pafp There's a Thyme and a Plaice // apologising


I Just Wanna Fly
Sep 21, 2022
SKY HIGHA poor joke could truly become a thorn in one's side, and in Crawlingroach's case that was very much the case as the guilt continued to jab at him over what he had said to Clayfur on the day that the ex-WindClanner had been near the border. He couldn't take back the words, and he knew that Clayfur was somewhat avoiding him, so he knew that he would have to work hard in order to mend the rift.

He had gone out early that day on a solo hunt with the goal of finding something truly unique. Though what that unique involved was yet to be seen. Hours ultimately were spent scouring the river for a fish that would fill the tom's criteria, and just when he was beginning to lose hope something flashed past his vision in the gloom. The black furred feline plunged down into the water and gave chase. A struggle ensued, then all went still upon the water's surface.

By the time Crawlingroach made it back he was utterly exhausted and looking worse for wear, but he was determined to bring his catch before Clayfur. Once he found the other tom he dropped the zander before locking his weary gaze upon the other. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't pause to think about your feelings or about recent events, that was my fault. I offer up this catch as a peace offering."

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It’s true, that Clay has been avoiding Crawlingroach as much as he’s able, unable to shake the younger warrior’s words. He’s relaxing. You should try it some. It still stings, even now, even understanding that Roach was doing the very same thing that Clay so often does—letting words fly without thinking them over carefully. The dark-furred tom hadn’t meant anything by it, had likely only been trying to avoid violence; Clay had once seen the world in the same way. But now… knowing what WindClan can do, what WindClan did to him, what ThunderClan took from him, it’s all too clear that he cannot see the world from that same viewpoint anymore. He tried to give others the benefit of the doubt, to be a loyal and capable warrior while keeping his compassion intact, and what did he earn?

His mate, wheezing and bleeding out before him and everyone else in the clan. The landmark where they’d confessed their love for one another, claimed unlawfully by a clan of hypocritical, self-righteous mongrels.

So, like, he knows he’s actively avoiding Crawlingroach. But that’s just what they’ve both been doing, he thinks. After the turmoil of the past couple months, it seems that so many of his clanmates just don’t feel like they have his back like they used to. They’re still his clan, still have his loyalty, but—does he have theirs? So he’s okay with not speaking to cats like Roach and Hyacinth and Lakemoon, if it means he can just… pretend he isn’t hurting.

But Crawlingroach, it seems, has decided to end the avoidance with a fish, dropped at his paws. Clay’s mouth immediately starts to water—a zander, one of his favorites. "You caught this yourself?" When Crawlingroach apologizes, he shrugs stiffly, tips his head to offer the other a smile that hopefully doesn’t look too forced. There’s no point in dragging this out, is there? "It’s… fine. I get it, you didn’t mean it. You were just being an idiot." You weren’t even there, were you, he wants to add, but doesn’t. Instead of lashing out again, he reaches for the fish, pulls it closer, settles onto his haunches. A flick of his tail is his attempt to beckon the other tom nearer. "Come on, you’ve gotta be tired. Let’s eat."
SKY HIGH"Heh! Yeah, I got the bruises to prove it." Crawlingroach offered up an exhausted chuckle, though he wasn't entirely kidding. He really did have bruises from the battle with the zander. Still, it had been worth all the effort, especially if it earned him a smile from the other, even if it looked somewhat strained. Sometimes things just had to start somewhere, even if it was small. So he hoped that this was truly a sign that he wanted to work towards mending the rift.

"I was being the biggest idiot." He went on to correct with a shrug of his shoulders as he watched the other tom pull the fish closer. The black furred feline was set to take his leave but instead he was invited to eat with Clayfur, which left him looking a little surprised. A warm smile graced his features as he shuffled closer with his head bowed so he could take up the kind offer. "Thanks Clay. But you best have the first bite, it is for you after all."
The other warrior sounds tired, indeed, as he jokes about bruises gained from his catch. It must mean something to Roach, then, if the tom has gone through all this trouble just to apologize. "Well, I appreciate it. Thank you," he says, tilting his head as he considers the fish laid before him. Crawlingroach goes on to agree—he was being the biggest idiot—and the white-splashed tom can’t bring himself to keep holding it against him. "We can just forget anything happened, how’s that sound?" It’s way easier to put it all behind them and at least pretend they’re alright, isn’t it?

The dark-furred warrior urges Clayfur to take the first bite, which is understandable. The catch is meant for him, after all, even if he’s decided to share it. For a heartbeat, the idea of poisoned prey flashes through his head—but Crawlingroach would never do that to him. They’re clanmates. And they’re RiverClanners, not underhanded like some clans. He dips his head to sink his teeth into the fish, delighting in the feel of scales across his tongue. When he draws his head back, he gives his maw a hearty lick and turns to grin at his clanmate. "There, first bite. It’s good, try some."
SKY HIGHThe offer to forget the past was something that Crawlingroach didn't wish to pass up and he nodded his head in agreement. It lifted the weight from his shoulders but he wouldn't soon forget the lesson that the experience had taught him either. He needed to be more careful about his words and actions, especially when it came to the feelings of his clanmates. The tom offered a small smile that conveyed the relief that he was feeling at that moment and his shoulders sagged lowered in a more relaxed manner.

The second that the opportunity to eat presented itself he launched forward to take a decent mouthful before he shuffled back in order to savour the flavour of the zander. It was certainly unique, and if Roach had to pick a word to best describe the taste he would probably go for rich. "Oh wow! I need to catch more of these fish! So good!"