camp THERE'S BLOOD ON THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN // important announcements

It is the dawn after the Gathering, and she is sure news of what has happened has spread to some, if not all, the cats around camp. And not only that, but Flycatcher had come to see her to deliver his message, that he wishes to step down as deputy of the clan, and Howlingstar has decided to call a clan meeting a little earlier than she usually might. The sun is just now cresting the horizon, bathing the ravine in that cool morning glow. Snow from a few nights ago crusts the earth, but it is beginning to melt, slowly and surely.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" She can see the surprise on many cats' faces as they groggily make their way from their dens, from their warm nests. Her own paws freeze at the touch of the boulder beneath her, but she stands tall despite the chill. How does she even approach the matters at hand? How does she begin? As her clanmates gather below, she draws in a breath, wondering which bit of news to even start with. Knowing it must still be on Flycatcher's mind, she decides to relieve him earliest.

"Flycatcher will no longer be deputy of ThunderClan." She is sure the news will strike all of the warriors by surprise, and she watches their expressions with a soft frown. It had come as a surprise to her, too, but she has accepted her friend's wishes, and understands them. "It was his own choice to step down, and he will resume duties as a lead warrior on my council. He is a warrior worthy of respect and I've been blessed to have him serve at my side for nearly a full cycle of seasons. Thank you, my friend, for everything," She looks to him with a smile, a sad but caring one. "With that being said, I need some time to think about who will take his place as my deputy." My successor. "Until then, the lead warriors will organize patrols together, and I want patrol reports coming straight to me. The lead warriors will also split the duty of overseeing training."

// Thank you @Flycatcher for everything, seriously!!!! The boy was an amazing deputy and I'm so excited he'll still be a lead!!
  • Love
Reactions: Thorny
Lightpaw perked her ears. It's barely dawn... she thought, stretching her limbs to rid them of the heaviness of sleep. She hadn't attended the Gathering the night before, she just simply wasn't chosen to this moon. Nonetheless, the pale tabby settled in the clearing to listen, blinking sunlight from her eyes. She nearly balked upon hearing about Flycatcher's step down from deputy. I can barely remember a time before Flycatcher was deputy... Her thoughts were bittersweet thinking about it. It must be for the best if he's stepping down, after all. Lightpaw dipped her head with respect, not saying anything.

He remembers the day he had been assigned to Flycatcher as an apprentice, it had been in the wake of Emberstar, his previous mentors death. What an honor his mother had said. First Emberstar and now the newly named deputy. It hadn’t felt like an honor then though. At first, he had felt nothing short of bitter resentment. Flycatcher was not Emberstar. She had been a brawler, someone who would teach him how to fight as fiercely as possible and under her he had felt he was on the path to becoming the best warrior possible despite his heritage. All that had been ripped away from him when she had suddenly lost all her remaining lives. Glory, pride, honor, he had felt like it had all slipped from his paws with her death. Flycatcher had been a good mentor though, more lax than he was used to but he was kind and fair. Over the moons the resentment died out and Burnstorm found his worries assuaged. He could still be a great warrior in his own right, no matter the mentor.

His golden eyes find the gray furred tom now, gaze lingering on his pelt as he listens to the news. Flycatcher would no longer be deputy. It was a strange feeling to him. Flycatcher and Sunfreckle both stepping down at the same time felt like an end of an era. He had always imagined Flystar standing at the helm once his grandmother was gone, a future he didn’t like imaging but one that occasionally came to his mind all the same. "You were an amazing deputy Flycatcher it was an honor to serve under you and it will be an honor to serve alongside you" he says while dipping his head respectfully. He understands the decision, Flycatcher had a family to think about after all, one that was almost as plagued with tragedy as his own. He cannot help but wonder who will take his place but that was a decision for Howlingstar to make. In time. For now, it was revealed that lead warriors would be handling the patrols and the tasks that the deputy usually was in charge of, and to that he also dips his head respectfully. He would do his best.


Shiningsun joined the gathering cats below Howlingstar's perch and he cast his sights towards the she-cat above, curiosity glowing in his eyes. As it was shared that Flycatcher was stepping down as deputy he could barely contain the gasp of surprise that leapt up into his throat. At first he didn't understand as to why he would step away from such a role, but as he put his mind to it he slowly grew ever more sympathetic. It was sad but he reminded himself that Flycatcher wasn't going anywhere. He would still be a lead warrior and would still be there to keep ThunderClan safe. He held no doubt that whoever the new deputy would be would find Flycatcher a dependable source of support and advice whilst finding their paws.

