private THERE'S BLOOD ON YOUR LIES - Timbersnap


May 19, 2023

Her paws are thumping along the moorland grasses, eyes skyward as she chases after a fluttering insect of oranges and black. Laughter lilts happily from her lips, Doverunner happily leaping up to swipe effortlessly at the creature, sending it whirling from the air before catching itself, flapping in panic at its large tormenter, not even noticing how far along she was on Windclan's territory. With a small crouch, she wriggles her hindquarters, eyes skyward as her ears perk, watching the butterfly try to flee. One good leap should have it under her paws, no worry there...

With a loud, "hyah!" She pounces, slamming the butterfly under her paws upon unfamiliar surface. Her eyes are bewildered, looking down at the black, warm stone she stood upon. The... thunderpath? That meant... She looks up, gazing across at the place where the moors transition to marsh, cut through like an ugly scar by the path the monsters made. In the far trees, she saw a group of crows... perhaps... seven? She's so busy looking across at the other territory, she doesn't bother looking at anything else... oh how foolish.
i've got boulders on my shoulders,
collarbones begin to crack!

Timbersnap wonders why cats even go near the Thunderpath, with all the deaths that have happened- it took an idiot to run onto the foul-smelling terrain after all. It's on one of these very days that he hears a shout from not far from himself, swampy eyes peering through lush foliage to examine the source. With a huff, he realizes that it's another WindClanner, chasing after a bug- gross. He rises to his paws finally, having crouched to peer towards the femme. She looks upwards finally, noticing where she was- just in time for the road to rumble, the ground vibrating with the power of the monster that was incoming.

I should just let her die, He thinks to himself numbly, taking a step forward in hesitance. She would die by her own mistake. One less WindClanner to deal with. But as he watches her, eyes growing wide with shock that she'd come so far, that the monster was heading right for her..

Timbersnap moves before he can think more of it, a realization that shocks even himself.

Powerful legs carry him quickly through muddy grass, lanky body weaving through with little effort. His breath comes out in short pants as he rushes to the Thunderpath, attempting to barrel right into the taller molly in hopes to send her rolling to safety onto WindClan's side of the Thunderpath. With this, he hopes the molly is safe- though he cannot stop the shame that overwhelms him for helping a WindClanner.