there's a light in your eyes [ patch ]

————— ❁ —————
Dark, freckled paws brush the grass as Lichenpaw ducks through the gorse tunnel and out of camp, trailing behind Patchpaw. Of all the cats in ThunderClan, he certainly wasn't expecting them to invite him along for a woodland excursion; he barely even knows her. They were friendly, of course, back when he was friendly with everyone, but he's not exactly good company anymore. Still, he's not going to turn her down.

He doesn't quite get what she's going for, though. Pity, he's used to by now, cats coming to check in on him and then giving him space to sulk. But not the enthusiasm which she brings feels foreign, unwarranted. For a moment he wonders if this is how Shallowpaw felt, tailed by a far more lively Lichenpaw. It's not bad, honestly. "So, uh," he begins as they peek their heads out and into the forest. "Don't think I ever asked — where, um. Where are we going exactly?" He tries to hide the nerves from his smile, but it's always a futile effort. Still, his tone carries far more good-natured bemusement than it does wariness.
————— ❁ —————

  • // @Patchpaw ! sorry it's so late ^^;
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png

"Why, silly, it's a secret!" She trods along, only a little ahead of Lichenpaw, with her tail high in the ears and ears perked forwards. She had been strangely excited to bring him along on this 'trip', as if the thought of their lack of acquaintanceship bothered her little. Patchpaw checks over her shoulder, and at seeing Lichenpaw following along apprehensively, she flashes him a bright, warm smile. "It'll just be up ahead. Something nice, you know?"

While she had only been a bystander to the wrongdoings of Sunnyday's actions, the sight of Lichenpaw stumbling into camp looking as though he was only a broken shell of his former self had not left her mind since then, and Patchpaw swore to it that she would support him in any way she could.
And now, she could help fulfill that promise!

Today, though, was not overly keen on helping. The sun was sweltering hot above them as the temperatures had rosen high enough to where the spiders and insects were beginning to come back out from their winter's sleep, and any shade felt like a gift from the trees. Thankfully, Patchpaw knew exactly where she was going.
Stopping just short of a small clearing, a pond encircled the area in front of them, with them standing on the side of its steep, raised bank and the other side covered in smooth pebbles and gravel. A perfect location to find shiny rocks, but that was not what she was here for. At least... not right now, anyway.

The pond's surface shimmered from the overhanging sun, its small waves lapping at the stony shore. The bottom couldn't be seen, but lovely little fronds and small lilypads floated at the top, and if one got close enough, tiny fish the size of their paws could be seen flitting about, silver bodies glittering.

"Go ahead and look! I've found it's such a nice place to relax by. When Sunningrocks isn't available, anyway." She urges Lichenpaw closer, grinning so brightly. Was she always this excited about such a seemingly simple thing?