Now came the tense wait for the decision to be made in the coming days. He couldn't even begin to think as to how difficult that would be for Howlingstar.

"A fine deputy indeed, you shall be missed in the role, Flycatcher. You've left some mighty big paw prints to fill, heh!" The smile shone through on his features as he spoke. It was a sad day, but that didn't mean that they had to mope about. A new dawn would come and as a clan they would be fine, that much he knew for certain.


Usually clan-meetings are exciting, filled to the brim with mostly good news. Foxpaw was expecting the same could be said for this meeting when she sat down, but instead she is floored by Howlingstar’s announcement. It’s evident in the way her jaw drops and eyes grow as big as an owl’s. Flycatcher was… stepping down…?

Foxpaw lifts a black paw and scratches at her muzzle in confusion. But… why? Why didn’t he want to be ThunderClan’s deputy anymore? ”W-But why? Who wouldn’t want to be deputy!?” She exclaims to the apprentices settled around her, though was likely easily overheard by nearby warriors in the crowd. Her whiskers quiver as she finds herself dumbfounded, ”Who do you think will take his place then? Oh- maybe it could be Roeflame!” A complete one-eighty, shes suddenly beaming at the idea of her mentor holding such an honor. ”That would be pretty cool.” She says, oblivious to her ill-manners.
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The fiery hued tabby emerged from the Warrior den, blinking the sleep from her eyes. Sunlight was just barely peaking into the camp, and she was still tired from being at the Gathering. It had been an interesting one for sure, so this was undoubtedly what Howlingstar was gathering them all to discuss. She hadn't told anyone the news about Skyclan's addition to the code the time they had returned last night it had been late. She spotted Flycatcher near the front, and wondered why he wasn't sitting where he usually did.

Flamewhisker sat down beside him, pressing her side against his for warmth. Her eyes widened as their leader announced he would no longer be deputy. He had told her that he had been considering stepping down, but she didn't realize how serious he was. Her mate had been the deputy since Howlingstar had stepped up to be leader last leafbare. It would be strange not having him in the position. "Now you can't order me around." she teased lightly with a smile, a reference to their former disagreement. "You were a great deputy, my little Bug. I'm sure Emberstar is proud." She still remembers the day the golden leader had promoted him to Lead warrior...he had been Thunderclan's first.

Howlingstar informs them next that the Lead warriors would be splitting the duties of organizing patrols and overseeing the apprentice's training. She dipped her head in return. It had been a little while since they had all filled in for Flycatcher, but there were plenty of them now to distribute the duties for now.

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing's body leaned against the entrance of the medicine den- he was not yet free, but this... this was important information. He settled from a different view point then normal, ears pushed forward to catch every word that fell from Howlingstar's mouth. They shrank backwards at her announcement, and a bitter inhale followed- one of crashing emotion that he needed to reign in.

Flycatcher was.. a future that most had imagined. It was like hand-in-hand, of course. The deputy was the leader's second, and when the leader went.. that meant that the deputy was supposed to take over. That's how Batwing had thought of the process, anyways, but Flycatcher... He cleared his throat, nodding in agreement with Burnstorm, with a dip of his head towards Howlingstar. Splitting the duties. That was just fine with him... as soon as he could be freed.

Batwing's muzzle parted to correct Foxpaw but- his ears twitched. He wasn't close enough. A part of him burned realizing that their mentors would be better set to correct them- and he inhaled quietly, vision adverting.

The surprise that ripples through the crowd is expected. From the young apprentices' confused yowls to the utters of praise and respect from older warriors, it is all understood. Flycatcher had been reliable and steady in his role, and his stepping-down shakes her. It will shake all of them, but she trusts in him enough to know he will not waver in his reliability. He is still the same tom who has been her friend for all these moons, and that won't end anytime soon.

As the youth of the clan begin to whisper about who they think will be the next deputy, the striped leader gives her former right-hand a respectful, long dip of her head before all attention is back on the rest of the clan. "That isn't all. Last night at the Gathering, a new law was added to the Warrior Code. 'A kit must be at least six moons old to be made an apprentice.' I, and every other leader that was present, agreed to this law." If the gossip hadn't spread yet, then every cat will know now.

