there's a party soon .. apprentice party


the exception
Apr 15, 2023
It wasn't meant to turn into an entire ordeal, really, but things simply managed to spiral out that way. It started in the apprentices den the night before, as everyone was settling into their nests after a long exhausting day following around their mentors and trainings. He had politely informed his peers not to be bothered if he doesn't appear in his nest the following night, since he would be going to Fourtrees for the evening and didn't know when he would be coming back. Whenever he felt like it, essentially.

That proved to be a mistake.

He shouldn't have said anything. So many questions piled right after-

Why are you going all the way out there?
Are you going alone?
Can we come?
Who else is going to be there?
What if we all went?!

Even if he had said no it wasn't like they would listen. Begrudgingly Basilpaw had stopped caring who else wanted to tag along, he was just curious what the view looked like up on those stones.

Thankfully not many clouds were in the sky, allowing the moonlight to provide enough guidance to ensure he wasn't walking entirely in circles. After all, he had only come here once before. His muzzle pushed through the fresh blossoming hedges and into the clearing of Fourtrees. Finally, and still with the night to spare. Basilpaw didn't so much as glance to see if his unexpected companions were close behind him before bounding further into the clearing. It looked so different when it wasn't full of cats from all four Clans. So much space, and all to themselves! He wondered how he would get up to Fourtrees... there had to be something nearby to support himself on. Did the leaders really jump all the way up there every time?
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