that was too genuine for him to utter aloud, but it nestled comfortably between his ears. Holding back a wishful sigh, the ex-loner allowed himself one more ruminating message to skitter over him. I still miss you both, terribly.

Something suddenly shattered the peace as he caught a whiff of an intruding presence. Embarrassed to have his vulnerability exposed they whipped around with a fluffed coat. Peering into the thicket of bushes and trees behind to identify the approaching figure.

-- -- -- --

@Mottledove. Thank you for your patience. <3

TLDR; He's letting birdies take his fur for nesting and is embarrassed your oc found him out.​

mottledove & 20 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

Its rare that mottledove leaves the camp these days, even rarer still to do without escort. But after reccent happenings, she jsut - needs time to hersel, to think. Despite the dangers, she can't help but find the forest to be an utterly charming place - full of life and beauty that go unrivaled. Her tiny garden and twolegs nest could never compare she thinks, to the wildflowers, the crisp scent of autumn leaves, the way every inch of this place is so full of life. Motions are slow and careful, her missing limb leaving her at a disadvantage now that she's no longer on smooth terrain, but she presses forwards anyways.

The sound of cheerful birdsong catches her attention first, drawing her focus. Unlike her clanmates would, she makes no move to hunt them - at best, she'd simply scare them off anyways, and she likes how small and soft they look. But - she's not alone she realizes, fluffy tail swishing nervously as she pauses, dull blue eyes wide and round - "Oh. H-hello," she greets, soft voice timid. Dog is not a cat she's interacted with much after all - she's found her comfort zone with the nursery queens and kits, and of course even maintained it now that the others have left to go back to their duties, but she can't say she's spoken to many others. Slate once or twice - and a few apprentices.

But - they don't look all that scary she realizes, stifling a small smile, when she notices why they're here. Teal gaze sparkles with mirth, but she's careful not to tease, instead her head tips to the side, folded ears twitching. She is curious though - "What do they do with it?" she asks, blinking before realizing she might not have been clear enough. "um- with the fur, I mean," she says, flustered and flushed as she withdraws into herself - she'd put her paw in it again hadn't she?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account