"Too many young cats, still kittens in their mothers' eyes, have been harmed in fights that are meant for warriors. The fact is that they're just too small, too young. I think Blazestar was right in believing six moons to be just the right age to begin training. Kits are bigger then, stronger, more coordinated. They're more mature and they're smarter, too. I think this will keep our young safer going forward, so from now on, no kit will be apprenticed until they reach their sixth moon of age."

Her eyes fall to the most recent group of apprentices, kitten-fat still clinging to their bones but -paw at the end of each of their names. "I will not take back the ceremonies spoken before StarClan. The apprentices still in their fourth and fifth moons will not have to return to the nursery, but they are to stay in camp. No more patrols or hunts until their sixth moon. However, I will allow their mentors to continue training them within camp walls, where they're safe." She scans the crowd, waiting to see if there are any questions or comments. She is sure there will be mixed emotions about this newest law.
If Lightpaw was surprised before, now she was floored. As a 10 moon old she-cat, she felt nearly grown, despite her round face and long limbs. "Do cats become warriors later, then?" she blurted. The cloud of mist in front of her muzzle from the chilly air made her wince. She hadn't meant to speak out of turn. She couldn't fathom getting two fewer moons of training, especially with her lack of grace. She looked up at Howlingstar with wide eyes, hoping silently she didn't get a cuff on the ear for shouting out later.
𓍊𓋼 The young warrior’s paws are dry and cracked from time spent trudging through snow and ice, and though they haven’t bled any more since the other day. He awaits the leader’s announcement with bated breath, wondering whether Howlingstar plans to tell the clan about whatever had happened at the gathering. He’d heard a few cats talking about something having to do with apprentices, but the tabby hasn’t been told the specifics yet. So his ears swivel toward the leader, pale paws shifting as curiosity fills him.

Then the leader speaks, and the world seems to tilt on its side. What?

It doesn’t seem real, even as it’s happening in front of him. Flycatcher is no longer the deputy of ThunderClan. The thought shouldn’t make his ears ring, shouldn’t make something in his gut feel wrong. He should be happy that both his parents are still lead warriors in the clan—he’s still got a big legacy to fill someday. But he can’t help but feel strange about his father’s decision. Flycatcher has been Howlingstar’s deputy since Falconheart was a kit… why would he just stop being the deputy now? Is it for the same reasons that Sunfreckle decided to stop being a lead warrior?

Everyone else seems so okay with this. Why? The boy’s heart races, a frown crossing his muzzle. Even his mom seems perfectly fine with his dad stepping down. It doesn’t make sense.

The cream tabby moves without thinking, and doesn’t stop until he stands before both his parents. The rest of Howlingstar’s announcement meets inattentive ears, worry drowning out the leader’s words. Wide blue-green eyes flick between Flycatcher and Flamewhisker, but he’s trying not to make a scene so he asks in a low, disbelieving voice, "Dad, are you—are you sure?"
Absolute amazement sweeps across Raccoonstripe’s features as Howlingstar’s initial bite of news. Flycatcher had chosen to step down as deputy, to fall into an unassuming line of lead warriors who are all to split the duties he’d once carried alone. The dark tabby’s gaze gleams—his eyes are round with immediate hunger. Oh, he’d never have given the position up, not in a thousand years, not for a swarm of pleading mates or for legions of leaping kits. He’d have sank his claws into deputyship and hauled himself forward until nine lives and a name ending in star kissed the crown of his face. Would his mother choose another to replace him now? Would she see sense—would she see the obvious choice, that it should be him?

She does not. Howlingstar allows the murmurs of acknowledgment, the outbursts of surprise from some of the apprentices, settle. Raccoonstripe cannot find it in himself to say anything to Flycatcher—his mouth has gone dry, he finds. Still, he finds the gray tabby amidst the crowd, sitting beside his mate. He dips his head to the former deputy, his tail swishing behind him. He hears Falconheart’s low meow—questioning. Are you sure, he asks, and he can understand the young warrior’s shock—because how could a cat be sure of such a thing?

Howlingstar continues, mentioning the Gathering. Blazestar’s proposed addition to the warrior code is mentioned, and the ambition burning in his eyes gives way to annoyance. “Surely ThunderClan apprentices are built stronger than kittypets fresh from Twolegplace,” he meows, but he knows there’s no arguing that point. He seeks Smudgepaw’s gleaming gaze, wondering if the young tom is relieved or disappointed that he won’t be patrolling alongside his youngest denmates any longer.

