pafp there's a design, to what I did and said // trying to make friends


time to rumble!
Jul 13, 2024
ᯓ⚘ The day has been blazing, but thankfully Oakrumble can remain in camp when the temperature will reach it's warmest. Sweat had soaked her long coat on a morning patrol, twisting strands into matts. She sprawls uncomfortably in some shade, eyeballing the last mat on her shoulder blade in dismay. It is exhausting work to contort her body in such a way to reach around to pry apart tangles, and she knows this will all be for nothing when tomorrow she will be matted once more. But, the brawny she-cat cares much about her appearance and more about how others perceive her. It takes several minutes of muffled swears to remove the large knot and Oakrumble only succeeded in her battle by ripping some fur out which she deposited with a spat onto the sandy ground.

She is about to murmur some nonsense about wishing she were bald when a somewhat familiar figure passes by in her peripheral. Oakrumble turns her flat features upon Butterflytuft to watch the sweet she-cat settle down paces away, causing an idea to bloom in Oakrumble's mind. She admires Butterflytuft alot, a fact she's never actually shared with the tortoiseshell. Oakrumble doubts Butterflytuft would be very comfortable in her presence-- she knows she's an aquired taste for some and can be quite harsh with her approach to things. But she finds an in on approaching the timid she-cat... she eyeballs Butterflytuft's thick pelt, adorned by the gorgeous markings reminiscent of her namesake. Oakrumble heaves herself up and shakes her now-pristine fur before bumbling over, humming a tune that sounded similar to the rasp of sand beneath her broad paws.

"How d'ya do?" Oakrumble mews, pausing in front of Butterflytuft and inclining her head downwards as if asking for permission to sit with the feline. She doesn't wait for further permission though, settling quickly on her haunches. She continues, "Y'know. You've got gorgeous fur. I'm sure you've been told that a lot. How d'ya keep it so... clean? Looks perfect, really! Oakrumble means her compliments sincerely but is afraid she made seem insincere due to the way she approached and so she flashes a polite smile, her teeth accentuated by her underbite.

  • ooc–wait for @butterflytuft
  • OAKRUMBLE —— skyclan warrior, she/her or they/them, 56 moons
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// this is soooo late I'm so sorry!

Butterflytuft glances up from her quiet spot, the warmth of the sun feeling much like a gentle embrace despite the oppressive heat. She always has liked greenleaf. Her round eyes soften upon meeting Oakrumble's, but there is a hint of surprise within them. She doesn't know the older warrior well, but not for any particular reason. They just didn't hang out in the same circles is all. The compliment, though unexpected, is met with a gentle blush rising beneath her fur. "Oh, um, thank you, Oakrumble," The tortoiseshell murmurs, voice not much louder than a whispering breeze. She shifts slightly, trying to hide the slight embarrassment at the attention. "I don't do much, really. Just a lot of grooming and taking it slow. It helps to...take time for yourself, I suppose."

She tilts her head slightly, a small, shy smile playing on her lips. "Your fur looks nice, too. I bet it must be a lot of work with how thick it is." Especially in this heat! Yellow eyes flicker with genuine warmth and curiosity as she gazes at her clanmate, tail wrapping loosely around her frame.

-ˋˏ "It is! Lotta work," Oakrumble mews, large head nodding. She returns the smile Butterflytuft reveals, but toothily. "My fur is... ah, it's my enemy! But it pays off..." The stout she-cat lifts a paw and gestures at herself, at her untangled and well-groomed fur. "...wouldn't you agree?"

Oakrumble sets her paw down and chuckles heartily. "I think it would be hard to focus on myself if I had a kit! I'd want to make sure their fur shines! Neglect myself... well, damn, guess that's why I'm not a parent!" Her eyes glitter with amusement as she imagines the notion of having a daughter which she could dote upon. "I'd be a tad overbearing. You though, you're quite a good mother, hmm?" Her harsh features soften as she praises Butterflytuft's parenting. She hopes that's a normal thing to do, Oakrumble could not be sure. Well, no matter, it is a good-hearted thing to mention all the same and Oakrumble means it. She enjoys watchin' the kits of Skyclan growing up to be mighty warriors of Skyclan, guided by their parents and then mentors.

  • OAKRUMBLE she/her, warrior of skyclan, 56 moons.
    lh chocolate torbie, stout and muscular she-cat with an overbite.
    important relations blah blah idk
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking

She laughs lightly and nods her head in agreement, doing her best to acknowledge the older warrior’s wonderful job at grooming her fur. Butterflytuft's eyes then brighten at Oakrumble's words, a gentle purr escaping her. "Thank you, Oakrumble," She replies softly, her gaze warm. She does her best to make sure her daughter and the other kits are well cared for. It's a lot of work, but it brings her joy to see them grow and learn. She glances down at her own fur, brushing out a stray leaf with her forepaw that had settled among the tufts. "It's nice to hear that you think I do a good job," She continues, a hint of shyness lingering in her voice. "I do what I can.” It’s been hard, without Dandelionwish…but she’s made it work in her own way. She has a village, after all.

The tortoiseshell’s tail flicks in thought as she looks back up at Oakrumble. "Have you ever thought about it? Having kits? Maybe you would be a wonderful parent, too - just in your own way." Her smile grows a touch more confident as she becomes more appreciative of the company and conversation.