twolegplace THERE'S NO DREAMS LEFT // open


✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

He hated leaf-bare. It only brought back memories he wished to forget about. Just like back then he was once more standing out in the cold to only have himself to relay upon for survival. Despite his best and hardest efforts he had been forced back to where he had started. Cold, starved and abandoned. No place for someone like him to belong. Maybe it was for the better. Dreams had always been for kids anyway to escape the cruel reality of what life had to bring in hope for something brighter. Shallow had grown wiser since then to finally accept where he stood in the chain of life. With everything taken away there was nothing left to lose.

" Shallow get a move on!, i wanna get back before i freeze my tail off!."

Shallow who had been staring up at the sky as the snow fell down upon them blinked. Huh?. Right, he had been spacing out again. He was supposed to be out here to search for food for his uncles rogues. He slightly leaned his head back to cast a blind stare at his follow rouge-mate. Without a word to share he cast one last look upon the grey snowy sky before closing them as he turned to silently follow them through the streets. They walked until they come to an alley that went two seperate ways. " I guess i will head this way and you go the other. Lets meet up here again when the sun starts to sink." Before Shallow even could answer the rogue had disappeared away into the shadows in search for food their colony desperately needed.

With the instructions given to him picked the other route as he wandered deeper into the dark alley and started to search for anything he could find. Nothing, absolutely nothing where to be found. The alley was empty with nothing edible to bring back home. He would soon reach the end of the alley as he saw the light further ahead along with the noise coming from a busy two-leg life. Just when he was about to give up his search to go back and see if the other rogue had find anything spotted a trashcan. He knew from previous encounters that twolegs sometimes dropped leftover food in there so it was worth to take a look.

Putting pressure on his only back-leg Shallow kicked himself up in the air to leap and land on top of the trashcan. Having done this before knew the trick on how to open it. All he needed to do was to get his claws under the top and... Shallow kicked the top away and twitched a ear as he watched it land loudly down on the ground below. Blinking, his attention went to look inside of the hole before jumping inside of it in search for anything to eat. Turned out today had something good to bring. Shallow jumped out from the trashcan with the leftover of an almost complete package of sausages. He of course had no idea what it was but he knew it was edible and that was all he cared about. Putting the package down there was one thing left he had to do.

He closed his eyes as he dipped his head down respectfully to the food. " Thank you starclan for gifting me this food." He had never been much of a starclan beliver before but these days it was all he had left. The only thing he had left from his time as a clanner, and so he kept them close to his heart.

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siltcloud & 19 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan exile
Twolegplace or shadowclan - in the end it's all the same, just cats surviving off of scraps and carrion. Green eyes watch impassively for a moment, looking over blue-tinged figure with thinly veiled suspicion - sizing him up. He's not one she's fought before, and so when she speaks, it is with a lack of hostility, bland voice lilting with humour. " Anything good in there? " Head tilts, but the stick-figure she-cat doesn't make any motion to move from her spot. Its not worth the fuss just yet.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

Shallow had been unaware that someone had been watching him which made him internally curse at himself. It could end badly if he made mistakes like that out here. In the future he had to make sure to be more careful. Looking up the rogue cast a wary gaze at the molly who sat a bit away with his only eye. Shallow was sure he had never seen this one around before but there was so many faces around here that it was possible he had forgotten about their face. She looked interested in the food he had find though which made him instinctively put a paw over the package of sausage to claim his protection over it to be on the safe side. " Not enough for both of us." he said unwilling to share. Didn't matter how hungry she was Shallow already had enough mouths to feed and it had taken him all day to find this food to begin with. Life couldn't be fair for all of them.