Lightpaw asks if cats will become warriors later, and Raccoonstripe frowns. It’s a fair question, and one he also doesn’t know the answer to. He flicks the tip of his tail in mild irritation. Blazestar has done nothing but complicate Clan matters for the stronger, more formidable Clans.

, ”

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Hailstorm steps out from the medicine den casting Batwing a quick glance and offers him a smile before focusing his attention onto Howlingstar as she calls for a meeting, the first announcement makes him blink twice in surprise but it does not deter his respect for the blue tom. Flycatcher would still serve as a lead warrior on Howlingstar's council and that itself is enough to soothe the medicine cat apprentice yet he wonders who would become the next deputy, he cannot help but be amused by the younger apprentices already trying to think of who'd the next deputy would be. Batwing clearing his throat is enough to disrupt his thoughts and he too dips his head in respects for the former deputy, Hailstorm let's his body settle down beside his friend making sure that he didn't touch his healing paw before continuing to listen and tucks his front legs underneath his hulking mass.

The new law of kittens not being able to become apprentices until they became six moons old and Hailstorm tilts his helm to the side, he has no protest to this whatsoever and flicks an ear at Raccoonstripe's comment about kittypets once more. His dark gaze focuses on the apprentices that are present especially over to Batwing and Leopardtongue's brood who still have kitten fat clinging to their tiny bodies, this would do them well and he's sure that it would ease both of his friends hearts (or so he hopes). He wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Bravepaw and the rest of his littermates, the brief thought of it makes his insides churn.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Marigoldpaw is not back up to snuff, not by a long shot. But it's been a little better, slowly. However, change is not something he is good at handling, which he is very much aware of. When Howlingstar calls for a meeting that is slightly off schedule, his worry spikes. What could this be about? Hopefully nothing awful to bring his mood back down…

To his surprise, it's about Flycatcher stepping down. Huh, he never expected that. He didn't even know deputies could step down. Maybe because he couldn't see a reason you'd want to suddenly lose the position you hold willingly… couldn't be him. He doesn't verbalize this however, just taking a look at Foxpaw when she does instead. Better her than him.

When the topic shifts to the new law put into place, he doesn’t have much of an opinion. It’s not like he’s that young anymore, and those who are can continue their training even if it’s more limited now. He only reconsiders when Raccoonstripe speaks up and bashes SkyClan, understanding his view to an extent. But Marigoldpaw does not have any say, and he continues to listen to the chatter in silence.​

Then the announcement Foxpaw most dreads, the new warrior code is official, spoken by Howlingstar loud and clear. She feels the fur at the back of her neck bristle irritably, it’s not fair! She deserved to go to the Sandy Hollow everyday for training, she deserved to be taught how to fight, how to hunt. While training could continue within camp walls, Foxpaw is fully aware she’d never catch her first prey here. Her heart falters when she even realizes Roeflame is yet to finish showing off ThunderClan territory to her, so much she was looking forward to that had been right in her grasp was now so far away.

Foxpaw fears the answer to Lightpaw’s question, meanwhile Raccoonstripe’s rebutter sparks the fire that burns in her heart. He was right! ThunderClan apprentices were stronger than SkyClan’s! They should get to continue to train. Wolfpaw, Blazingpaw and Hawkpaw must’ve just been weak.

”Give us one more chance, Howlingstar! I promise none of us will get hurt, we’re strong like Raccoonstripe’s says!” Against her better judgement she begins to whine, knowing full well Roeflame lingered somewhere behind her. She prepares for the sting of a swat against her ears, but it was worth a shot, wasn’t it?
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Roeflame had never felt so relieved to leave a gathering, silently trekking alongside her heartbroken apprentice until the tabby had sent her towards the apprentices den, too drained to acknowledge the double-edged sword her request could create.
We’ll talk soon. The lead warrior had promised, wanting to wait until after Howlingstar gathered the clan to share the news.
In the brief lull, Roeflame mentally prepared herself for the outcry from their most recently appointed apprentices, thought about what she could possibly say to both educate and comfort Foxpaw.
The truth was the cinnamon tabby could fully sympathize for her apprentices outburst, how the russet youth felt betrayed, her excitement stolen.
Still, the line needed to be drawn, and with Howlingstars voice ringing from tall rock, Roeflame exhaled once more before drifting over alongside the rest of her clanmates, sitting next to her mate. Letting herself slightly lean against his feathered ebony pelt with weighed exhaustion.
To her surprise, Howlingstars first topic does not revolve around last nights events, instead revealing Flycatchers decision to step down. A shocked gaze flickers to Burnstorm before Flycatcher himself, questions flickering behind shifting pupils.
She can hear the apprentices chattering, Foxpaws questions causing a brief glance from the young lead warrior, the small tabbies name being exclaimed causing Roeflame to promptly turn her attention from the back of Foxpaws head towards Howlingstar.
While it would be an honor beyond the mollys wildest imagination, she made the ultimate decision not to address her boisterous apprentice.
Until, Howlingstar reveals the new code, and Foxpaws voice is once again ringing as loudly and proudly as Roeflame feared.
An exasperated glance is flickered in Burnstorms direction before she moves forward, pulling up to Foxpaws flank and sitting next to the outspoken youth, thankful she still had a considerable height difference to support her scathing look.
"Not another word."
Hopefully this meeting would come to an end soon and give Roeflame the chance to talk some sense into them.

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Reactions: BURNSTORM
upon howlingstar’s call, leafhusk looks up from her spot, getting up and walking closer to the highrock. her ears perk, listening intently to the announcements, ambivalently neutral on their deputy standing down. she hadn’t befriended the tom once since she arrived, but it doesn’t mean isn’t allowed to be surprised. leafhusk offers a sympathy glance towards the former deputy, and leaves it at that.

the addition of a new law perks her interest. ranks may come and go, but these laws are permanent. she didn’t have an apprentice, or kits of her own, so her opinion didn’t come from a personal bias. it was something she agreed with, though. watching kits leave the nursery so prematurely in her eyes, she couldn’t understand. the first six moons of your life should be dedicated to safety within the walls of camp. no one seems to have many objections to this law, so leafhusk glances around camp to gauge reactions instead.

  • base: StarlingaleBases​
  • LEAFHUSK 」warrior of thunderclan・36 ・she/her
    lh molly fawn point sepia w/ green eyes. lanky & agile frame. soft & neatly groomed fur.
    ‣ backwritten ex-kittypet, joined during emberstar's reign. detailed info
    ‣ loyal to thunderclan・mentor to no one
    ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    permission to powerplay:
    - peaceful actions: healing, touching etc​
    - harmful actions: shoving, minor scrapes etc​

    all opinions ic
    ——— written by maxine
  • ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    easy difficulty・leafhusk skills are mainly in stealth & tracking she backs away if she knows an opponent will overpower her
    will start verbal fights・won't end fights・refuses to kill

Her eyes are drawn to young Lightpaw, one of the oldest in the apprentices' den. Will warriors be named later, she asks, and Howlingstar gives it a brief moment of thought. She really sees no reason to hold apprentices back longer than they have been. At twelve moons of age, they are grown adults, no longer the adolescents they had once been. She gives her head a small shake. "If an apprentice passes their assessment on their twelfth moon, they are deserving of their warrior name."

Her son speaks up, gaining her attention. She meets his dark molten gaze and tips her chin up. "The Code is not a matter of blood, but of age. I don't want to lose another apprentice so young, when they're still so small." Another apprentice - she hopes he knows who she is talking about. The image of pale fur and a splotched face not unalike Moonwhisper's comes to the forefront of her mind, a body still in the middle of SkyClan's camp.

The last of the arguments comes from one of the clans' youngest and newest apprentices, one of the ones she'd expected to be upset at the new addition, but she hadn't expected verbal argument from one so inexperienced. Stern eyes land on young Foxpaw, who is swiftly silenced by her mentor. "This is the Warrior Code, and it will be followed. It is absolute and is the most sacred of our laws. I will hear no more arguments," She decrees, her tone carrying the calm yet sharp authority that comes only when she needs it. She hopes Roeflame will teach respect to the young one swiftly.
Lightpaw dipped her head at the response. She didn't know what she had expected to hear from Howlingstar, it probably wouldn't have affected her anyway, considering her age. She glanced over to Foxpaw and Roeflame. She didn't have anything against Foxpaw, so to say, but that didn't mean that she was overly happy about suddenly having to share her mentor. It's fine, I understand, totally she thought. Nonetheless, she may have had to stifle a bit of an amused smirk at hearing Howlingstar's firm look and pointed remark.
to be reborn , you have to die first .

Spiderlily’s gaze wavered to Flycatcher, stepping down from his position as proposed by Howlingstar, the warrior did not comment, no act of Are you sure, but respect. He was certain, that much the ghostly tom was sure. No one ever made such decisions on a whim, it would be foolish to. Unless ThunderClan harbored nothing but idiots, then well that would explain a few things about the few individuals who ignored their injuries, or blabbering like kits over spilled milk. Fitting. He thought sourly, annoyance rearing its ugly, familiar head.

It wasn’t until Howlingstar spoke of a new rule that an angry, ugly cry nearly bubbled out from the depths of his hallowed-out chest, heart-gripping laughter wanting to burst forth in angry waves because why now? What had changed for them to decide this new law? One they should have been following since before their creation. All those lives lost. Spiderlily wanted to laugh, to giggle like a madman, broken sounding and downright terrifying if he had let it break forth from its cracking dam, body tucked impossibly close to Whitelion’s welcoming hide, nestled in the sea of pale white.

Stupid. His stare wavered. Every one of you. He wanted to hiss because finally finally they saw reason, and realized that sending kits to war, to die was stupid, so horribly stupid. It took SkyClan to realize that, more lives were gone and lost because of it, and now what? To sit and shout, claiming that they had been doing fine before made him bristle with seething rage, pinkish hues sharping, zeroing in on Racoonstripe. “Fools. All of them.” He hissed, voice rattling, muffled by Whitelion’s hefty coat, throat bobbing in broken laughter.

Those who spoke had no reason to for they did not have kits of their own, how else would they understand? To stare into the eyes of children, corpses, cold, heat vaporizing from their brittle bodies, too small, too young to be buried in the cold, unforgiving ground. Oh, how much he wanted to rage in hell fire, death on a sharp tongue, vision swimming, zeroing in on Foxpaw’s whining form, ghostly hues narrowing. “To think Howlingstar should give you a chance when you prove us right.” He muttered, voice like steel, tilting dangerously. He felt sorry for Roeflame, narrowly so.

He could feel Whitelion shift, pressing a wet nose against his ear in silent comfort drawing the male’s attention upward, scowl permanently on dark lips, pinkish hues down-turned, watery-like, muzzle wrinkled hoping to quell the need to laugh, to wail like a grieving mother, to hiss at those opposing.

Death was beautiful in its own morbid way, one Spiderlily saw with great interest, but as it was beautiful, it was also grueling and cruel to the living. His kits, opinions foreign to him right now, young, naïve creatures with a hunger for curiosity, to become something they weren’t even ready to be. It had made their apprentice ceremonies bittersweet, staring hauntingly with Whitelion providing silent comfort, something grounding for the tom to latch onto.

He had enough, uncaring if the meeting hadn’t concluded, silently offering Flycatcher a respective dip of his helm before heading out with a sigh. The chimera already missed Whitelion’s warmth before he moved, detaching himself from his mate to slip out into the forest, closely followed by a large white tom some seconds afterward.

He’ll have to seek Vixenpaw and Softpaw tomorrow.
thought speech
Honeydapple absorbed the weight of the news, her blue eyes reflecting a mix of emotions as Howlingstar spoke beneath the cool morning glow. The announcement of Flycatcher stepping down as deputy elicited both surprise and understanding from her. A soft blink conveyed her acknowledgment of his choice, a nod silently expressing the respect she held for the seasoned warrior who had served alongside her.

Mention of the need for time to choose a new deputy resonated with Honeydapple, recognizing the gravity of such a decision. She nodded in agreement with the leader's plans for the lead warriors to handle patrols and training during this interim period. Throughout the meeting, she maintained a composed presence beneath the Highrock, her mind racing with considerations for ThunderClan's future and the responsibilities that lay ahead.

The revelation of a new law captured her attention, and Honeydapple found a glimmer of optimism in the idea of offering the clan's youth a chance at a better future. However, her enthusiasm waned at the realization that current apprentices would be restricted to camp boundaries. The conflict between ensuring their safety and allowing exploration weighed on her, knowing it would be a challenging adjustment for her apprentice.

As the discussion unfolded, Honeydapple's expression shifted, reflecting a mix of sympathy and understanding. Foxpaw's plea tugged at her heart, and she couldn't help but share in the child's disappointment. Sighing softly, she looked away, acknowledging the necessity of the new law even as it brought forth a sense of melancholy.