sensitive topics there's a coffin buried under the garden - sunflowermask

i'm no good man, you won't forget—————————————————
The lilac tom had become isolated, since he saw that body. His world had seemingly collapsed in on itself, he was no longer invincible, the cats he loved no longer lived forever. They bled, they broke, they left, they died. They became something that no longer looked like a creature he knew. So, he stopped thinking about those he cared about as much. He would talk with them of course, he wouldn't avoid his siblings, but they no longer held the same comfort they once did. It also occurred to him that he might also one day be nothing but a corpse. How stupid he could have been to not known death before he had seen it with his own eyes, and when he did actually see it? He couldn't stomach it and ran away, a coward in the face of Starclan.

No one else had scampered away like he did. And the pattern didn't stop either. Whenever Vulturemask's body haunted his dreams he would run to the moors and try to cry and fail, every single time, over and over again. How stupid he was for wasting all his tears on that first night. Tonight was like that again, the glossy eyes of the corpse wouldn't allow for him to settle, it also didn't help that he now felt stupid for having nightmares. He had allowed it while his name was still Goldenpaw, but now he was Goldenstrike. He was supposed to be an adult, not a scared kit. Still his paws lifted him up out of his nest, he made his way past Sunflowermask's nest and started making his way out of the camp clearing, but he was stopped before he could. A rustle of sound made him snap his head back around, and there was Sunflowermask, looking at him.

rude words i said, i'm still a mess————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
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