" i want to be strong enough "
Aug 13, 2024

a shrinking, timid and muffled voice just barely loud enough to break the barrier of silence that shrouds the medicine den would make itself known just right outside the entrance followed by the nervous shuffling of paws against turf before the ebony kitten finally pushes through the curtain of lichen and reveal themself to the medicine cat who upon first glance looks a bit worse for wear causing concern to wrap around his tiny heart.

within the clutches of spiderkit's jaws looked to be an assortment of plants, a few sticks, and wild flowers that he must've found strewn about the camp believing they could be of use to the shaggy tom and after placing them down would speak up again, golden eyes unable to stay focused on gentlestorm for long before they nervously wandered for a few seconds.

"i ho-hope i'm not dis-disturbing you but i th-thought you uh-uhm could use these?" spiderkit mews, seeming to do a bit of a tip-tap motion with his paws in an attempt to distract himself from the steadily climbing worriment. "i fo-found it around camp, so-sorry if its just a bunch of u-uhm use-useless stuff." and it was, nothing that is presented in that pile would ever have purpose in the medicine den but it was the thought that counts right?

"b-but there's something el-else, don't wo-worry!"

the words rush out in an anxious rush, clearly afraid that he might just be wasting precious time when the sepia healer could be using it for other important things. in a clumsy manner, a paw reaches out to sift through the small mound of wild flowers and twigs to reveal a beautiful iridescent elytra that used to belong to a beetle. "i thou-thought you would like it be-because it's shiny and pr-pretty." spiderkit appears to internally wince at how lame and weak the words sounded to his ears which begin to lower a bit closer to his cranium.

"i-im sorry, gentlestorm." sorry for wasting your time with junk. im sorry you got hurt. the rest of the words failed to come out as it got all clogged up in his throat that is followed by a subtle wobble of their lower lip.


  • Untitled240_20240814011439.png
    a sh, gangly solid black kitten with large ears and wide, golden eyes.
    at first glance, spiderkit is nothing remarkable compared to other children in the clan but a double take will point out something glaringly obvious about them that being the fact they are unusually tall for a thunderclanner and one could almost question whether or not they were born in the right clan. other than sporting a coat weaved from the shadows of night itself and baring wide, unnerving golden eyes he also seems to have quite the set of ears upon their head and a snaggletooth that peeks just from beneath his lip.
  • SPIDERKIT —— "love. brain. heart. control. caffeinate. melatonin."
    thunderclan kit, npc x npc . littermate to myrtlekit
    amab, nb masculine / he they pronouns / 5 moons and ages the 9th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking

    —— spiderkit is a very strange child and incredibly introverted, a complete opposite to his fluffier sibling myrtlekit. they aren't the best at socializing and *tries* to befriend others but because of his way to make things awkward and the eerie aura that clings to his tiny frame, he's usually seen by himself in the shadows watching everyone else. this does not help the weird kid allegations.

    penned by cobatic
    "speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse